
Chapter 113: Relaxation


Everything was perfect in my cabin. I'd closed the curtains just enough to keep the light at a minimum. I had candles burning over almost every surface, and I was diffusing my favorite lavender oil through the air. Soft music played over my speakers, strategically placed around the cabin.

Deacon had texted about twenty minutes ago that he was leaving the hospital. I'd rushed to finish the last-minute touches and then carefully dressed in my special outfit: a sheer, flowy dress that hugged my boobs and just barely skimmed the middle of my thighs, under which I wore exactly nothing. No bra, no panties . . . just me, carefully groomed and lotioned for the activity I'd planned for us.

I heard Deacon's truck pulling up along my gravel drive, and my stomach flipped over into a series of somersaults. I hoped he was going to like this, but I wasn't sure. I was taking a risk.