
The wishes

'Mmm ...' Lost in my thoughts of how I would like to be in a fantasy world in which things were simpler and more direct and less stressful than in the current era in which I live, there will be peace but I am not satisfied.

I know some people are bothered by the thought of abandoning the peace they are living and I understand it, how could you leave the Internet for a world of war and death.

But if I had to choose in which world to live, that would be in a medieval world in which strength is still helpful to get ahead in life, I would prefer to be a gentleman to an engineer, I hate to study but my environment in which I live I want to be if I want to succeed, of course, there will be other difficult paths that also reach the same goal but none of my taste, I keep my roots, I am Human and we were born to fight, adapt and fight our enemy of the moment, not to solve some mathematical problems which will not help me at all, you can not go with an average citizen and talk with formulas to request a Kilo of tomatoes.

Although the foundations for more complicated future mathematics are not necessary, my older brothers who are engineers do not use in almost anything the mathematics they learned in their careers because they spend more time solving physical problems.

I know very well that there are careers in which mathematics is very essential but I do not care about that ...

I think I have to stop thinking about that ...

You ask yourself, who am I ?, I am Alex as far as my last name is not important, I was born with a silver spoon, I had speech problems from the beginning which caused me to be taken to a place where they take special children and My first friends were children with speech problems, children in wheelchairs and a girl with a hole in her heart. Of all the children who were there, I was one of the few who managed to complete the course and be able to speak normally.

Going to that place caused her to learn to write and read from a younger age than normal.

My parents were the copy of the parents of before, my father works and brings money home and it is with whom the mother threatens you if you are not afraid of her, my mother also works but she does all the household chores, I grew more attached to my mother and I have 2 older brothers with whom together we would know the world of Anime starting with Dragon Ball and then with Full Metal Alchemist and Fairy Tail, little by little we entered this new world and we became something like an Otaku although never we were one because his original interpretation continues to make my hair stand on end, I never had a waifu as those people preferred to draw but only drawn up to 5 known characters and most were attempts to make an original character.

Growing up with disabled children, I never got into trouble, I would be known as an exemplary child in behavior, as a child I would say good morning to the whole street where I lived.

I helped people when I could, I had that behavior thanks to the teachings given by my parents and their daily examples of how they behaved.

I did not believe in God no matter how religious my parents and grandmothers were, in fact, I created an aversion to him for seeing my loved ones thank him for things he did not do, and I gained more aversion when one of my uncles became ill with Cancer, my uncle was one of the people who did not know the word NO, he always gave his hand to help whoever it was, the poor lost 3 fingers and had cancer, he suffered a lot, according to his papers he should die in a certain year but he kept living 8 years more than what the doctors said.

My family thanked God that he was still alive but I only looked at him as a prolonged torture because there was no treatment or medicine to avoid his suffering, the only good thing that he had to live longer was that he managed to see his only grandchild.

Although I did not believe in God if I believed in ghosts from his own experience.

So I was an Atheist but despite being so I was not like those who in every moment who could try to deny their existence, in fact, I kept saying the phrase, God bless you !, because I always felt that people took it with more hope than a [take care of yourself]

While I had my internal monologue about my existence, I began to think that I would like to go to a fantasy world.

But being distracted, I crossed the street in front of my university without seeing the sides and I was hit by a truck.

It was an instant death.

When I manage to open my eyes ...

'Do I still have eyes?'

I have nobody, I'm just a gray fireball in a very dark place.

I tried to find some source of light around me I did not find anything at the beginning.

But suddenly two specks of light appeared in the distance one white and one yellow.

The yellow dice came closer to me faster than the white quickly coming in front of me, when I am in a dark room and my body is only a translucent form which was originally a gray fireball inside the darkroom but I recovered my I was once close to the yellow dice.

There were two dice that showed a white with 12 faces and the yellow with 6.

I held them both with my hands each, but the yellow began to gain more weight, causing me to release it and fall to the ground and start rolling.




It finishes with the symbol of a book with two drawings on the cover which were a sword and a console control.

Seeing that I could not do more than throw the white dice in my hand, I also threw it but with strength waiting for a 3 that was the only bigger number I had.

While the white die was flying with a beautiful parabolic bow, a voice without feelings was heard in the place.

[Young soul as you know you have died but is that you died because of a God who was playing at being a Human with a job in your world and not knowing how to use that machine known as Truck, I harvest your life before time so as an apology he gave a special die to your soul which had some of your wishes at some point in your life, the wish that will become reality will be Reincarnate in the World of the light novel of the series SAO and I grant you more opportunities in your die of reincarnation, now the die you just launched is the one that will decide what wishes you can request for your next life.]

After saying that the voice could no longer be heard, I was about to scream to ask them some things but the sound of the dice hitting the ground called my intention more because now I know what that die is doing and I was crossing my fingers to get the 3.

* Tak * Tak * Tak * TTak *

In the end I am with a 2, after the die stopped in the two this became two balls of light that entered my soul and I felt a heat to go through my body?

After absorbing them, I do not know how to request my wishes, just lose my scream.

"I want to have a System which allows me to level up like a videogame ..."

Alex gave an explanation of what functions he wanted his System to have.

"My last wish is to keep my conscience!"

He shouted his wish but by not specifying certain things that would have effects later.