
Chapter 168: And goodbye to you, too


I watched Alison's car disappear around the bend in my drive. I wanted to smash something, kick a wall-yell at the top of my lungs, maybe. I was furious, frustrated, terrified-and there was a chance I was still in shock. My lips were numb.

And dammit, I hadn't been ready for Alison to leave yet. I had hours of questions left. She showed up, dropped a bombshell on my lap, and then scurried away when Juliet came out and scared her off.

Juliet. Thinking of her reminded me that there was yet another woman who had a lot of explaining to do . . .

"What the hell, Juliet? Alison showed up here, and you lied to her? You told her I wasn't at home? Do you know what a mess you've made?"

She backed up to the edge of the porch and gripped the railing behind her. "You didn't want to see anyone. You kept telling me that. And you'd been ignoring her messages, so I figured you'd want me to just get rid of her that day. Showing up here without being invited was kind of ballsy, wasn't it?"