

Story about a 35 years old lonely guy 'Khazir' he only know is to playing games and she is unemployed and tired to his old life and she want to Disappeared and reincarnated to another world to become adventurer and change of his new life. [ Got bored nothing to do so I decide to write this story for fun feel free to leave comments]

Khazir_Hinca · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


After finish his first mission khazir was tired and going to take a rest and visit to City to buy a slaves)




Haaaays... I'm tired in my first Adventure, I'm also what to sleep now. . .

›Guild Of Mousehole‹


'Welcome sir. khazir, Congrats to your fist Quest'

Aaah, thank you. but I'm tired can I collect now my first mission money from goblins


Here Sir! 20 silver coins for killing the nine Goblins and save the small village . . .


Oh right! beautiful receptionist, can you tell me you name.

My name? . . . . . Mira is my name. Khazir, Why!? What do you need from me??

No. . . It's nothing because it's been week, I stay in this city

So I need connection when I need help.... So I going rely on you Mira!

"The receptionist (Mira) was blushes with his smile when he heard khazir say to him"


Yes, just tell me what do you need as long I can answer your need.

Yeah . . I'm going back now to get rest I'm tired now, let's meet in  tomorrow...

'Yeah rest well'

›In the Morning‹

Uwaaah. . . It's morning already!?

It's feel like I'm only take a nap . .

Haaaaays . . . I think I'm going to take a rest for now I'm going to visit a Slaves trader/store


'Oh! Good morning Khazir'


Good morning Miraaaa, uwaahh

I'm sleepy. .

You're here to take a request?

No! I think I'm going to take a rest and look to a City to visit  Slaves trader/store

Oh right!! Mira do you now where's the Slaves trader


Why, you need a Slaves?

Yes, I think I need a slaves so where do you think where I can buy a slave??


For your need? . . . You need to visit the leader of Reaper bandits group. . .

hmm.. what his name again . . .

I think his name was  'Night hawk' she is only one where's the slave trade or shop something . . .

That only I Know . . .  

'Night hawk' you say? Then where's his going to stay?


It's okay just tell name his name

Because he is famous for being robbed and hungry to women . .


And then you need me to find this 'Night hawk' you say?

Yeah. .  because you need a slave right?


Yeah. . yeah . . . But if she arrogant I can kill him without hesitation . . But atleast meet him before going to act . . .

I'm going out now Mira let's meet tonight . . .

'Yeah' Good luck. . .




He~llo? Excuse me....

Where I can find name Night hawk?

(Hear voice is soft and scared)

The people on inside was staring at him when she asked the name 'Night hawk' and she pretending to be weak and calm . . .


Hey skinny kid what do you need to night hawk?

[The people in the inside was laughing]


I'm here to business . . .


Business you say. . . Hey skinny kid do you know what you saying, night hawk? You want to meet him! I think your looking for your death . . . She is not a person you can meet . . Go home skinny kid

Before I'm going to sell you In atleast cheap slaves hahahaha. .


Hey old man . . . I'm not here to talk and I have no time to waste to you . . . Where's you Boss?


Hmmm. . Kid I let you off because I'm not in the mood to kill a skinny kid like you . . Now you push me to this . . .


Hey old man all talk . . if you are going to attack me feel free to come with me . . .

Dieeeeeeee skinny kid . . 

[Clang] . .  . [Clang]

Your pretty good skinny kid

(He keep dodge his attack in 30 minutes and khazir he only smile to him like nothing happen).

Haup.....hauupp!??! I'm tired now, that  skinny kid is like a stick I can't hit him . . I hitting my sword to him is like a wind . .

hey don't watch. .  everyone kill him . . . You all your power

Yaaaawnn,waaahhh, kill him

Dieeeee kid.. . . . . .

FIREEEEEE ARROW . . . . .  Boooom~


[Clang] . . .  [Clang]

All of you kill him Don't show Mercy to that skinny kid . . .

[10 people bandits]


Full of smoke and can't see and  House inn was destroyed because of the attack of 10 people bandits

Khazir was easy to scape to that attack and she hide in the smoke . . And going to kill the bandits . .


Now it's my turn old man..... Diee old man



(The ten bandits was dead after khazir use his teachnique) . . .

Wooo . . . . You stinking old man you all talk but you also weak and you waste my time and you destroyed the Inn . . . Now . . Now where's you money . . . To paid to  destroyed this house Inn. . . . .

Let visit to another day to buy a slave and when Night hawk is going to coming here . . .

›In the Mousehole Inn‹


You're back khazir . . . . What happened to your trip??? You found the leader of bandits???


Nope . . I tried to talk about Night hawk, but I can't found him I think I'm going to visit next time. . . I also killed 10 of his subordinates so the news is going to disturbance to him...Haaaaays

I need slaves to train them and cook for me every day but night hawk is not here . . .  . But now I'm going to church to pay to my 5 gods . . I'm out Mira . .


Yeah . . Visit again. . .