
Diamond No Ace: Life As Sawamura Eijun

In this thrilling tale, a young boy transmigrates into Sawamura Eijun within the world of Diamond No Ace. With an indomitable spirit, he asserts that his position on the diamond is untouchable, vowing to remain unchallenged. Channeling electrifying passion and unwavering belief into every game, he strives to claim his place as the king and unparalleled ace of baseball, determined to carve out a legendary legacy. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

[44] After the Rain Comes the Clear Skies

Chapter 44: After the Rain Comes the Clear Skies



"Strike! Batter is out! The game is over!"

"Line up!"


"Thank you for the match!!!"

In the center of the pitcher's mound, as Eijun secured the final out against Kokushikan and the triumphant cheers from both teams rang out, this practice match came to a close.

Seidou's second string fought hard through nine innings, ultimately winning the game with a score of 11 to 4.

Today, Eijun completed his first full game since joining Seidou.

In nine innings, he threw a total of 113 pitches, with three walks, nine strikeouts, six hits allowed, and four earned runs. For a first-year pitcher, this was already a remarkable performance.

The surrounding audience applauded enthusiastically for Seidou's victory, for the exciting game, and for Eijun's outstanding performance.

"Clap, clap, clap!"

"You're a pretty good guy, kid. I, Zaizen Naoyuki, acknowledge you! You must go to Koshien!"

As they shook hands, Zaizen revealed a rare smile before waving goodbye without any hesitation.

Eijun tightened his grip slightly.

"Yes, I will definitely go to that place, that place called Koshien!!!"

Eijun whispered to himself, his words brimming with determination.

"Four runs allowed; I guess that's just Kokushikan for you."

"Sawamura pitched pretty well too, though he seemed to lose a bit of stamina towards the end, and his control became quite unstable."

"Haha, that kid was never known for his control!"

"Only six hits allowed for one run each in the eighth and ninth innings; considering the result, it was decent."

"Yeah, after all, he's just a first-year pitcher. With more practice, he'll definitely become a key player for the team."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing this guy pitch at the varsity level. Seidou's ace? Hehe, it really seems possible!"

"Varsity level? They still need two more spots, and one will definitely go to Sawamura."

"Well, you never know about this kind of thing…"

"There's another first-year who performed pretty well too, right?"

"You mean Kominato?"

"Yeah, yeah! That pink-haired kid—today he had one home run, two hits, and three RBIs! He's definitely a strong contender for the varsity!"

"Hard to say, really."

"It'll depend on how Coach Kataoka decides."

The crowd around the field could not help but fix their eyes on Eijun and Coach Kataoka, speculating whether Eijun's name would appear on the roster for the upcoming summer tournament.

The stern and serious demeanor of Coach Kataoka added an air of uncertainty to the proceedings.

While they believed that Eijun's excellent performance had raised his chances significantly, they couldn't say it was guaranteed.

After all, Coach Kataoka sometimes operated outside of conventional wisdom.

On the Seidou bench, Chris looked at his junior with a warm smile.

"Sawamura, you pitched really well." In this match, Eijun demonstrated everything he had.

During the match's conclusion, the fleeting smile of satisfaction that appeared on Coach Kataoka's lips did not escape Chris's notice.

He understood that Eijun had successfully passed Coach Kataoka's special evaluation.

In this regard, Chris felt genuinely happy for Eijun.

"Yes, Chris-senpai!" Eijun replied softly, with a faint smile. This match not only highlighted his shortcomings but also helped build his confidence. It didn't matter that this was a second-string match; it didn't matter that it was just a practice game.

A complete game is a complete game.

That is an undeniable fact. As a pitcher, leading the team to victory, allowing only one hit and having one RBI, overall, it was a very commendable performance.

Eijun had self-awareness but didn't underestimate himself. He knew the road ahead was still long, but in this moment of victory, it was perfectly fine to celebrate a little.

"Great pitch, Sawamura!"

"You're becoming more and more reliable, kid."

"Haha, this is exactly the kind of attitude we need! Otherwise, the ace declaration would seem too hollow!"

"Nice pitching, Eijun-kun!"

"Keep it up, Sawamura!"

Almost everyone on the bench expressed their affirmation and recognition toward Eijun.

This only made Eijun's smile grow wider.


Indeed, winning felt different.

Pursuing victory is my initial and only ambition!!!!!

In the evening, at the Seidou High School baseball field, after a day of training, the players, drenched in sweat, began leaving the field, heading toward the bathhouse or the cafeteria.

Nearby in the hallway...

"Coach, have you made a decision?" Takashima asked softly.

"Decision? About the final spots on the first string? Isn't it a bit early? The summer tournament is still a month away," Ota, the director, replied with a hint of surprise, looking puzzled.

From his perspective, the players were performing well, and most of the second string members were striving hard.

Perhaps it would be better to observe a bit longer?

"Hmm, it's about time. Today's practice game was the last one for the second string. From now until the summer tournament in July, we need to focus on the first string. The summer is the key point, so it's best to finalize those remaining two spots as soon as possible," Coach Kataoka said, maintaining an incredibly calm demeanor as he spoke.

"So, what's your decision?" Takashima asked, a knowing smile appearing on her face as she chuckled.

"Well, those two kids from today's game. They both stood out, and their performance was evident. What I need now are players who not only have potential but can also become immediate assets. Considering everything, they are the most suitable," Coach Kataoka said, his expression unchanged.

"Those two kids?" Ota was slightly taken aback, and suddenly the thought struck him like a light bulb. Coach Kataoka hadn't mentioned their names, but Ota quickly understood. He opened his mouth but ultimately said nothing.

Even someone as critical as Ota couldn't deny the excellence of the two kids the coach had mentioned.

Particularly one of them, who would also be a crucial asset on the first string.

Thinking about this alleviated some of the concerns manifesting on Ota's face. After all, this was an undeniable fact.

Moreover, under equal conditions, those two were definitely worth cultivating.

It was perfectly normal for players with such talent and capability to be promoted to the first string.

"Notify everyone after dinner; gather everyone in the indoor practice area. We'll announce the final two spots. The end of the term is coming up. Starting tomorrow, it will be all about preparing for the summer tournament."



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