

There were three girls Elaine Jane and Mary. They all have been friends for quite some time 11 years maybe who keeps track. They were each other's best friends and nothing could separate them or so they thought it was senior they all just wanted to have "fun" but that wasn't the case. It was around September a new kid arrived it was a boy named John pretty ordinary If you ask me but he was far from ordinary. Mary and Jane were walking down the hallway together and they saw him he was handsome he hand a chiseled jaw and curly hair that came down to his eyebrows. They were bushy but kept. He wore a black jacket and dark blue jeans with a black pair of boots and a chain hanging from his pocket.

Jane whispered to Mary : "he's hot I wonder if he's single"

John came up to Jane twirled his finger in her curly brown hair leaned down just enough that his mouth came an centimeter from her ear she could every breath he took when he said :"I would date you if you weren't such a good liar"

Jane quivered with fear and memories started flooding in from a memory that happened years ago she thought to herself what does he know? As she was caught in her emotions and memories Mary griped his arm tight "What the Fuck did you say to her?" John chuckles :"what did I do to her? Gonna tell her what you did Mary? You're defending her because you feel shitty about betraying her" Jane looks up with fear "what what's he talking about?" Mary:"I don't know" Jane: "you're lying" Mary :"I ... didn't want you to know so soon but I'm.... CrAsH Jane had fallen off her bed it was just a dream. Phew I'm so relieved