
Chapter 5: Partners in a lie


I've never had a stroke, but in the process of my education as a nurse practitioner, I had to learn about the symptoms and signs. As I stand in front of Nico, staring at him, I'm pretty sure I might be experiencing a cerebral hemorrhage right now.

Either that or a panic attack. I can't be sure. All I know is that I can't speak, I can't move, and it's entirely possible that I'm having hallucinations because I can't think of any reason Nico should be back in Florida. I must be imagining this. Maybe those margaritas were a little more potent than I'd thought.

But then everything happens at once, and I know for sure I'm not dreaming. The women behind me, who'd lapsed into shocked silence moments ago, suddenly all begin talking at once. Talking might not be an accurate description, actually; they're alternately sighing, screeching, and quite possibly speaking in tongues. My Virginia-born grandmother would say that they're carryin' on.

Nico spares the group a glance over my shoulder before his attention returns to me. He cocks an eyebrow as if to remind me that he's still waiting, and then I hear one of the women call out.

"Kiss him, you fool, before one of us gets up and does the honors!"

This is the moment I've been hoping would never happen, but here I am. Behind me, all the women who are beginning to be my friends-and most of whom are also my new co-workers-think that Nico is my long-time, steady boyfriend, the guy I'm almost engaged to marry. Of course, they expect me to be thrilled that he's finally here; they certainly will wonder what the hell's going on if I don't kiss him.

In front of me, however, is the man who sees me as his best friend's little sister, the one he's known since she was in diapers, the girl to whom he's been kind enough to sub-let this kick-ass house. He's probably wondering why I'm acting like a teenager whose parents just walked in on an illicit kegger. I mean, I have a group of friends over, and we're hanging out by the pool. They're not exactly destructive or out of control.

Nico would expect me to be surprised, but he's also likely wondering why I'm dismayed. At least, I suspect that dread is written all over my face.

All of this is flashing through my mind at lightning speed, and I know I have to make a split-second decision. That's why I act on impulse, doing what I understand the women are dying to see . . . and let's be honest here, what I really want to do, anyway.

I leap into Nico's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. Before I launch into phase two, I murmur a plea into his ear.

"I'll explain later. For now . . . please . . . just go with this."

And then, before he can question me or step back, I angle my head and kiss him.

I'm not sure exactly what I expect, but it's certainly not what happens next. At first, all I feel is Nico's shock. He doesn't seem to know how to handle this situation. But within what feels like nanoseconds, something shifts, and he's totally, one hundred percent on board.

His lips part under mine, and his tongue stretches out to stroke within my mouth. His hands, which were on my upper arms moments ago, holding me steady after I'd basically attacked him, now slide over my back and down, circling my body and holding me close. The tips of his fingers reach the top of my ass, and since I'm wearing a bikini under my cotton cover-up, I can feel every movement as though there's nothing between us.

If I'm not mistaken, he groans, and that sound kindles an inferno deep inside me. Everything else in the world vanishes. Nothing else exists except this man, his kiss, his touch, his heat . . . and me, helpless to do anything but respond.

And then I hear the giggles, the coughs, and the low murmurs, and reality comes crashing back down on me. This isn't real. This is a show I'm putting on, and the audience is getting uncomfortable because I'm, ah, so wrapped up in my performance.

Slowly and oh, so very reluctantly, I end the kiss, easing away from Nico and working hard to not meet his eyes. I'm afraid of what I might see there. I take a deep breath to clear my fuzzy, yearning head, and I turn slowly back to face my friends. His arms stay around me, which is a good thing because if they didn't, I might just fall over.

"Um, sorry?" I grin at the women, making it clear that I'm so very not sorry. "In case you didn't figure it out, this is Nico."

They all laugh, and more than a few rolls their eyes. I know I should introduce each of the women individually to him, but I'm not sure I'm capable of remembering all of their names. That kiss just erased thousands of brain cells.

Thankfully, no one seems to expect me to do it anyway. In fact, Cindy clears her throat and glances around the group.

"Ladies, I think this is our cue to exit, stage right. Or left. Whatever, let's get out of here and give the lovebirds some privacy."

She winks at me, and I blush, my face going so warm that I'm certain Nico can probably feel the waves of heat. My heart is pounding, too, not only thanks to that kiss, but because I am fully aware that once all the guests have cleared out, I'm going to have some major explaining to do.

Cindy and Sara begin gathering glasses, while Stephanie and Debby pick up the baskets of chips and pretzels. I know I can't just stand here and watch them work, so I force myself to step away from Nico.

"Don't worry about this." I wave my hand over the pool area. "I'll take care of it. Thanks, though."

A couple of them exchange meaningful glances and titter, and I know it's because they think I want them to leave so I can get busy welcoming Nico in a more personal, naked way. I swallow hard, trying not to give in to the panic that is threatening.

All too soon, Cindy, the last woman to linger, says good night and exits the house. I close the door behind her and hesitate with my hand on the knob. I'm aware that when I turn around, Nico is going to be there, waiting for me to explain what the hell just happened here. The longer I can put that off, the better, I'm thinking.

But he doesn't let me get away with procrastination. I hear his long exhale behind me, and I know he's waiting.

"So, Jenny. You have something you need to tell me?"

I pivot and rest my back against the door. "There's a rational explanation for this, Nico. I promise. And I'm happy to give it to you, but first . . . what are you doing back here?"

He drops his head back, closing his eyes, and rolls his shoulders. "It's a long and sordid story. The condensed version is that what my buddy presented to be a done deal-signed, sealed, and notarized-wasn't. It was more like a handshake deal, and about three days after I got to Chicago, it fell through. His partner went with another investor, and my so-called ‘solid' job as head chef went to someone else." His lips twist. "Just another example of the fine, upstanding folks in the restaurant business."

"I'm so sorry, Nico. Really." It kills me that his talent is going to waste-and his passion, too. "I wish it had worked out."

"Yeah, well . . ." He shrugs and then crosses his arms over his chest, leveling his gaze at me. "Enough about me. Tell me about you. Tell me about what the hell's been happening here in the just-over-a-week since I left town. Seems like you've been busy. Made a lot of friends." One of his eyebrows raises. "All of whom apparently think I'm the kind of friend you greet by sticking your tongue down my throat."

"Oh." I force a laugh and move away from the door, skirting just out of Nico's reach as I wander into the living room. It seems safer to put some distance between us just now.

He follows me and drops into a chair. I sit across the room from him, sinking into a corner of the sofa.

"So about that . . ." I clear my throat. "Ah, first of all, in point of fact, you're the one who stuck his tongue into my mouth."

Nico's lips curl, but he doesn't say anything, just cocks his head, waiting for me to go on.

"Okay, okay." I bring my feet up under me, hugging my knees to my chest. "So you know that Skaggs guy? The one you asked to write my recommendation?"

Nico nods. "Sure. Ken Skaggs. He owns a hotel on Marcos Island, and he's on the board of St. Agnes. Why?"

I press my lips together. "It turns out he's also got quite the reputation around Harper Springs. When I went for my interview-the one I thought was a formality, because I assumed I already had the job here-the HR rep almost kicked me out because she thought I'd slept with Skaggs in order to get his recommendation."

"Oh, shit." Nico's eyes are wide. "Jenny, I had no idea. I only know him because he's a client of the company I worked for, and he'd talked about being on the hospital board. When I asked him to do me a favor, I never even-aw, hell. So what happened?"

I shift a little. This is where I have to dance a little to make my actions sound reasonable, and it isn't going to be easy. "The woman who interviewed me was about to show me the door, even when I promised her I didn't even know Skaggs. In the course of the conversation, she said she'd feel better about giving me the job if I was a little more settled, if I was in a relationship, and-" I hesitate. "I don't exactly know what happened, but I heard myself saying that I was, in fact, in a committed relationship, that I had a steady boyfriend. When she heard that, her eyes lit up, and suddenly, there wasn't any more worry about hiring me."

"Jenny," Nico groans. "Lying to the human resources department isn't a good way to begin your new job."

"I know, I know." I cover my face with my hands. "I regretted it the minute it came out of my mouth, but I really need this job. It's already amazing, and I love St. Agnes . . . but I didn't realize that the HR rep would tell every other person she knows about my so-called boyfriend." I give a little cough. This next part is going to be the most difficult to justify. "She asked me my boyfriend's name, too, and I don't know why I said it. Maybe because I'm staying in your house, or you helped me get the job. I'm not sure, but for some reason, I told her my boyfriend was Nico."

For a long moment, he just sits there, looking at me. I can't figure out what he's thinking, but many different possibilities cross my mind. He might get pissed and tell me that I have to come clean with everyone, even if it means losing my job. He might think I'm pathetic and treat me with pity. Or he might laugh and tell me that I'm crazy.

Finally, he straightens, rubbing the palms of his hands over his thighs. "And then the HR rep told everyone else that you're dating a guy named Nico-me. So all of the women you had over here tonight-"

"The book club," I interrupt, explaining. "They invited me to be part of it, and when they found out I have a pool-I mean, you have a pool, of course, and I have access to it-they asked if I could host. I thought it would be a good way to get to know more people."

"Uh-huh." Nico nods. "All those women, though-when I showed up tonight, they assumed I'm your boyfriend."

I nod. "Yeah. I'm sorry, Nico. I thought . . ." I lift one shoulder. "I figured you'd be in Chicago. They all think you were just waiting to move down here until you found a job, so I thought eventually, I'd tell them that we'd decided to take a break, and that would be it. But by then, I'd be all settled in the job, they'd all see that I'm good at what I do, and no one would want to fire me."

"And then I show up, and now you're stuck." He stretches his arms and links his fingers behind his head, his eyes on me. "So, what's your next move?"

I draw in a deep breath. "That's sort of up to you, Nico. I mean . . . if you want, I'll tell them you came down here to break up with me in person. But then I'll have to figure out somewhere else to live, which I guess I'll have to do anyway if you're moving back down here . . ."

"Whoa, there." He lifts one hand. "You don't have to move, Jen. I came back down here because I don't have anywhere else to go, unless I move in with my parents again, and that didn't sound like a great option." He winces, and I wrinkle my nose in empathy. Nico's folks are lovely, but they're also old-school Greek, and their type of parenting could best be described at smother love.

"You'd let me stay?" This is a big relief. I wasn't sure what I would do.

"Of course. We're both adults. This house is plenty big. There's room enough for us to live here without getting in each other's way." An expression I don't recognize creeps over his face. "As your boyfriend, I definitely don't want you to move out."

A glimmer of hope sparks inside me. "My boyfriend?"

Nico spreads his hands. "Look, I don't necessarily love the idea of lying to people, but for the time being, until you've been working at the hospital for a while, I don't mind playing along. Especially since it's partly my fault that you had to tell the fib in the first place."

"Nico." I jump up, skirt the coffee table between us, and lean over, hugging him. "Thank you so much. I owe you big for this one."

"You sure do. And don't worry, I'm keeping track of all the favors you owe me, baby." He winks. "But don't sweat it, kiddo. I don't know how long I'll be here, looking for a job . . . and even if I find one in the vicinity and stay put, I probably won't be hanging out around Harper Springs much. When I lived here before, I was hardly ever in town." He pats my arm. "I'll be your absentee boyfriend until enough time passes that we can break up."

Those words cause a stab of pain in my heart, tamping down a little of the relieved enthusiasm I've been feeling. I force myself to focus on the fact that Nico isn't furious at me, that he's willing to assume the role of my loving boyfriend for the time being, and that he's going to be here, living with me in the same house, for at least a little while.

"Thank you," I repeat, straightening up, still all too aware of how close we are, that I'm standing here between his legs, and that he looks damn good, all lean muscle and enticing male surrounding me. I'm just about to step back when he catches my hand.

"Now that we've straightened all that out, I think there's just one thing left to discuss." He pauses, and his fingers tighten around mine. "That kiss. What about that, Jenny? Let's talk about what was going on there."

I gulp, my heartbeat stuttering. There are so many ways I could handle this . . . so many opportunities for me to make a move, to find out what Nico really thinks and feels, to open my own heart to him.

But in the end, I'm realize that I've already gotten away with more than I expected tonight. I decide to cut my losses and play it safe.

"I'm an outstanding actress," I blurt out. "And I was committed to selling it." And then, before Nico can call me on my bullshit or say another word, I tug my hand away from his and flee to the safety of my bedroom.

Coward? Hell, yeah. But this is one scaredy-cat who's going to live to play another day . . . especially now that my fake boyfriend is back in town.