

Marin tilted her head before smiling as she saw Yuuya look at her for a few seconds.

"Would you like to join us?" Yuuya asked looking back at Grayfia, he had abandoned any hope of a silent high school life now.

"It would be my pleasure," Grayfia smiled slightly as she sat down on the empty seat beside Yuuya.

"I hope you all don't mind," Yuuya said looking at the others who were still a little shocked. They weren't able to form their sentences since everything happened so fast.

"My name is Lucifuge Grayfia, I hope we get along," Grayfia greeted them in a proper ladylike way making it harder for them to say anything.

"They are totes in love with how beautiful Grayfia looks," Marin laughed proudly for some reason.

"Well ...you aren't wrong," Rin sighed in exasperation.

"She is quite famous, so we were shocked, Anyway nice to meet you," Ryo greeted Grayfia as she nodded politely. The other on the table did the same as Grayfia nodded.

"Famous?" Yuuya blinked as he looked at Ryo.

"Ah, Did Yuuya not know?" Ryo was surprised, Ousei academy made a few apps for its students which would make their school life easier. This app was also the one that stored points you exchange for money and it also helps you pay for things in the commercial area.

There was a school forum app as well which was shared by both schools for some reason. And on this app, Grayfia was famous because there was a photo of her posted there, it was a hot topic for several reasons.

"I see," Yuuya said as he looked at the photo and the comments below them.

'They think of her as a foreigner,' Yuuya could understand now why most of the students in the cafeteria were staring at her from a distance.

He concluded the same would be true in her classroom which was the reason for her being alone as people were a bit deterred from approaching her.

"It is likely because of my hair color," Grayfia seemed to also be aware of it.

"Well, that is one reason I guess," Rin smiled wryly looking at Grayfia, everyone on the table could tell 100 reasons why everyone was staring at her but they chose to keep silent.

'I do not really like being stared at,' Grayfia was fully aware of the reason she had caused such a stir, honestly, she didn't think it would be this bad.

On her way to school, Grayfia had been looked at with various types of gazes and she didn't like any of them. She could've just used illusion to change her appearance and there were many other ways as well, but...

'I have to look my best if I am to be seen near Master,' That was the only reason Grayfia went all out, she may have given up calling Yuuya Master at School but she wasn't going to give up on her duty to be by his side during her free time in order to help him if he needs it.

"Well, I think there is no foreign student in Ousei academy, so it can be because of that as well," Ryo nodded as this made perfect sense.

Grayfia's name and appearance made her look like a complete foreigner, she was a beauty to top it all off, and that is the reason she is attracting this much attention.

"Oh the food is here," Marin smiled as the food reached in front of the people who ordered it.

"Thank you for the food," Yukine said as she was really hungry and the others followed her.

"Um, the food is tasty," Rin quite liked the curry she ordered, it really felt like what Marin said wasn't an exaggeration.

"Yeah, I agree," Ryo was really enjoying the steak as well.

"Y-yeah this is too good," Shingo slurped up the ramen noodles with happiness.

"What happened Marin? Is the food not that good," Nuwa asked since she saw Marin eating silently. With food this good Marin should be jumping all over the place but she was just eating without much change in her expression.

And it wasn't something like she got used to it since she's had it over the years, Marin would have the same reaction to the food she liked even if you feed her that same dish for days on end.

"Nothing Nuwa, the food is good," Marin said as she wasn't sure why but the food didn't hit like usual.

Yuuya and Grayfia were eating their bento silently, Yuuya ordered a plate of gyoza to try as with the food Grayfia prepared for him.

"Hey, Yuuya, Grayfia," But the two looked up as Rin called out to them.

"Are you two like some nobles or what? The way you guys eat makes us look like barbarians and we are all eating properly," Rin laughed making others look at the two.

"I didn't even notice that," Ryo was too lost in the taste to see that, but after Rin mentioned it she could see it was well.

The way the two ate at a speed that wasn't fast or slow, the way they were holding the chopsticks and them chewing. It all seemed way too elegant for something as simple as eating, and it didn't look like the two were doing it on purpose or something. It looked like second nature for them.

"I-I also think the same," Shingo seemed to agree but he didn't tell that he had seen such a scene in Anime.

"Yuuya let me try the fried Chicken, Umm~! It's tasty like usual," Marin just noticed that Yuuya had a bento and took a bite. she didnt even care about what else was going on.

"Ok she is normal," Nuwa laughed seeing Marin act like she usually does. And now she was curious about the food in Yuuya's bento. She wanted to try it as well but…

'I don't know if I should,' Nuwa didn't know why but as Rin had said before Yuuya was a person that was quite difficult to approach, she didn't know if he'll be angry or won't react if she asked for a bite.

It is like trying to take meat that is kept in front of a lion.

Marin, on the other hand, didn't care about it, she does this every time she eats together with Yuuya. It has become a habit to the point that she doesn't feel full unless she doesn't steal food from his plate at least once.

"Tasty like usual, eh?" Rin seemed to have picked up the words as Marin came out of the brilliant taste.

"Yeah~," Marin smiled as she took another bite from Yuuya's bento.

Grayfia placed a few pieces of Kaarage from her box in Yuuya's. She only packed enough food for Yuuya to have his fill and Marin wasn't in her equation.

'According to Apophis-san, it won't be good for Master to not eat fully,' That is why Grayfia chose to share her food so that Yuuya doesn't go hungry.

Yuuya looked at Grayfia and nodded, this made her happy as he ate defending his food from Marin who was now more hell-bent on eating all of his bento.

'Maybe I should pack a bento for Marin-san as well,' Grayfia smiled slightly looking at the two.

'These three have something going on,' Rin thought as she was watching the three, they looked really close from the way they acted.

'And Grayfia is super beautiful,' Rin had seen the smile and it really showed why Grayfia was so popular among the students.

The lunch was quite lively even though only a few of them talked, Marin and Ryo were the most active with Rin and Nuwa following up.

Shingo rarely interjected as Yuuya, Grayfia, and Yukine just silently ate their food. If they were asked they'd only talk in a few words.

But even then it didn't feel weird, Which was quite weird.

Currently, Yuuya was sitting in his classroom after Lunch had ended.


The cleaning time after lunch break had ended and the next teacher had just walked in.

"Settle down you all," It was Sawada-sensei period, she looked like she had her lunch in a hurry because of some reason. The whole class could see it, How?

"Sensei, there is sauce on your face," A girl with long strawberry blonde hair pointed out the reason.

"I see so that is why those kids in the hallways were laughing, Hihi I'll give them negative marks if they turn out to be my students, Anyway Thank you Ichinose," Sawada's laugh and words sounded quite terrifying to most of the people in the class since they didn't think she would be petty like this.

"It is alright Sensei," Ichinose laughed wryly as it didn't look like Sawada-sensei was joking when she talked about giving the students negative marks.

"Anyway get your textbooks out," Sawada said as everyone started to get the science textbook out as that was the subject she taught.

'Where is it?' Yuuya was shocked to see that his science textbook was missing from his bag.
