

Story about a 35 years old lonely guy 'Khazir' he only know is to playing games and she is unemployed and tired to his old life and she want to Disappeared and reincarnated to another world to become adventurer and change of his new life. [ Got bored nothing to do so I decide to write this story for fun feel free to leave comments]

Khazir_Hinca · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Khazir was shocked when he's see a naked girl on his bed.


Nagisa what are you doing in my bed?

Hm... Good morning master.....' (Nagisa)!?

I'm scared to be alone in my room and the wind is strong so I came to your room without saying anything. I apologize Master Khazir.

No-no,no..... It's ok.. but..... You're clothes....' where's you clothes Nagisa?!?

Aaaaaaaah.... You pervert... Bang...

"Nagisa punch Khazir in his face because of misunderstanding.

Uh.....Your Hands is strong Nagisa... Even I'm not the One who remove you clothes.... And your the one to come to my room.

Now go back to you room before Shena come to my room if they going to see both of us this is going mess...

Yeeessh Masteeeer!!" I'm going out now... Call me master if we going to hunt the monster...

Yeah,yeah...now go out... Before Shena come.

While shena Going to visit khazir to go hunt a demon monster.....


Khazir.... Are you inside?

Yes! come in Shena.

Khazir, you want to come to hunt a monster? If you want bring your slave.... For his training.

Yeah... We're waiting for you Shena to come.....




Oh. You're here khazir.... What's your request??

Oh.. Good morning Mira... There's mission Quest?...

Yes.... This request is from owner of the Isshin company...


Why khazir didn't you heard about Isshin?

Yes? I did not hear about a company.....

Isshin company is a trade rice and create a swords they a big company in this Mousehole city....

Oh.... Then what the request of the Isshin company?? For the adventurer.?

The mission is to secure the rice and delivered it to the other capital of Finn....

Oh..! Okay....



I'm a captain in this rade...

Matthias Jax....

Here we are... What you're name kid? You here to take a request from Isshin?

Yes.... And my name Khazir and this my comrade Shena and Nagisa my slave Fighter....

Oh... Slave Fighter... She is unique for fighter even she's a girl...

Well then be prepared and ready to protect the Goods to Capital of Finn...

Yes" Captain....-

Let's go.... To Capital....




In A night in Forest of Alaba Alaba forest is full hallucinations and Monster..... But they are now afraid because they have a relic to protect from hallucinations.


All of you we're going to stay in this Forest of Alaba.... You now Alaba Is dangerous forest for hallucinations but I'm prepared for that I have a relic for not to affected the hallucinations. But be cautious the monster is watching.... So be cautious!!


Hey Khazir right?


You..... Can you bring a wood from....?

Ah.. yes... Ok. You Shena and Nagisa you want to come?

'Yes we want to come...'

Let's go....'

Khazir and his friends come to pick a wood. while they come to forest they saw a 30 Demons wolf.... They watching him and khazir and his other friends... Back to his Group.. they inform the monster was watching waiting to rest the other tired people....

Captain!!!.....' And all of you... Hear me.. the demon monster was watching us.... They are 30 demon monster... So prepared



(Adventurer 1)

Hey..... Look at this kid.. we didn't hear a monster so... Go and back to pick a wood we have no time to play with you.


Bullshit but it's true...

"Then what are we doing khazir'


Forget them..... Let's stop the other monster as we can....

Forget the other monster come to our camp for signal.... They didn't follow me.... Let's give them a surprise..... (Khazir)

"While the khazir group was resting and sleeping because of work to guard a goods....


This stories is I'm going to stop for the time being. ty..