
Dexs/Clairs Adventure

I was a normal pupil and lived my daily live with school and light novels as well as a couple of games. I often had the dream of forsaking my world and living in a new world with magic and monster. And after a normal day it happened.... Well yeah, hi this is my first story and I´m extremely inexperienced, so please help me with suggestions in the comment section. The MC is going to be OP and will have a few screws loose. He is not good, but will do good deeds, if he sees them necessary. The story will have sexual contents in booth ways (normal and lesbian) and there will be violence(torture, gore, slave abuse and so on). The inspiration for this story lies in many, many other stories. For example Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku, Tate No Yuusha No Nariagari, Mondaiji-tachi ga isekai kara kuru soudesu yo and many others. —————————————————————— I'm just reposting so we can appreciate his work. n i already got his permision to repost. but if the author want to got this taken down just just messege me in RR. if u want to see the original profile of author u can go to : https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399/fictions for original work of author u can go to : https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/3353/dexs-clairs-adventure-completed **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Eierlyfire · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

A scene from an anime.

I went back and helped Ilza and Lilia with the book till late into the night, but we were not able to finish, 7.000 is an enormous amount of books...

The next morning goes like this, wiggling out of Ilzas embrace, waking the sleeping Lilia, eating breakfast and then start the magic training.

I went to Hira in the afternoon and taught her tailoring, she reached LV 2 in the evening and I said that it´s enough teaching and she has to learn on her own from then on. But she´s allowed to visit us with her daughter whenever she wants.

The rest of the day was used for the Huru training and sorting books, we finally finished them and it looks beautiful, the whole room has shelves, filled with books, all of them are sorted after genres and alphabet. We now have a real library. I love books.

"So Lilia, what do you think, are these enough?" I said as we finished.

"I never saw a private library, you really mean that I´m allowed to read all of them ?" Lilia

"Not only read, you own them." I said and looked at Lilia, who had an innocent smile.

"Thank you..." Lilia

"No problem, you just have to teach Ilza. Let´s go sleep, it´s late and we have school tomorrow." I said and we went to our rooms, Ilza followed me.

We get in the bed and Ilza asked.

"Clair, why are you doing all this?"

"All what?" Me

"Helping Hira, the orphanage, rescuing the woman, giving Lilia her dream, employ the maids with an extremely high salary and also me." Ilza

" Hira was on a whim, I did not want to have Hira and her daughter around me forever, they only interested me for a day or two, so I made a place for them to stay. Namely the orphanage, I like to play like a child, so it presented itself.

The woman were with you and I don´t like the pleading and cries of a woman, they are noisy. So I rescued them.

Lilias books are the payment for your training and I took my interest in her.

For the maids, well I think you´ll work harder if you get a good payment and days off.

And finally you, I don´t know, might be, because I´m alone in this world, no one is like me and I left the only friend I had, in my old world. So I wanted to have you stay at my side and you have to be strong for that." I said and she hugged me stronger.

"So I´m the only person you care about?" Ilza asked and looked in my eyes.

"Well, I don´t want you to die. It´s hard to say but I not really have an emotion like love. I just find some people more annoying than other. My range of emotions is hate, hunger, joy, annoyed and that´s it." I said.

"Weren´t you loved in your old world?" Ilza

"I think I was, but I only had the thought ´It would be annoying if they would die´ for them." Me

"That´s sad, love is beautiful. " Ilza

"You love someone?" Me

"I loved, an old slave maid took care of me, after the whippings. They killed her in front of me."Ilza said and tears began to form in the corner of her eyes.

I stroked her hair and said.

"Well I´ll make you strong so that you´ll be able to save them in the future, we could also go and kill your old master." Me

"He´s an influential person of the capital. We can´t do that." Ilza

"We´ll see, just say it and we´ll go and kill him." Me

"There is one thing that bothers me Ilza." Me

"What?" Ilza

"Why are you so comfortable around me? There must have been many people who hurt you, why are you okay near me." Me

"I feel safe when I´m near you. You´re pretty, strong and you help people. You healed me from my physical scars, saved me from a comeback of my nightmare and gave me a safe place to live, food, the opportunity to improve and above all, you are nice to me. I don´t think that it´s not normal for me to feel comfortable around you." Ilza

"This sounds like you love me." I mused.

"Would it be a problem if I do?" Ilza asked staring at me, worried for my answer.

"No, you can do what you want, but I´m not sure if I could return your love." Me

"You already do. Is it not some kind of love to comfort me in the night? Is it not some kind of love, to help me with my problems? And is it not some kind of love, to teach me, so that I´ll be safe in the future?" Ilza said and smiled.

"This might be, but I mean the kind of love, where you don´t want to get separated and feel good just for being near the other person." Me

"This might come with time," Ilza said and began to stroke my hair "I´ll wait for you." She continued and kissed me on the forehead.

She´s more aggressive than normal....

"Might be, let´s sleep," I said and used her as a pillow. And fell asleep.

It took me a week, but I´m now able to sleep with other people next to me....

The school week was mostly boring, except for Wednesday. There was a funny event during lunch.

I was sitting with Pia, Kira and Lina and we were talking.

"So do you want to move to my new house?" I asked them both.

"You see, we would not fell comfortable if we would move in." Kira

"Why?" Me

"Because it´s nothing that we earned, we think we have to achieve such a live style by ourselves." Lina

"Hm if that´s what you want okay." I said and closed the topic.

"Clair did you heard, they´ll organise a tournament in two months," Kira said after a brief pause.

"Who´re they?" Me

"The school, they hold a tournament for everyone who wants to join, there are many different events. Free for all, King of the Hill, One on One, pet fights and endurance fights." Kira said excitedly.

"Oh I heard of that, even normal people and adventurer are allowed to take part if they are able to go to the second wall district. " Pia.

"Let´s all participate, "Kira suggested.

"Hm, I´ll ask my brother if he wants to do it, I´m not interested in tournaments. And how are they able to handle the wounded?" Me

"The light affinity mages are there for healing and the finals are held in the magic arena." Lina

"You have a brother?" Kira

"Yes, you´ll see him then, he´s away most of the time." Me

"Clair´s brother, he must be hot...." Kira said with distant eyes, Pia and Lina nodded.

"How old is he?" Lina

"23" Me

"Is he strong?" Pia

"Stronger than me." I said and her eyes began to shine.

"Okay, it´s settled, we´re participating and the winner gets a date with Clair´s brother." Kira

"I don´t think he would agree," I said.

"You just have to convince him." Pia

Oh dammit, well a date might become fun.

"CLAIR!!" ??? someone shouted from the stairs. And we turned around.

There was a guy brown hair, mid twenty, tall; 187 cm, and has a slim, but muscular body.

"Who´s that?" Kira

"Do you know him, Clair?" Lina

"Nope." I said and he began to come to us. He stopped in front of me and got down on a knee and said while looking in my eyes.

"Clair, I love you from the moment I saw you at the entrance ceremony, would you please go out with me." ???

A love confession in front of all these people? I thought that only happens in anime.

"Who are you?" Me

"Pardon my rudeness, my name is Halvig, I´m in the warrior course and a third year." Halvig introduced himself.

"Okay, then are you a pervert? I mean I´m 13." Me

"Age is but a number, love can overcome this small obstacle." Halvig

"Yeah...n~" I began but Halvig suddenly flew to the side and crashed in a desk.

"Know your limits Halvig, Clair is too good for you." ??? said a new guy.

"KYAA that is Clovis!" Some girls screamed.

"The beauty above all, may I introduce myself to you?" Clovis said and bowed, which produced more Kyaa´s.

"Sure, Pia who´s that?" I said and whispered the last part.

"He´s in the fourth year of the magic course, A1-Class. A womaniser." Pia whispers.

"My name is Clovis Hans von Frangen, and I´m deeply sorry for my intrusion during your lunch but I could not stand this farce of a warrior," Clovis said.

"Who´s a farce?" Halvig said while standing up.

"You of course." He said and looked at him with disdain.

"YOU... I´ll give you farce." Halvig said and began to rush at Clovis.

Who in return began to chant. They began to fight, Clovis with his magic and Halvig with his enhanced body. Desks were smashed and bystanders ran, while screaming, away.

"You think we have to interfere?" Lina asked with a worried look.

"Nope, that´s interesting." I said and saw a few more guys jumping in. This turned into a full-fledged love confession war. Most off them either said that the other is unworthy of me or got blown away while they trying to introduce themselves.

It did not take long and some of the student council members came, they were led by Ley.

"Clair, what happened?" Ley asked, running to me..

"A guy tried to confess his love to me, another one stopped him and they began to fight. A few more showed up and they also got stopped by each other." I said with a smile.

Ley facepalmed and said.

"And what did you do against this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, innocently.

"Don´t give me this innocent look, you know what I mean. You´re supposed to stop them." Ley

"I´m just a first-year, these are mostly 3thrd and 4thrd years. How do you expect me to stop them?" I said and smiled her in the face.

"Arg whatever. STOP!!" She screamed and let her mana burst forth. All of them froze. It looked exactly like the scene of Asterix and Obelix during a village fight.

One guy even had a fish in his hand and slapped another one with it.

"HAHAHAHAHA" I began to laugh and Ley glared at me.

"Good, now why are you making such a fuss?" Ley

"He started to bother Claire." One guy said.

"NO, you bothered her." Was the reply and they again started to fight.

"I SAID STOP!!" Ley screamed and some of the spectators went pale from the mana suppression.

"YOU`RE ALL GOING TO LEAVE! AND I DON´T WANT TO SEE THIS AGAIN!!" She continued and they began to leave.

Ley then turned around to the not affected me, the pale Pia, Kira and Lina and said to me.

"Stop this next time, I know you´re strong enough."

"And why do you think that?" Me

"Because you´re not affected by my mana suppression." She said and left.


"Okay, let´s go back to class." I said and smiled at the trio.

"How are you unaffected from her mana?" Pia asked, still pale.

"Compatibility?" I said jokingly and tilted my head to the side.

"I think this will become a problem in the future?" Kira

"Why?" Me

"Some of these guys are really popular among the girls and they have some kind of fan club, which stops other girls." Kira

"Heh, that'll be fun." I said and left the trio behind.

The rest of the week was training with the Hurus and Ilza. I also suggested Ilza to take part in the tournament, which she accepted, worriedly.

Tomorrow is Friday again and I´ll try to find some bandits....