
Chapter 76: Vegan temptation


"Pass me the nutritional yeast, please?" I held out my hand to Noah, who frowned as he lifted a box and then put it back on the counter.

"Remind me which one that is?"

I grinned. "It's the cheesy stuff. In the pouch."

"Oh, yeah. Right." He picked up the right one this time and handed it to me. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I added a pinch of the yeast to my blender and pushed the button to start it. Noah stood back, his huge arms folded over his equally massive chest. The expression on his face was best classified as skeptical.

I gave the blender a couple of extra whirls before I lifted the jar from the base. Taking off the lid, I stuck my finger in to swipe at the side, taking a taste. "Mmmmm. It's good." I dipped again, this time lifting my finger to Noah's mouth. "Here. Taste."

He wrinkled his nose, which was adorable beyond words. "You put your finger in our food?"