
Chapter 16: Well, hello, hunky


The humidity wasn't bad today, but it was still muggier than I would've liked. Still, the sun was warm, and there was the slightest breeze keeping me from sweating through my cute little short-sleeved top and pencil skirt.

I closed my eyes, lifting my face to the warmth, letting the soft air mend the hurt and upset from this morning. Intentionally relaxing my shoulders, I began the deep-breathing exercises that I knew would help bring me back to center.

"Is this a private class, or can anyone join?"

I jerked up, my eyes flying open. In front of me, nearly blocking the sun, a man was looking down at me. In my surprise, as I squinted at him, I had the fleeting thought that he looked like a god, huge and backlit and impossibly attractive.

"Um, what?" Ever the mistress of a snappy comeback, I blinked, trying to take him in.