
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 245: The Land of Elves part 15

As the Adamantoise approached, attack after attack was unleashed from both sides. With Sister Khamisah, Grandmother Farhah, Apollo and the Elf General, the animals and monsters never stood a chance against us. They didn't stand a chance, but the Adamantoise is still active. Even though they keep attacking it, it doesn't even show any signs of stopping. Maybe because it's so big, its life force is also massive, and coupled with the powerup it gets from THE THING, it becomes a literal unstoppable moving mountain.

Just like a King Behemoth or Earth Dragon spell, it summons a meteor right at us. Since I've never fought anyone or monsters that summon meteors, I'm not sure if the meteor it rains down on is considered large, medium, or small, but it's devastating. I can feel the impact and the earth shaking violently even if it misses us.

Grandmother Farhah and I have been using the trees as a kind of protective umbrella to stop the meteor directly, as well as to stop any debris that is hurled toward us as a result of the impact. Sister Khamisah smashes the meteor directly with her fist and even throws the same meteor back at the Adamantoise. Apollo takes the opportunity to snipe at the Adamantoise's eyes, Bulleye, but

"As expected, that only makes it angrier" [Apollo].

"MEOW!" [Fie]

"I don't even need a nature communication spell to know you're angry, my apologies" [Apollo].

The four of us try to get closer, but as expected, it's difficult enough. Even through the dense forest that can hide our presence, the Adamantoise and the monsters are somehow able to locate us. THE THING. I'm sure THE THING is telling them our location, making our stealthy attempt to cleanse the adamantoise even more difficult.

We couldn't stop the adamantoise from moving. I tried to make a hole big enough to sink the whole Adamantoise, but it's just big. I tried to put it to sleep. Again, it's just big, so I need more magic power. I tried to cleanse it directly. Again, it's too big! Its size is a massive problem! I even tried to make it smaller with a spell, even with Fie's help, but no! It's just too big! Its resistance is too great!

Grandma Farhah, on the other hand, begins to use a spell. A spell to increase the effect of a seed, and she simply throws it at the Adamantoise's neck. Once attached, the seed sprouts and becomes a large tree with a strange-looking raflesia. This strange-looking raflesia, I can tell you, will suck the mana and life force from the adamantoise and give it to Grandma Farhah's wand! Brilliant, though

"As expected, it just shrugs it off" [Farhah].

"We need to take care of THE THING first, but it's just way too difficult! I'm sure there's a weakness, but what is it?" [Diana]

"Weakness..." [Farhah]

The two of us brainstorm again and again and again, amidst the relentless attack of both the adamantoise and the monster surrounding us. Wild Fire T-Rex, affected by THE THING and trying to eat us, is shot by Mr. Apollo. Wild Mushroom Toad spraying its poison at us, Fie just blows it away. Land shark tried to drown us with mud, again it became a fish fillet thanks to Mr. Apollo.

Through the chaotic battlefield, both Grandma Farhah and I are still thinking, and we even get an opinion from the forest

"Make it sleep!"

"Already tried" [Diana].

"Poison it! I'll help"

"Its size is just huge, who knows how long it will take" [Farhah].

"Mr. Tortoise, don't you have any idea?" [Diana]

"Well, we turtles and tortoises hate being turned around, so maybe..."

"Flip the Adamantoise over..." [Diana, Farhah]

"What are you two talking about..." [Apollo]

Okay. How do we do that? Is it even possible? I can create a snowy and icy landscape with the help of Ice Fairy Shiva, but won't the ice just shatter? It definitely will? Copy the land shark that just tried to drown us? Make a slippery mud? That seems like a good idea.

"Maybe even add an oil from the slipperiest tree sap!" [Farhah]

"Great idea!" [Diana]

"I'm sorry, it's a bad idea. Do you really think it will work? Even if it's slippery, you need an external force strong enough to make it trip!" [Apollo]

"Strong enough force..." [Farhah]

"I can just ask Sister Khamisah to hit it really hard!" [Diana]

"Meow!" [Fie]

"Right, better ask her" [Farhah]

Mr. Apollo really hates our idea! If you keep saying no, at least give us an idea from your side! Whatever it is, we decided to ask Sister Khamisah's opinion as well

"I can try, but... It's better if we dislocate the joint, that way it will definitely slip" [Khamisah].


"Are you serious?"

"That's Sister Khamisah for you!" [Diana]

"Apollo, I need your help as well. I'll use all my strength to pierce it, once the underlying tendons and bones are exposed, use your strongest arrow and hit it. Other archers and mages, help me as well" [Khamisah].

"Will this really work..."

"It's your time to shine, Apollo" [Farhah].

"If Madam World Tree Priestess said so, then you can all leave it to me!" [Apollo]