
The beginning

I expected something more special when I asked for my last wish but the only thing that happened was that in an instant a ray of light entered my eyes and blinded me for a moment until I could see myself around, I was in the arms of an Asian woman with features that would not be possible in my world, almost anyone I saw was minimal in appearance, but the woman who is my mother has soft brown hair.

She is trying to tell me some words but I do not understand her language which is Japanese.

I start to be very sleepy that I do not let myself check my system ...



Twins were born in a private hospital, with Yuuki Asuna and Yuuki Hiro being the youngest for 3 minutes.

After they were born they were handed over to their mother who, looking at her two children, held her gaze longer on her daughter when she saw herself in it.

Despite being a cold person by nature, she showed a beautiful motherly smile as she looked at her babies and began to lull them until Hiro fell asleep first followed by Asuna.



Time flew by for the twins, little by little they grew attached to each other or that's what an adult saw.

Hiro being a baby had very little room to maneuver which caused a strong boredom in him and to entertain bothered Asuna when he could but she only took it as a game.

When I was finally able to stay awake for more than an hour without falling asleep, I opened my system just by thinking of the word 'Menu', in which I could see the options of my System.







The only option out of the ordinary would be 'History' which registers all my life with which I will be able to see previous events in more detail if my memory does not allow it clear.

In the State option, it is activated just like the menu.


N: Yuuki Hiro.

Age: 2 years

G: Malé.

R: Human.

Class: N / A. Lvl: 0 - 75%

HP: 10/10 MP: N / A

State: Healthy PTS: 0

AGI: 2

DEX: 1

STR: 2

INT: 18



[Drawing Lvl 1]

[Accelerated Learning] 4y, 11m, 5d.

[Observe Lvl 10]

[Lie Lvl 15]

[Connection of Twins]


That's my state, there are only 4 statistics because they are the only ones that could be evaluated and because there is no mana or any other type of energy in this world, as statistics as VIT is integrated as one with STR since they are almost what Same and the system preferred that there was only one, but there is still the DEF statistic but I do not have a point in that statistic and that is why it is not visible.

During my two years of life, I notice that I am missing great chunks of memories, I can not remember my previous name as my family ... did I have a family?

Among other things that I could not remember but that I consider unnecessary.

Then 75% is the result of completing two missions, the first mission was to be able to speak more than 20 words by the time I reached the age of 2, although my pronunciation is not the best.

Thanks for completing the mission I got 50% of EXP and I got a passive ability on learning that will last until my sixth birthday as a reward.

The other mission was that I managed to walk before it reached the middle of my second year of life.

But I have a main mission which is related to the desire that I had once it became reality because of the yellow dice which was that I could reincarnate in the world of SAO and if I survived I could go to other Animes to live adventures in them.


Mission: Survive Adventure.


Reward: Transmigrate to another fantasy world.





Survive in SAO until Kirito defeats Heathcliff.

You can only be under 3 floors of the newly discovered.

Survive Only as much time as you can.


At the beginning, I planned to stay at the lower levels in order to survive, but every cowardly plan went south to look at the requirements that force me to face danger.



Time continued to advance for Hiro, during his 10 years of life he showed his talents to be able to have a voice in the decisions that were presented to him because every time his mother could she chose his way forward and the greatest example was his older brother who left the house once he got a job, Hiro managed to get a voice in the family with his micro investments that he made at the age of 8, Hiro achieved great benefits because he managed to develop a skill with which he can predict the future in two simple answers, Yes and No with which I take advantage of to consult specific questions in the future to know where to invest, apart from the fact that his ability to Observe allowed him to obtain more information about the companies, most of his investments were in videogame companies with the intention to show his mother the good of them because he knew that his mother only looks at them as a waste of time and he has to convince her to or let play the SAO game or if your mission does not fail.

He also practiced Kendo because his mother wanted him to at least know a martial art for his defense and Hiro accepted it easily, little by little his great progress created a very big shadow for Asuna unintentionally, although she looked happier than in the Anime because now the pressure she had on her shoulders was taken away by Hiro who now had almost all the attention of her mother.

But still he could not avoid the marriage arranged for Asuna.

Even though he was the twin brother of Asuna they almost did not live together once they turned 5 because their mother separated them because they were different sexes and because everyone had their day busy with trainers of etiquette, Kendo, florist, kitchen, art, music among others more tutors which kept them distanced from each other almost all the time.

At the beginning Asuna to tantrums to be separated and feel how their connection between twins decreased.

Hiro obtained a passive ability which was like a sixth sense with which he could know what Asuna was thinking and how he felt emotionally also worked inversely.



'Today is the day'

Hiro was walking to his room for his big house of his parents, today was the day he would enter SAO, yesterday his older brother came excited and left his NEVERGEAR because some issues arose and Asuna convinced him to lend her the NeverGear she already I was connected playing when he gets home, I know because I could feel it.

While Hiro walked through a mirror where he was able to see the silhouette of a healthy young man with long light brown hair, casual clothes and large brown eyes with a very white skin tone but his face was equal to that of his mother showing a cold look.

When I arrive to my room I quickly connect the whole device so I can play, when I put it on, I request that you confirm my physique by touching some sections of my body.










Welcome Hiro(M) to

Sword Art Online






An adult appeared in the main square in the city of the novices along with other people, his features were nothing out of the ordinary and he wore the same kind of clothes as everyone else in the place but a blue color.

That person was Hiro who had created his character on the official website of SAO, but he did not modify his character because he knows that at 17:30 he will be invoked again in the square and he will obtain an item which shows his real appearance.

When Hiro quickly checked his inventory as he ran through some alleys based on the guide that published a Betatester about his experiences in the game.

Within his inventory, there was 50Cor and a long rookie sword but with a poor duration.

While Hiro ran he avoided the other players and managed to reach the house of an Elder who gave a mission to hunt 10 boars and as a reward would be a longsword with two hands and 50Cor.

The sword you receive is durable and belonged to the Old Man when he left adventure but since he is old now he decides to give it to you as a reward once you finish his mission, the mission will only be repeated 4 times and the Elder will stop giving missions.

While Hiro received the mission and retired, he heard more steps coming towards the place where he was, not long after he could hear how the person complained about being late.

"Damn it!" Someone shouted in the distance.

Hiro continued his way to the area of commerce to buy food that can cure him.