
Another episode of rape!

#diary of a bitch


I didn't regain consciousness till after three weeks and four days,as I lazily opened my eyelids that seemed heavier than a bag of rice I knew I was in for it,everything seemed blurry for a second or two,I wasn't sure where I was,when my brain finished booting,everything came back to me in a flash⚡

I looked around and didn't find any trace of Kelvin and I wasn't in my house,so I assumed some good Samaritan saved me from him,well I needed water to quench the thirst in my parched throat so I called for help,the doors opened and a short stout man came in,he asked me harshly what I wanted,and I realized that I wasn't saved by any fucking Samaritan, I need to escape this place before anything risky happens to me,I told the man to give a a glass of water and he left grudgingly, leaving the door opened,I managed to get to the door without much ado, I moved swiftly about the house and located the entrance to the large building, I almost got out when,the short bastard raised an alarm, saying I'm missing, it alarmed all the guys that didn't even notice me sneak past them,a guy suddenly pointed towards me and screamed that I mustn't escape,that startled me and I ran on impulse towards the gate,thankfully it wasn't locked,I was pretty sure Bolt didn't run as much as I did, with not less than 10 armed men giving me a hot chase,I ran like a professional sprinter ⚡, there was really not much houses in the area but I could hide in the thick vegetation that surrounded the area,I spent 3 days in that hell of a jungle,there was a time they almost found me,i heard them threaten to rape me if they find me,that will be the punishment for the pains I made them go through,that made me really scared,I used to laugh at those pathetic actresses whenever I watched a rape scene, I would always proudly say that I could never be raped,since I wasn't even a Virgin but the recent happenings in my little life made me vow that no matter what happened, I wouldn't fall victim to rape again, not this soon (at that time I didn't know I was unconscious for weeks),not when the cuts and bruises are still fresh

I made it to the first highway in what seemed like eternity very early in the morning⛅,I couldn't even see properly,I tried to wave the very little passage of vehicles down for help,but I guess it was dangerous considering how shabby I looked in such a peculiar area,at last someone stopped,I was happy, and even happier when I found out who was in the car, it was my mum,I hugged her so hard that it almost broke her spine,oh thank God she came at the right time. Who would have thought there would be a day that I would be happy seeing my mother, she seemed happy to see me too,but didn't really say much,she gave me a bottle of water to quench my thirst I drank all within secs and drifted off to sleep thinking that the worst was over,I was really mistaking though

I woke up surprisingly gagged and tied up,wait maybe I was hallucinating because of what happened in the past few days but I wasn't, I realised i was back in the same room I escaped 3 days ago,how and when I got there beats my imagination

Well! I was in this shit again and my instincts told me that the worst is yet to come,I tried to untie my hands and I believed my struggling and muffled voice was wat alerted them that I was awake,the door opened and Kelvin came in smiling cynically,I prayed for the first time in a while

"Lord please give me the strength to endure whatever is about to happen"

As he came closer my eyes widened,his dramatic slow movement towards me and his cynical smiles could only mean one thing



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