
Devouring Phoenix Emperor

After jumping from a cliff, Aeryz found himself alone in a black void. In that place, he could have spent a day, a year or eons. Without his five senses, the answer was unknown. But then… **Procedure Completed** **Skill […] has been acquired** **Teleportation to another world in progress…** AN: Cover is not mine. Also, I will publish a chapter every Friday and Saturday.

RecklessSabreOne · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Second Life

Second Chance

Standing on a cliff, I contemplated the landscape for the last time as after this, I wouldn't have that chance again.

At this moment, it seemed to be the most beautiful sight in the world. I could see everything from that height, including the endless sea in the horizon.

Yet, this beautiful world had to be stained by us, humans, despicable creatures who abuse animals without consideration and disrespect nature and even our kin.

In this society, money allows you to do basically anything in life including taking the life of others like they were nothing and getting away with it.

That's how I lost the last member of my family, my brother, to some spoiled children.

These idiots were doing a race car in the city in broad daylight at full speed and unfortunately, my brother had the bad luck of crossing the road at that time…

The car was driving too fast for him to even have a chance to survive.

Any normal person would have at least been arrested for 10 years in jell but his family managed to reduce his sentence significantly with their money.

That's why I don't want to live in this kind of world where injustice reigns. And my fate has been sealed anyway as justice has been served.

My big brother has been avenged as the person who killed him isn't alive and won't risk doing the same thing to others ever again. I had to get my hand dirty for this to happen, but it's alright.

So even if I don't jump from that cliff, all there will be waiting for me is to rot in prison for the rest of my life.

Now, I can die without regret and rest in peace for eternity.

I closed my eyes and stepped forward without hesitation.



Why is it so dark?

Maybe it's because I am dead and this is afterlife…

What is going to happen to me now… am I going to stay like this for eternity…?

I tried to move my body but it feels like I don't have one in the first place. All the five senses I once had have disappeared. There was no sound, smell, sight, taste nor touch. Just a black void.

Is it where everyone end up after dying? Or maybe its the punishment of God for those who have ended the life of others or their own themselves and had not enjoyed his gift.

Even so, I wouldn't regret my action. That idiot deserved his death.

<<Procedure Completed >>

Wait… what…?

The voice seemed to be from an old man…

<< Ancient Race [Phoenix] has been acquired >>

<< Passive Skill [Fire Immunity] has been acquired >>

<< Skill [Library of Heaven] has been given by ??? >>

<< Special Skill [Ancient Fire Elementary Control] has been acquired >>

<< Unique Ancient Skill [Devour] has been acquired >>

<< Teleportation to Another World In Progress… >>

Even though I didn't have a body, these notifications make me feel dizzy and the texts were becoming blurrier with each passing seconds.

"Enjoy your new world, kid."


The breeze against my skin made me regain consciousness.

Where is this place? How did I get out from that void?

Wait… a breeze?

Without the sense of touch, I shouldn't be able to feel anything. How? Didn't I lose all my five senses?

When opening my eyes, the brightness and the colourful world surrounding me blinded my eyes.


I can see! Not only that, all my other senses are back as well!

It's always when we lose our everyday privilege that we know how lucky we are to be able to walk and enjoy the sight of nature around us and hear the birds chirping.

It took me a while to calm myself from the amazement of being able to see the world again and to ponder about my current situation.

So after dying, I found myself in a black void and then many notifications appeared at the same time making me feel dizzy and lose consciousness.

And now, according to the last notification that I managed to read, I have been teleported to another world.

And since I have been given the [Phoenix] race, I shouldn't be a human anymore although I still have the same appearance as before. Also, it seems like I have acquired a fire immunity and the ability to use fire. As for my unique skill [Devour], what could it be…?

<< [Devour] allows the user to ability to absorb 10% of a target overall strength and one of the target's skill. To use the skill, the target must have recently died. Skill Upgradable. Usage limited to 10 times per day. >>


Where are you?

An emotionless voice came out of nowhere and spoke in my mind. But there wasn't anyone around me. How is it possible?

Could this be someone spying on my mind and using a [Telepathy] skill or something?

<< [Library Of Heaven] skill has been attached to your soul and therefore is able to speak in your mind. >>

I see…

Just by the name of it, it must be a skill that can answers my questions.

Reply to me. Is it correct?

<< Affirmative >>


Can you explain to me how I can upgrade [Devour]?

This is the skill that I must level up as fast as possible since it is a game-breaking ability.

Still, I am quite sure there must be a limitation in the future or it will be too good to be true.

Even if I could only absorb 1% of my target' power, it would still be overpowered.

<< By absorbing enough energy, [Devour] can evolve into [Predator] >>

What benefits does it have over [Devour] ?

<< Answer impossible. The host's current level is too low. >>

After this, I kept asking questions to my [Library Of Heaven] to test its limitations.