
Diary From Another World (Reincarnate to Rule)

Let me tell you straight up, the mc here is ... how should I say it ... INTERESTING. After he was reborn into a world with a game system, our mc thought that the new world he got into is going to be like one of those isekai that he have to kill bosses to level up. But why is this world so different? Where are the other monsters, the bosses that he need to overcome? Is this really just a simple isekai? With a unique style of storytelling from the mc's own diaries and his master's degree in Isekai tropes being useless, how can our mc survive in his new world?

Shyerin · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Entering the City (Part 4): Time with Long Dao

Diary 5.2

It had been a while since I finished my last Diary. Before I continue from where I left off, I read back diary 5.1 and noticed that I didn't mention anything relating to the system at all except for the last part. The thing is, the system didn't pop up even once until I used my skill, and I had been thinking about it.

Usually, when the main characters from other Isekai reincarnate to a game world, their systems will assign missions for them to complete, and they will get rewarded with a new skill or an increase in stats. Then why doesn't my system do that? One thing that I didn't tell you last time because I was too lazy to write, was that I checked constantly every few hours or so to see if there was any mission for me to do, but there was none. Zero.

Right now I still don't know why the creator of this world gave me the system, to be honest. I mean, I got a skill, but it isn't anything out of this world. Wisdom of the Senses doesn't let me use magic or even make me stronger, it just makes me… sense better. I am having a big doubt if the world creator is trolling me by letting me having high hopes when giving me the system and the boss at the beginning. Ugh, so annoying. I hate it when I don't know anything. Let me drink some water.

Alright, I am a bit less annoyed now. Let's continue or else I wouldn't keep my cool and cursed the system like in diary 2.

(A quick recap):

"You want to come back to the festival with me?" I asked

"Go yourself" she avoided me again.

"No. I want us to go together," I refused her offer even though I wanted those coins really badly.

"Why?" she asked.

"I want to talk with you about something," I said.

"Then ask me here."

"I don't want to. Just go with me." I went behind her and pushed her forward.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She sounded annoyed at being pushed.

"Don't refuse me. Let's have some fun first, then I'll ask you some questions." And head we go to the festival again.

I pushed her back the way we just walked and went back to the festival. Luckily it didn't end yet and I was so hungry.

"Hey hey. What food is good Lai?" I was excited about Long Dao being my banker.

"I don't know. I don't care about the food that much," she answered bluntly.

"Well that is very helpful," I said. "We are here now," I was happy to see the food carts again. "Long Dao, can you choose the food for me? I don't know what is good here."

"It is either that you were telling me the truth or that your acting is really good. Do you seriously not know anything about Lai?" She was still doubting me.

"I'm tired of answering you," I sighed. "Can we please focus on the food? I am really hungry."

Long Dao's eyes after I said I sighed her was definitely with an intention to kill. I just turned my head the other way and acted like I saw nothing.

"Choose your food then," she finally said what I wanted to hear.

"Then what is good here?" I turned my head right back when hearing that.

"I don't care, just choose something."

"Alright. Then how about this?" I pointed at a cart that was selling some kind of fried meat.

"How can you sleep after eating that?" she coldly said out loud. I was too afraid to look at the owner. I think he heard her.

"Hey! Don't be rude," I said to her and went to another food cart. This one sells soup with noodles and meat. "How about this one?"

"Sure," she said.

"Really?" I was hopeful.

Long Dao nodded.

"Hey! Can I get two here?" I called the owner and sat down at a table. The food carts have tables outside of the street. At least this is like how the food carts in my home look like

"Why two? You won't be able to sleep eating that much," Long Dao asked.

"You are not eating with me?" I asked back.

"No. I am still full," she answered.

"But why are you standing by the way. Come here and sit," I pointed at the chair opposite of me.

"I am not paying," she said words that I hated the most.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I said sure because you want to eat that. I didn't say I would pay for it," she replied with a straight face and turned, about to walk away.

"This devil," I thought to myself but had to keep smiling. "Well, then let's take a look at the other food cart," I was standing up.

"Uhm… Sir. Your food is here," the owner was holding two bowls of soup.

"Haha," I looked at the owner guilty. "Hey, uh, General!" I called.

"What?" she still didn't know a thing, still facing the other way

"The food is here already," I said.

Long Dao slowly turned back. Her face showed it all. She looked like she just fell into her own trap, and I was satisfied to see that. She stood there as though trying to have a battle in herself of should she sit and eat or just walk away. I guess the good side of her won because she sat down.

"Let's eat!" I jumped right into the soup when she sat down. "Oh man, so good. I only had Lai's ration these past few days."

Long Dao didn't respond. She just quietly ate her soup slowly and noblely. I choked myself when I looked up and saw her posture. Even now, after many battles, she was able to keep her noble aura. I quickly imitated her.

This is the first time since we first met that I could see Long Dao's face clearly. She has very beautiful and lively eyes with a small face shaped like a V-line. Her nose is small and pointy which made her face look somewhat western. Looking at her hair, I noticed then that she didn't tie it up.

For some reason, despite her immense strength for wielding a heavy spear in battle, Long Dao has small hands and her arm muscles don't show at all. Her body is well proportionate like other ordinary girls and you wouldn't be able to tell that she is a fighter.

At this moment when we were both eating, Long Dao looked just like an ordinary girl of Lai, and my heart skipped another beat.

We finished our food without saying anything to each other. I guess I was too hungry to bother talking. Long Dao for some reason finished with her soup quicker than me even though I saw she ate really slow and paid the owner while I was finishing mine. We then had a walk to digest the food.

"Do you not afraid of me?" Long Dao suddenly spoke while I was patting my stomach.

"First time she started a conversation," I thought. "No. Why would I?" I replied. We continued to walk without looking at each other.

"You must know by now of my family," she said.

"I know."

"Then how are you not afraid?" she asked again.

"If you think I should afraid of you because of your family, then you are wrong," I answered.

"Then what afraid you?"

"What afraid me? Let me think…" I took a while to think. "If it was before I came here, I would say nothing, but now? My parents"

"Your parents?"

"I am afraid of them being away from me," I said.

"..." she didn't say anything else. We continued talking and without knowing, My inn was in front of me.

"Oh, how coincidence. This is where I stay tonight," I turned to Long Dao. "Well then see you tomorrow," I waved and walked in, but behind me, I heard footsteps when walking up the stairs. Turning my head, I saw Long Dao was also coming in too. "Why are you following me?" I asked.

"This place isn't for yourself."


"You are blocking my way. My room is next to this one," she remained calm.

"Oh...…. Uhm, this is awkward. Sorry," I went into my room to let Long Dao walk by. I peeked out the door and saw that she was legitimately opened the lock and entered the room next to me.

"This is too coincident to be a coincidence," I thought to myself and slowly closed the door. If I had more energy, I would have thought more about why our rooms were next to each other. But I was so tired that as soon as my back hit the bed, I passed out.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock (I don't know how else to describe time passing by). After a few hours, I woke up and saw only darkness, guess the festival was over. But that is not important, the only thing that was on my mind then was, "why is this slave girl from back then on top of me?" No-no-no, too calm. The true reaction was, "WHY IS THIS SLAVE GIRL FROM BACK THEN ON TOP OF ME!!!!!!!!!??????"

Another another one

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