
Yelled At

Dear diary,

Today I learnt that being good helps no one, I know I shouldn't be crying right now but I can't help it because it hurts so much.

This afternoon I decided to finally leave the house and take a walk around the estate. John wasn't home so I went alone since Vicky was too tired to go with me.

I met Jason on the way, he and Goldie were also taking a walk as well. They were displaying their PDA in public, it was quite annoying to see.

When both of them noticed I was standing there, Roland flashed his beautiful smile while Goldie secretly glared at me. After being scolded by Mr Thomas because of her I couldn't help but hate her at that moment. I did nothing wrong so why was she always like this towards me?

So I just greeted them and decided to take a different route. Roland held my hand suddenly and I was taken aback.

Feeling his rough but warm palm wrapped around my wrist.....my heart skipped a beat.

I raised my head to stare at him and I saw guilt in his eyes.

"I've been wanting to apologize about Saturday " he said before letting go of my wrist when he was sure I wouldn't move.

His girlfriend friend was the person who I went to save so why was he apologizing?

"Its okay" I managed to say but what riled me the most was that his stupid blonde buffoon couldn't even say a simple 'thank you' even though I was hit because of her.

"And thank you for helping Goldie"

We both looked at Goldie and I was surprised to see such a warm smile on her face with a nod 'Two faced bitch' I thought to myself, I keep wondering if Roland doesn't notice how pretentious his girlfriend is.

I smiled at Roland and then there it was again, every single time I smiled at him, he always had this awed look on his face....am I that beautiful?

I felt quite good at that moment but my mood was totally ruined when I took a step forward and brushed past Goldie.

I had not even taken five steps away from her before I heard a shocked gasp from behind me.

Before I knew it, I was hearing sobs.

"My gramma's bracelet..." she sobbed.

I turned around and noticed Roland searching the ground for it. He consoled her and told her he would find it so.....that was when I made the stupid move of joining Roland to help find it.

The afternoon was cool and the sun was covered with clouds, the weather today was sort of perfect but it became horrible for me when I heard another gasp from Goldie.

"What is it?" Roland asked raising his eyebrows, I also turned to look at Goldie and realized she was pointing at my right jean pocket.

I was also confused and looked at it as well, there it was, a shiny pearl bracelet.

I was shocked, I quickly pulled it out if my pocket, I didn't use much force but soon all the pearls came rolling down.

I held the string shocked at what happened while Goldie began to wail.

"Why?, What did I ever do to you?" she cried.....I was confused for a split second before it finally dawned on me....she was setting me up!

I turned to look at Roland and sure enough, his expression had turned ugly. I sighed, I knew that no matter what I said he wouldn't believe me but I wasn't an idiot that I wouldn't try

"I'm sorry Goldie, I don't even know how that bracelet got in my pocket. I will try to fix it....I'm really sorry" I said trying to hide my anger, she didn't deserve my apology

"Just go" Goldie sobbed pitifully....might I add, she will become a very good actress one day!


"She said just go!" Roland yelled angrily, he was patting his girlfriend's back, trying to make her feel better.

I was shocked, he was just smiling at me a few seconds ago.....

I had nothing else to do there so I turned around and walked away.

I helped Goldie, I even got humiliated by Mr Thomas and hit by one of those guys because I decided to help someone.

I'm guessing what I did was wrong. What did I stand up for her in the first place? I feel like such an idiot!

I hate the fact that I'm crying, I've been labeled a thief and a horrible person in front of Roland...I feel so horrible.

I really don't know what will happen if I'm reported to Mr Thomas.

And I really feel scared now, I cant fall asleep.

~I made up my mind to love myself and me alone!


chenemicreators' thoughts