
Did you really mastered this made-up cultivation technique, disciple?

TRANSLATED BY ChatGPT ORIGINAL: https://www.69shuba.com/book/51900.htm AUTHOR: 半道清风 (Bandao Qingfeng) Li Xuan traveled through time, without a system, without any cheats. He could only temporarily stay in a small village. But one day, someone mistook him for a reclusive expert and insisted on becoming his disciple. As an honest person, Li Xuan didn't want to deceive anyone and firmly refused. However, the other person offered too much, so he had no choice but to make up a set of cultivation techniques to bluff his way through. As a result, his disciple unexpectedly succeeded in practicing them! Staring at his disciple with thunderous muscles and auras like a mighty river, Li Xuan was dumbfounded. "I just made that up! How did you succeed in practicing it? What kind of monster are you?" At this moment, a golden finger appeared. [Your disciple practiced the introductory version of your made-up techniques, while you mastered the actual techniques directly. Your strength is a hundred times greater than those in the same realm!]

Graylies · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Making Up Bones Refining Levels

"Bone refining has its intricacies and is divided into different levels..."

Although the questions about bone refining from Xu Yan caught him off guard, Li Xuan remained calm. After all, he had experience writing web novels in his previous life and was skilled at making things up. These days, the chicken soup made from Nine-leafs Essence Mushroom had enhanced his memory and sharpened his mind, allowing him to quickly come up with a fabricated explanation.

"Today, I will give you a detailed explanation of bone refining, my disciple."

"As a master, I must make sure you understand the importance of bone refining. It is a critical foundation for martial cultivation. Rushing through it could affect the strength of your future martial path. As they say, weak bones lead to a weak body..."

Li Xuan's mind raced as he started to fabricate an elaborate explanation. He presented various theories and concepts, and Xu Yan was completely absorbed in listening, nodding frequently and occasionally showing signs of enlightenment.

"I see, there are so many nuances to bone refining. It's fortunate that my master constantly reminds me to be patient and not rush. Otherwise, if I hurried through bone refining without understanding these intricacies, I would be hindering my own martial progress."

Xu Yan sighed with understanding. He realized that the deeper he delved into bone refining, the more profound and beneficial it would be for his martial development.

"Indeed, patience and a steady foundation are essential in the beginning stages of cultivation. Don't let early speed tempt you into neglecting your basics. Remember, in martial cultivation, it's not about how fast you start but how solid your foundation is. Seeking immediate progress can limit your long-term potential."

Li Xuan's intention was to comfort Xu Yan. Although he hadn't sensed any Qi and blood response from Xu Yan yet, focusing on building a strong foundation was crucial.

Xu Yan, on the other hand, felt even more determined. He thought, "My master believes in me so much. I can't let him down! I must establish a solid foundation and surpass those ancient prodigies."

Feeling touched, Xu Yan respectfully replied, "Master, rest assured, I will remember your teachings. I won't rush and will build a strong foundation. I won't disappoint you!"

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction, thinking, "I've managed to keep him motivated for now. Even if he doesn't sense Qi and blood for a month or two, he should remain patient, especially after consuming the chicken soup made from Nine-leafs Essence Mushroom. His body should have strengthened by now, and he likely attributes it to his cultivation."

However, Li Xuan knew that deceiving people could only work for a limited time, especially when it came to something like cultivation. He also couldn't forget that Xu Yan had some influential background. So, he needed to plan his exit strategy carefully.

Reaching this point, the conversation became more relaxed. Li Xuan encouraged Xu Yan to continue practicing diligently, reminding him that rushing through the process wouldn't be beneficial.

Xu Yan asked, "Master, you mentioned that there are different levels of bone refining. Are Iron Bones, Bronze Bones, Gold Bones, and Jade Bones the four stages of bone refining?"

Li Xuan shook his head and explained, "No, those are the four levels of bone refining, representing the upper limits of martial prowess based on one's bone strength and personal ability."

"Iron Bones are what most regular cultivators achieve in their bone refining. Their bones become as hard as iron, and ordinary blades can't cut them. However, Iron Bones are considered mediocre in the martial world."

"Bronze Bones are stronger than Iron Bones. These bones are as tough as bronze and won't decay even after death. Achieving Bronze Bones signifies a deep foundation and a higher martial potential. It's considered above average."

"Only those who reach Gold Bones can be called true prodigies!"

Li Xuan paused and spoke with a solemn tone, "Throughout history, there have been very few who achieved Gold Bones, perhaps one in ten thousand."

Xu Yan was exhilarated and asked eagerly, "Master, how can one reach Gold Bones?"

Li Xuan was taken aback by Xu Yan's excitement. Did he really believe that he could reach Gold Bones? He had to be careful not to reveal the deception.

Li Xuan responded, "Calm down and be patient. It's not something you can rush. Gold Bones are achieved through profound understanding and constant refinement of your bones. But remember, the chances of achieving Gold Bones are incredibly slim. Even among prodigies, only a few manage to attain this level."

"Master, do prodigies also have different levels?" Xu Yan asked curiously.

"Of course," Li Xuan nodded. "Just like beautiful women, there are varying levels of prodigies."

Xu Yan suddenly realized what he had said and hurriedly added, "Master, I was just making an analogy! I've never been to such places!"

Li Xuan raised an eyebrow and thought, "This guy... does he frequent those kinds of places because of his wealthy background?"

Xu Yan quickly explained, "Master, I've never been to such establishments!"

Li Xuan, feeling somewhat amused, responded, "Alright, I believe you."

In his heart, Li Xuan planned to continue deceiving Xu Yan for a while longer. Once the time was right, he would provide him with another opportunity, perhaps in the form of his future children, to see if they could inherit his martial path.

Li Xuan hoped to avoid being exposed as a fraud. After that, he would leave this village and find a way to escape to Wu Country, where he could live more comfortably. He knew that his days here were numbered.

Now, his main concern was to keep Xu Yan motivated and patient during his cultivation journey.