
Chapter 100: Goodbye, part 2


"So that's it? You and Noah are done? Over? Finito?" Jenny reached to the side of the pool to pick up her beer.

I nodded. "Yeah. In the end, it felt right, you know? It wasn't easy, and it wasn't fun to do, but it was right. It was what we needed to do. And we're still friends, which is the best outcome I could've hoped for."

"That's so sickeningly mature and healthy." Jenny stuck out her tongue. "If Nico and I ever broke up, which of course we won't, I'd never be able to be friends with him. It would hurt too much to see him living a life without me in it."

"I think . . ." I searched for words even as I clung to the side of the pool and lazily kicked my legs in the water. "I think going back to our old friendship is the goal. It's the perfect world ideal. I don't think it's going to be quite like it was, though. As much as we both say we want that, it's not realistic. We're both going to have some residual . . . feelings."