
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 36: Adventure Guild part 5

Several adventurers surround me, asking me questions ranging from my favorite food to how I ended up with Nar and Sas. None of them have any bad intentions, so I actually enjoy the conversation.

"Hmph! I am stronger than Nar. Look at this muscle."

The blonde-haired guy who said that while flexing his muscles.

"Wow! It's disgusting, but so cool!" [Diana]

"KAHKAHKAHKAHAKHA" "Buahahahaha" "LoL"

"HEY! Be careful. She's still a kid!" [Kat]

My honest statement made the guy cry a bucket, but instead of giving up, he asked the male cleric behind him to use light magic and continue to show off his proud muscle mass to everyone for free. Of course, the others just laugh, but I think he's well aware of it and just passes it on as a joke among friends. How enviable

"Young lady, the Guild Master has asked you to enter the meeting room." [Receptionist]

"Hmm? Okay" (Does this have something to do with Master Merlin suddenly showing up?) [Diana]

"Oh man, we are just getting to the good part"

"Next time, my muscle will win your heart."

"Phrasing!" [Kat]

I quickly jump down from the wooden chair and walk over to the receptionist next to me. She is small, smaller than Jean, but she looks smart, like very smart. I don't think she's noble, but she carries herself well. Maybe it comes with a job.

"Guild master, may we enter?" [Receptionist].

The receptionist knocked on the door, and a reply of "yes" could be heard, so the receptionist opened the door, and the first thing I saw was

"Aunt Amleth! Master Merlin!" [Diana]

So it really is Master Merlin who suddenly appeared. I can't feel it clearly because there's a strong magical barrier, but after seeing them both, I'm even happier.

"As always. So fluffy" [Merlin]

"It's weird having the puppet play with my hair, but I don't mind" [Diana].

Even when the receptionist showed me my seat, I chose to sit on Master Merlin Marionette's lap. She's very well made and I absolutely adore her. The receptionist just smiles and waves at me when I thank her.

"Hey pipsqueak, happy as ever" [Randy]

"I'm not a pipsqueak, you... what was that word again?" [Diana]

"Playboy?" [Linda]

"Oh, so Nar and Randy are both playboys? Are they like best friends when it comes to playing?" [Diana]

"Kid, just protect your innocent heart and stay as far away from her as possible" [Randy].

"Agreed" [Sas]

Mr. Randy who always come to visit Nar and Sas is the one I am most acquainted with among Nar and Sas adventuring friend, but he always call me tiny or pipsqueak or little.

Still, the atmosphere is rather... somber? I mean, I can tell that Mr. Randy is trying to make a joke just to lighten the mood.

"Diana... Can we ask you something?" [Nar]

"Sure. Go ahead." [Diana]

Nar seems hesitant. He's trying his best to keep his voice under control, almost as if he feels particularly guilty about what he's about to ask. I feel anxious just looking at him, so I prepare myself for whatever question he is about to ask.

"Can you tell us more about the current leader of Aru Village?" [Nar]

"Ahh..." [Diana]


About him...

"Diana!?" [Sas]

"Are you okay?" I'm sorry for asking" [Nar].

Nar and Sas quickly come and hug me. Master Merlin, sensing that I was trembling with fear, quickly used an advanced teleportation spell and swapped places with her puppet.

I'm scared...


"Why do you want to know about him..." [Diana]

Of course, they all seem hesitant to answer, but Aunt Amleth, I can tell, felt the most guilty of them all, so she tells me

"Kara and Mara, most likely their curses have something to do with the chief of the village of Aru... It's okay if you can't answer me now, but I would appreciate it if you could answer me, not as a queen, but as someone you call auntie dearly" [Amleth].

So it's for Auntie, Kara and Mara. If it's for them, then I will answer it. Even if I'm afraid, I don't want them or anyone I care about to get hurt again, especially not by the same people who hurt me once.

"Ok... If it's for you and Kara and Mara, I'll answer it" [Diana].

Every day is fun here, so when I try to remember that day in the Aru Village.. It's dark. It's suffocating.

"The chief... He is the one... Killing my whole family..." [Diana]

"!" [All]