
Chapter 126: House hunting


"Hey. Noah, right? Do you have a second?"

I paused just outside the door to the weight room, turning to see who was calling me. When I realized who it was, I forced myself not to grimace.

"Ah, sure." I let go of the door's handle and shifted the bag on my shoulder. "Good to see you again, Ms. Connors."

"Please. It's Juliet." She glanced around the wide hallway. The place was busy since practice was scheduled to begin in a couple of hours. "Can we go sit down over by the windows?"

I nodded my assent and followed Juliet a few yards down to a rounded nook made up of solid glass. The view from there was spectacular at night, taking in the city lights. A couple of chairs faced the windows. Juliet sank into one, and I dropped my bag to the floor and took the other.

"It's kind of bustling around here today, isn't it?" She peered around me to look at a bunch of guys shouting insults to each other as they headed down the open steps.