
Be you

All shades of pink was present in the room, it just feels like I was back in Mr. Gorgeous' home. I sighed when I thought of him, he'd be facing a lot of crises all because I was selfish. I showered and got into a comfy pink robe. What was different in this room apart from his comfy ness was that the room was filled with portraits of different sizes, it turns out mum used to be an artist. I didn't have time to observe much as I was very fatigued. I dived into the warm comfy bed the moment I got out of the bathroom and blow dried my hair.

Unfortunately, my blissful sleep didn't last long as the same nightmare plagued my sleep. I woke up with a start, I was sweating profusely as usual. I just sighed and noticed Michael was present in the room. I almost had an heart attack when I saw him at first. The man was holding a dagger.It was already partially dark so I couldn't make out his features property. It was only when he came closer I realized it was Michael.

"You still haven't gotten rid of your habit of creeping people out, think of your niece the next time you want to scare me OK?". I punched him playfully.

"I'm sorry love, when is your antenatal appointment with the doctor". He quizzed seriously, the 'dagger' was actually a table knife and he was carefully dicing a tray of apples.

" That'll be tomorrow, you'll go with me? " I said and picked a slice of apple and casually threw it into my mouth.

"What time?".

"10am, it shouldn't take more that an hour"

"I should be able to drop you off then, I have a flight to catch by 11am tomorrow so I won't be able to bring you home".

" It's OK Bro, I can manage"

"I'll have a driver pick you after you're done"

"I can manage Bro, stop being a mother hen". I rolled my eyes.

" You're not totally out of danger, even if you're not in the same city as Susan, you're still in the same country and not to mention that you've made new enemies –the Browns". He was actually right.

"OK Bro, you win"

"Let's move to a more crucial topic Vee, what do you intend to do?". I paused in eating my apples and looked at him suspiciously.

" What are you talking about? ".

" I've collected a lot of evidences against Kelvin and Susan, Becky simply helped them becomes they threatened to 'take care' of her mother so she had no choice but to agree. She's ready to testify against Susan in court if the opportunity comes up, and legally we can get back every dime of your mother's property, just say the word". I didn't want to get into any drama, it's better to just lay low and live a peaceful life, I don't need inheritance to survived.

"There'll be no need for that, though I appreciate your efforts in making sure they all pay, I just want to leaf a normal life. Maybe I'll start up a restaurant soon to keep myself engaged, by the way why did you come back?". I finished off the last few slices of apple and drank the fruit juice he poured for me, I really like that he's pampering me.

" Oh, I came to establish VeeDe here in this country, it's an organization that trains an retains the best detectives back in the states, it was a success there so I decided to bring it home, your investigation was the first operation my team handled here in this country". He explained proudly, I was amazed at his achievements, he was tagged the dullard in the family back then, who would have thought that he'd be able to stand up on his own.

"Wow Bro, I'm impressed, I'll like to be like you someday"

"No dear, be you, do what you have the passion for and it'll be a success, whenever you need those evidences, I'm a phone call away"

"When will you come back?", just when I was getting used to his company, he was already leaving.

" I'll be back in 3 months "

"3 months, that's a long time" I pouted like a typical wife sending her husband to work. Don't blame me, Michael hardly checks up on me whenever he's out of the country.

"Well, grandpa would be here, and even if I can't get to talk to you everyday, I'll always be there in your heart. now come here let me tuck you in, sweet dreams to you and my niece". He gently pulled the duvet to cover my body and kissed my forehead before walking out of the room.

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