
Chapter 1

At night! The black lacquered canopy was opened by lightning and a deep mouth, without warning, the heavy rain slammed down.

"Can't let him know the existence of the woman, nor allow the child to have a chance to appear in this world..." An indifferent voice echoed in the torrential rain, and the man continued to say coldly: "When you act, remember to take that The pharmacy managed to shoot into his body, messed up... Miss would be very upset!"

After that, the person refused to answer the other party, then hung up the phone indifferently, and then looked at the time displayed on the phone.

A flash of lightning passed, and the dark night was temporarily lit, reflecting the people standing at the entrance.

The man was wearing a huge black umbrella, and it seemed as if he could see a sly smile in his mouth. After the lightning, he slowly looked up and looked at the Meilun Hotel in front, looking at the top floor... The location of the presidential suite!

Just then, the top floor of the Meilun Hotel was in a depressed atmosphere.

"Separate evacuation!" An indifferent and calm voice sounded, the man stood calmly in the hallway, a handsome face floating in the cold, the deep scorpion released the falcon-like sharp gaze gazing forward, the natural tyrant's temperament suddenly Covered all around.

He looked indifferently at the place where the dangerous atmosphere came, and the cold lips evoked a cold sarcasm, and the unruly coldness of the people made people feel a bit suffocating.

"Less master, you first withdraw!" The man's personal bodyguard said calmly with a gun.

The man responded, quickly and calmly flashed into the corridor, along the way... He shot all the lights on the stairway, and instantly, he was trapped in a dead silence, leaving only a little bit of light left by the occasional lightning!

The man quickly went downstairs, and suddenly, a lightning bolt tore the black silence. Just as the light flashed, he turned his head and swept a shot, killing a killer.

However, because of the brilliance that exposed his position, he only felt a stinging pain in his ankle and almost planted the stairs.

The man's brows did not wrinkle. He immediately broke off the corner of the shirt and wrapped his ankle in an effort to prevent the blood from exposing his own tracks...

"The pharmacy has been injected, and he is forced into the 40th floor!" The indifferent voice issued an order to the intercom, and suddenly, the people who were surrounded by the downstairs and upstairs began to double-sided attack.

The rain outside is getting bigger and bigger, as if it is dumping directly from the sky, pouring it on a Porsche sports car that is driving out of the underground parking lot...

Ling smiled and ran out of the hotel's door, trying to stop the car that was driving out. However, it was always a step late. She could only watch Shen Junyi driving away from her by the side of the car. The splash of water splashed her heartlessly. The body is wet instantly!

Ling smiled and looked at the wolf's own self. The corner of his mouth showed a bitter bitterness, his eyes gradually reddened, and a warm mixed mist fell on his cheeks in the cold rain...

Is it true that you must go to bed when you fall in love? Thinking, the bitterness of the corner of the mouth became more and more intense, and suddenly suspected that he was too persistent, or loved him enough.

Ling smiled and turned into the hotel. When the man walked out of the 39-story elevator and walked to the room with his heavy body, he had a sad sorrow and was holding the phone tightly by the slightly frozen hand. Looking at the words just played above, hesitate, press the send button!

I am waiting for you to come back!

Ling smiled and looked at the words being sent. The corner of his mouth had a smile of self-deprecating. He pulled out the room card and touched the door lock sensing area. After hearing the sound of the door lock opening, he turned the armrest and pushed the door and went in...

Suddenly, an impulse pushed her whole person into the room...

"Ah...oh..." Ling smiled and suddenly dilated, and her eyes were struggling. Her mouth was screamed by a big palm, and then the sound of the door closed!

"Oh...hey..." Ling smiled terrified. She struggled hard, her hands trying to open the hand holding her mouth, and the body was constantly twisting, trying to break away from the restraint of the person behind her.

"I won't hurt you..."

There was a cold voice from the top of the head, and the voice was hoarse and low, and the breath of the breath was straight on the top of Ling's smile.

Ling smiles and listens to the voice of a man. It is even more alarming, and the more and more writhing is so powerful...

The man's brow is deep, and the breath of the woman who breaks into the nose makes his lower abdomen abnormally uncomfortable. It seems that he must seek venting. He is not a person without self-control. Why is this so?

The feeling of the ankle is numb, the man realizes that the wound is not simple, and the feeling of numbness makes him gradually weak, and this situation is very dangerous.

The person in the arms is still struggling desperately. He is squinting at what he wants to say, but at this moment, there is a faint sound from the door, and the man's eyebrows are tightened and the hand of the gun is held. Some slight trembles, this situation does not say to kill the enemy, self-protection has become a problem, and this woman will be dangerous!

Suddenly, there was a thought in my heart that was on my head...

"I will be responsible for you!"

The man said with a low voice, and soon the door opened a weak gap. After Ling's smile was too late to react, the person was already pulled over. She just wanted to scream, but the voice was swallowed in the man's mouth...

The man glared at Ling's two hands and pulled her clothes with one hand. The fabric fell unbearably with gravity. Ling smile only felt that he was humiliated at the moment. The full grievances could not be vented, and he could only turn into tears. Her anger!

The man pressed Ling smile on the bed and pulled the quilt on one side to cover the two.

Kiss, no feelings continue to entangle...

Ling smiles and wants to avoid, but can't resist the man's gravity, and the original softness of the body can only let her silently suffer this sudden change!

The sound outside the door was getting closer and closer, the man twisted his eyebrows and held the hand of Ling smile and tightened. He used his legs to open the struggling legs. Suddenly, a forceful body...


Ling smile only feels that the whole person has been torn, and the body that is suddenly running through is shaking, and the tears of humiliation are getting more and more popular.

"Call so loudly, would you like the whole hotel to know that we are stealing?" The man suddenly sneered and snorted, and then accelerated the speed of the body in the tight rumor.

Ling smile only feels that the body and mind have been separated, and the thoughts gradually begin to scatter, the eyes are heavy, she wants to call for help, she wants to push the man away... but she can't speak, she can't push it, only the mouth sends out The sobbing snoring.

The man bowed his head and kissed Ling's smiling lips. The bitter taste of the tears smudged in his mouth. The man's heart flashed a sigh of relief, kissed...falling on her hot cheeks, with a kiss of pity The slipping tears...

Such a cool kiss with a touch of tobacco fell on every part of Ling's smiling cheek, kissed the salty moisture above, and with the unspeakable shackles and the unbearable instigation, this feeling, Let his body seem to be more hot.

The man's scorching swelling still shuttled back and forth in the green valley. The movement outside the door gradually went away. He wanted to withdraw from Ling's smiling body. However, he found that at this moment, he was somewhat greedy for the tight package. His huge swelling feeling...

That feeling made him obsessed and let him indulge. At this moment, he did not know, it was the drug's urging or the original **'s drive, in short... he was greedy for her taste!

Ling smiled that the whole person had already fallen into a semi-conscious state. From the beginning of rejection, her body had already accepted the fiery sprint. The faint tobacco smell on the man made her faint eyes more blurred. In the dark, she I want to see the man's face, but helpless, too dark and too dark... The darkness around her makes it impossible for her to see the man.

Ling smiles constantly screaming at the moment, at this moment, it is already impossible to tell the voice because of illness, resistance or the burning sprint...

The man's rhythm is getting faster and faster, accompanied by his deep, breathless breath. The sweat falls on Ling smile because of his love, and the tears blend together.

A bang, a flash of lightning crossed.

Ling smiled hard to open his eyes and tried to see the face of the man by the light. However, the light flashed too fast, she saw nothing, and before she was in a coma, she only saw the man faintly. There is a "Z" mark on the silk flower on the shirt that emits a faint light.

Destiny is always a joke with us. What you expect and what happens in reality is always the distance of the day!

Porsche quickly rushed into the underground parking lot of the Meilun Hotel. A beautiful arc was parked in the exclusive parking space. Shen Junyi had not been in the car for a long time, and the little scorpion looked at the phone. Just five words of text messages, a sigh of sadness and apology.

Originally, I thought about smiling and graduated. I had a few friends to go to F City for a holiday. I was happy with each other, but when he looked at the smile and put on the bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom, it was hard to hide. Inciting...

But she refused him, his angry voice left, in fact... he didn't take long before he regretted it!

He likes to smile, and she is deeply attracted to seeing her at first sight. She has been caring for her so carefully, but why can't she endure today?

Thinking, Shen Junyi slightly slammed his mouth, put away his mobile phone, took the mousse cake on the co-pilot's seat, opened the door and went out. When the person stood in the elevator, he casually looked at the cake in his hand and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Laughing, looking forward to the number of elevators rising...

With a smile of the most loved mousse cake, she will forgive him? !

The dark room, with a strong atmosphere of love after the love, the man sorted out the clothes, standing on the tail of the big bed overlooking the bed and sleeping on the bed, the storm raging sound, it seems that inside the house Some repression.

The dark environment blocked all sight, and the man looked at the woman who "helped" him on the bed, and the obstacles in her body that blocked him from sprinting told him that she was still a virgin/female!

The man took out the pen and paper from his arms, blacked out a string of phone numbers on the bed, dragged his injured leg and turned away. At this moment, he has more important things.

"Less Lord!" The man who was outside the door heard the news coming and moving, respectfully calling.

The man responded, turned and looked at the position of the big bed, screwed his eyebrows, and then he opened the door and flashed it. Then he pulled the door and turned to the side corridor.

Said side by side: "Is there anyone injured?"

"Not many, have been killed, have been sent to clean up, just ... did not find any clues!" The man suddenly saw the man's pace is somewhat unstable, worried asked: "Lord, are you injured?"

The man "hmm" didn't explain anything. Suddenly, he stopped and looked back at the room that had just come out. He immediately said, "Give me the information of that room tomorrow!"

He can't hurt a woman for no reason, for her own reasons, if she wants to compensate him, she will give her, if she wants his responsibility... he will also give her!

the elevator hit the opening in time, Shen Jun took the cake out, and walked toward the smiling room with a light and young pace!

When people just turned the corner of the corridor, they saw two men turning around and going from the end of the other side.

Shen Junyi did not come from the eyebrows, did not think too much to go to the room where Ling smiled, went to the door, raised his hand and tapped the door...

However, for a long time, no one has responded!

Shen Junyi screwed her brow and took out the phone to dial out the familiar number. The sweet ringtone was faintly passed out from the room!

"Smile..." Shen Junyi once again tapped the door, but still did not respond, he could not help but said: "Smiling mobile phone should be around..."

She sent a newsletter to him at that time. He just didn't go to find a cake shop to buy a cake. She wouldn't go out? !

Thinking, Shen Junyi couldn't help but worry about it. I couldn't take it for granted. I took out the exclusive VVIP exclusive card of Meilun Hotel and explored the door lock sensing area. "呲", the door opened and Shen Junyi hurried in, familiar. The expedition opened the lights in the room.

He eagerly walked inward, and suddenly, what was smashed under his feet, his reflective coveted look... actually a torn cotton skirt!

Shen Junyi followed the dress and looked forward a few steps...

Bra, underwear...

Some of Shen Junyi's eyes were not in the state, and the cake in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. He walked inward with heavy steps.

I saw the big bed on the folds of the quilt, Ling smiled and fell asleep, his face was shy and faintly faint, his shoulders bare/exposed outside, and the faint chest line could be seen, and the smooth skin had Striking red, everywhere...

The interior is filled with a sly scent and a touch of tobacco... The man's instinct tells him some messages that he is not willing to face!

Shen Junyi looked sluggishly, his hands slammed tightly, and he stared at the sleeping man, his teeth biting!

The mirror of the dressing table cracked because of the sudden gravity, and the blood... slowly slipped down the broken mirror!

The harsh voice finally woke up the stunned smile. She slowly opened her eyes and squatted. The pain from the inside to the outside made her frown. The glare made her eyes not only open but also open. Closed.

Shen Junyi Xu felt the faint movement in the bed, and he turned his head and looked at it slowly...

Ling smiled and fixed his eyebrows, instinctively quilt quilt wants to prop up his body, she looked a bit stunned, just to meet the resentful light of Shen Junyi's delivery, she opened her mouth in horror, the whole person stayed Squatting half sitting on the bed.

Shen Junyi looked at him like this. He slowly retracted his hand, no matter the wound that was scratched by the lens on his fist, but also had some anger on his face with youthful temper. He looked at Ling with a sneer. Smile, sarcasm said: "You newsletter waiting for me to come back... just let me see how you look after you and other men go to bed? Ling smile, I hate you!"

After saying that, Shen Junyi lost his calm, gnashing his teeth, and then turned away with resentment.

"Jun Han"

The door closed with anger, Ling Xiao's eager call was blocked in the house, her body shivered slightly under the quilt, and her eyes looked at the broken mirror without a focal length, bright red The blood of the blood not only made her heart tremble slightly.

Tears, once again broke through the eyes, silently slipped, and by this time, she still could not believe what happened suddenly, thinking that it was just a dream.

However, the physical pain told her that she was inexplicably raped, that person said that she was responsible for her, and now... in this room, except for the disgusting scent, there is nothing, all her All, in an instant, seems to be illusory!


Ling smiled and yelled, crying loudly, she didn't know how it would suddenly become like this, and all the changes made her unprepared!

Ling smiled and swept through the room with tears. Suddenly, she was a little scared. She quickly jumped out of the big bed, and the bloody white lines on the white sheets were unusually glaring.

She couldn't help but sneered, and walked into the bathroom, and the cold water was completely unknown. I didn't know how long it took for her to walk out of the bathroom, take out her clothes, and drag her weak and sore. The body walked out of the room, she did not take the elevator, just indifferently approaching the dim stairwell, one step, one step, one step... go down.

I thought that the end of high school career will usher in a new hope, but it turns out that...just another kind of destruction.

The hesitation of Jun Han has been exchanged for the fate of being raped, and even more tragic is that she does not even know what the person looks like!

Ling smile suddenly stopped, and when the light was shining, his brows were close. In memory, there was a "Z" sign on the man's silk flower. This sign seems to have seen it...