
Chapter 97: News


"Thanks for throwing me under the bus." I pinched her arm.

"Hey, did you really want to sit there and listen to that boring discussion?" she shot back. "Because I know I didn't." She opened the fridge and pulled out a huge bowl. "And I did need to come and get this. Nico made it for tonight because he is a sweetie and wanted my friends to enjoy some seriously delicious food."

"He's so wonderful." I gave her another hug, this time squeezing extra tight. "I'm so glad for you both, Jen. No one knows more than me how much heartache went ahead of this happily ever after."

"Right?" She leaned a hip against the counter and nibbled on a chip. "Which is why I hope you're also going to be understanding of my next news-which I wanted you to hear first."

A trickle of foreboding ran down my spine. "Okay. That sounds ominous. What's up?"