
Chapter 86: Final farewells


It was only just nine o'clock by the time I arrived at the hospital, but I already felt as though I'd lived through an entire long day. I was exhausted and grieving, a particularly nasty combination; I knew I had no business thinking about practicing medicine today, not in my present state of mind. Still, I didn't want to go home to my empty, silent house, nor did I feel like driving out to the farm to be with Gram and Pop, both of whom were heartbroken over the loss of their long-time friend.

Neighbors and friends would flock to be with my grandparents, and the idea of sitting around for hours while they all reminisced and offered up their casseroles, cakes and cookies didn't appeal to me. Even if I didn't see patients, at the hospital I could be around people who would understand my need to keep busy.