

Can you forgive the devil action if he tell you it was to save you? Can you believe what the devil said? Can the devil even do something that is the opposite of their very being?

EFEMES · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs




I glad i made it in time before the school bells rings. If not, then i will end up standing outside of the class for 2 hours straight.

"What happen to you, you look like you just had a race with a stray dog on the way here."

"No, it just i was trying my best to save my reputation."

This person is Kent. He may looks like someone who will snitch for his own gain, but actually he is one of the loyalest friend i ever had since Middle school.

"Hey, what's with that look of your eyes?"

"Nothing, nothing. You better go back to your seat, Mr. Sam is already here."

"Well then, let's continue this conversation again at lunch break."

"Yeah, if you can remember it."

He looks like he ready to fight me until i apologize, but Mr. Sam walking pace is fast as always.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Mr. Sam."

"Alright then, before we begin the lesson, there's something that i need to tell you guys... It is about the lesson, today i want you all to do what i tell you to-"


Everyday is just plain boring like this everyday. Althrough people say they enjoy this peaceful scenery, they actually hoping that something interesting new will appear in their life, and i am one of them.

Without caring what Mr. Sam had to say, i look out to the window in right of me.

I wonder if i can split the sky in front of me with just a single sword...

Nah, what a silly things. There's just no way that will happen in real life. If someone actually did that, that person can destroy a country without any problem at all. If only i have that kind of power...

And just like that, the lecture pass without me realizing it.

Lunch time, huh.

"Yo' Xavier, you didn't thinking of a way to escape from me, right?"

"Haha, i did."

"What is it? You wanna go at it?"

"Calm down Kent, it was a joke. Alright then, let's go to the cafeteria. If we waste our time here longer, we will only have leftovers by then."

"Yeah, you right. Quick, we must secure our seats and foods!"

"Alright, alright."

As usual, the cafeteria is crowded. If i have to say, the scene before my eyes is similiar to a war. People fighting over food, and they don't care about others as long as they can survive. Not just in the cafeteria, even in class or home war still keep going. A war of grade. You score low on test, and the teacher will look down upon you. They don't care how many nights you stay up late and hoping that they can pass the test without having a low grade. People only care about the result, all your hard work is useless if you get a unsatisfying or poor result. Furthermore, instead of helping their child, the parents usually add more stress to them by scolding them. I'm glad my parents always proud of me no matter how poor my result be, if i really try my best. At the same time i feel bad for kids who have parents who all they ever do is yelling and beating them without any remorse of how much they contributed to their kids life. I think school is a place where everyone at war without them realizing it.

Well, it's useless to think about. Just a single human can't change the whole word by himself.

Alright, maybe today i will have a fried ri-no, maybe i have noodle, or meatballs, or...

Hey, isn't that kid from my class?

He's a boy from my class. If i'm not mistaken, his name is Jade Camilo. He's not very friendly, he always trying his hardest to avoid people, be it talking or making a eyes contact with them. I heard that he likes animal more than human, because animal usually show their intention instead of hiding it to confuse the people. Apperance wise, his height is normal, skinny, and with those palen skin of him, you know he is weaker than a normal guy. But nobody dare to bully him because they saying that interacting with him will make you die. Haha, what a silly things. How can a mere interaction causing you to die? You calling yourself a high-schooler yet you believe such illogical things?

Well, it's look like Jade want to buy food, but something seems to hold him off.

Maybe, i should help him?

Yes, i should help him. Maybe with that, i will become famous in school because i'm the first person who ever talk casually with someone they called the death itself.

Alright, just act casual. Make yourself stand out by talking loudly...

After standing close without him realizing it, i speak loud enough for everybody to hear it.

"Hey, Jade! What are you doing standing here all alone, c'mon hurry up and let's eat like we usually do!"

After hearing the name which nobody can say expect the teacher, everyone turning their heads to our direction. Haha, according to my plan, i see.

Jade, is looking at me without a single expression on his face. He justlooking at me like iwas nothing but something that he see everyday. Maybe he is one hell of an extrovert outside of school?

"What? Is there something in my face?"

Ugh, i hate this. He looking at me without saying a single words. I thought he going to say "Wah! I think you was a ghost there!" or "Um, why are you talking to me?" kinda' lines, but this is out of my prediction! Dammit, maybe i should drag him somewhere and then apologize for making him get all these atten- wait, isn't he always have these attention aimed at him everyday?

After that, he look away and grabbing some bread and a chocolate milk. After that, he finally saying something, which i didn't understand at the time.

"It's not my fault."

After that, he walking away towards the door, and walk away towards the old school building.

Huh, it's look like he is pissed. Wait, maybe he saying it's not his fault because he going to kill me soon because i act friendly with him! Waaah, what should i do!?

"Hey, what are you doing, you stupid!"

"Woah, Kent! Is you resent my jokes that much to make you held my neck this tight!?"

"It's not the time for that, just come here!"

"Hey, slow down a little!"

After that, he drag me outside of cafeteria and brought me to the backside of the school. I can tell that now Kent is making a serious face. Why he acting like this all of sudden? Ah, maybe he heard about my rising popularity and jealous of me?

"Hey, i'm asking what are you thinking there!"

"What, are my friends here jealous that i been gaining attention while he busy chewing down his food at the table?"

"Huh? Xavier, are you an idiot?"

"What? Look here Mr. Jealous, just because im becoming famous doesn't mean that you can-"

"Are you understand your current situation right now!?"

Kent speak with an aggresive tone. That's a sign he is being really serious, because the last time he ever spoke with that tone is the incident at our middle school.

"W-what is it, Kent? Why are you mad?"

"After 1 year in this school, you think it's okay for you to drop out just like that! Well, for your information, im not okay with it!"

"Drop out? What do you mean?"


After a brief moment of silence, Kent is the one who break it.


"I'm asking you what do you mean by dropping out."


After saying my name, his face just look like a person who seeing a human with a sloth-like intellegence. I wish i didn't forget to bring my pencil before coming here with him so i can stab him in the eyes. Ah, what a opportunity to waste. 8 seconds passed, and Kent speak again.

"Xavier, you talking to Jade without knowing the student rules of our school?"

"Is something like that exist?"

I only heard about school rules, but i never heard about student rules before. It's not even included to the student ID, so it's must be a stupid thing.

I was thinking like that, before i realize i making a decision that will make me seeing the world from a different point of view.