

It was a day like any other day in the gypsy tribe but something on that day was different, the inhabitants did not know what; it could be the weather, the time, the place, the food, the date, it could be anything, the fact is that nobody knew why that day was so different from all the previous ones until the old witch left her house and went to the entrance of the small town to receive a pregnant gypsy woman and her husband, a mortal.

Many were intrigued by the arrival of this small family, the old woman took them to a house where they stayed to live the challenge of their lives, but that night the pregnant woman gave birth to a little girl, when the news was given everyone wanted to meet her, most thought she would be a hybrid, mortal, or gypsy but a rank far below most, and they were wrong the little girl was born a gypsy.

After two years the little girl was growing and becoming stronger every day but with a very noble heart, her parents were a little worried about that because in the world there are 4 types of people:

-those who look good but are bad.

-Those who look bad but are good.

-those who were born bad and bad people died or will die.

- and those who are good and mostly noble and little Valentina was one of them.

But as the days went by something in Valentina was changing. Something inside her was growing, just like her.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)