
Chapter 83: Communication is essential


"Okay, babe. Your choice tonight is Thor:Ragnorak or Guardians of the Galaxy: II. What'll it be?"

"Hmmm." I tapped one finger on my pursed lips. "Decisions, decisions. On the one hand, Chris Pratt is adorable and super funny, and I love Groot." I sank down on the sofa and curled my legs under me. "But then there's Thor. Chris Hemsworth is a god-I mean, literally. He is so hot." I hummed and waggled my eyebrows, just to drive home my point.

"Chris Hemsworth? Baby, how can you be all hot and bothered about him when you have me right here?" Noah tapped his chest, glowering at me. "Why do you need to watch that Australian god-wannabe on TV when you have the legit deal at your fingertips?"