
Chapter 27: My favorite patient



"You know, sometimes I can't believe my cancer doctor is so freaking hot." Angela Spencer leaned her pale cheek on her hand and sighed, pretending to look dreamy as she batted her eyelids at me from her bed.

"And that's why you're my favorite patient." I strolled into the room. "Aside from being full of shit, how are you doing today?"

"Hey, do you talk to all of your patients with that mouth?" She pretended to scowl. "And I'm fine. I mean, as fine as anyone with acute lymphocytic leukemia could be, particularly when she is facing the chemo that's going to wipe out her immune system and leave her vulnerable to all manner of illness and infection. That kind of fine."

"I understood what you meant." I crossed my arms and leaned my ass on the corner of the desk that was pushed against the wall. "But at least you have the best digs on the floor in which to go through all the fun and games."