
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 355: Connecting Amleth to Emas part 4

It is night. Our progress is a bit slower than we first thought. While the road isn't one with difficult terrain, there are few obstacles that some were foreseen, such as monsters roaming around or bandits trying to steal or even mistakes on our part. The unexpected part, like the abnormal weather. Who would have thought that an unexpected thunderstorm followed by a blizzard would suddenly take place. This is really unusual, even for abnormal weather. When was the last time Amleth was hit by one? I only remember the thunderstorm when I was kidnapped, or during my first day of school, when fish and octopuses rained down from the sky.

While most of them will be sleeping in tents, we girls will be sleeping in the Werehouse. Me, myself, Neloufa, Kara, Mara, Marianne, Tio, Dana, Princess Siti, Saintess Rumia, Liya, Veronica and two guards, Jean and Kat. The only boys are the Werehouse itself (I think it's a boy?) and Fie. It's a bit cramped due to the number of people, as well as the numerous magical mana cores and stones, but it's still a comfortable place to rest.

Before we fall asleep, Nar, Sas, Randy and I gather around for a

"Quick beetle fight!" [Diana].

"What is this, you want to be defeated by me so badly?" [Randy]

"How naive, I remember someone feeling depressed when he was beaten by the Tamer Guild Master" [Diana].

"That Adamantoise Beetle of his isn't fair at all" [Randy]

"It's been a while since I last played a game. How about we give it a try" [Nar]

"Lazy" [Sas]

"Well, we already know you're going to lose, so it's okay if you don't participate" [Diana]

"Huh!?" [Sas]

"Like she said. There is no way you will beat me, let alone give me an exciting challenge" [Randy].

"Tchh! Fine " [Sas]

"Men..." [Jean]

"I'm a girl!" [Diana]

"Right, I meant them" [Jean]

"But it's fun, you can't blame them!" [Diana]

"You tell her Diana" [Nar]

"PARDON!?" [Jean]

"Nothing..." [Nar]

And so the four of us went in search of a beetle. Well, searching is a loose term for me, when all I did was call the beetles and they came to me, and from there I picked the one that looked the strongest.

"What a strong looking carnivorous beetle you are!" [Diana].

"That's cheating!" [Nar]

"So? You want me to go into the forest alone at night? I'm sure you wouldn't." [Diana]

"She really takes after her master" [Sas].

While the three of them go and look for their own beetle, I set the stage. It's just the four of us, so I didn't really make it big. Just a simple elevation from the ground with pebbles and a stick as obstacles.

"Count me in too" [Tio].

"Oh. You brought your golems as well. Very good" [Diana].

"This is a very rare golem, Tio. In fact, I have one myself" [Princess Siti].

"It's bigger!" [Diana]

"It looks more menacing..." [Tio]

"You'd think a princess from a country that specializes in golems wouldn't have one?" [Princess Siti]

"Do you capture it or make it yourself?" [Tio]

"It was given to me for security reasons, much like your grasshopper golem, and then I further customize it" [Princess Siti].

Why did I feel like I will lose? This isn't good! I refuse! This carnivorous beetle will win!

"We're back" [Nar]

"That's quick" [Diana]

"Diana, can you ask the forest if anything strange has happened lately?" [Sas]

"Huh? Sure, did you notice anything?" [Diana]

"More like our instincts. There are few trials that are covered up. They covered it up so well that even trained eyes cannot see it" [Randy].

"Wouldn't that only be adventurers or knights?" [Tio]

"Maybe, but normally one would still not take that much necessary precaution to cover one's tracks, unless one really wants to go unnoticed, be it by monsters or... " [Nar]

"I see. Then allow me" [Diana].

First, I ask the nearby trees, as I always do. Then I ask the insects, the birds, and even the wild dogs and cats. From what they say, there's nothing stranger than usual. For them, it's not strange for a group of people, whether knights, adventurers, demons, or beastmen, to enter the forest or stay there for a long time.

"Since there are monsters here, it's normal for a group of people to enter and stay just to kill the monster... Still..." [Nar]

"Demons and beastmen. There aren't that many races of demons and beastmen around Amleth, and even fewer in Emas. Sure, there are more of them here in Amleth than in other lands, but they're not the majority, and not all of them will be knights or adventurers" [Princess Siti].

"I can understand the beastmen, we suspect the true beastmen group, but for the demon..." [Sas]

"Are they still here?" [Randy]

"According to the forest. They are no longer here." [Diana]

"That's good and bad news. I'll inform the others first" [Nar].

"Okay. In the meantime, the three of us will form a team to defeat the three of you" [Diana]

"Huh?" [Tio]

"That sounds interesting" [Princess Siti]

Hehe... This is my revenge, especially for Randy beating me back then! I won't forget the humiliation he put me through! Our beetles will surely win!

"WHY!?" [Diana]

"Amateur" [Sas]

"You three still have a long way to go to defeat us" [Nar]

"Do you really think the three of you stand a chance against us? How naive" [Randy]

"One more!" [Tio]

"True! Even I refuse to accept it" [Princess Siti].

"Ahh... The sweet sound of losers whining around" [Randy]

It's getting late and none of us show any signs of stopping, not until Sister Jean comes to scold us all for staying up late and making noise.