
Chapter 3 – Birth


Lycan was still waiting for his birth, while doing so he tried to figure out the vision regarding past and future events in this world. In Ninja world, the 5 Hidden Village is known to be the strongest among others. They were located in 5 different Continent.

Village Hidden in Leaf – Konohagakure (Hi no Kuni)

Location – Land Of Fire

Village Hidden in Sand – Sunagakure (Kaze no Kuni)

Location- Land of Wind

Village Hidden in Cloud – Kumogakure (Kaminari no Kuni)

Location – Land of Lightning

Village Hidden in Mist – Kirigakure (Mizu no Kuni)

Location- Land of Water

Village Hidden in Stone – Iwagakure (Tsuchi no Kuni)

Location- Land of Earth

This Village were the strongest of all villages, there were other countries which also have more army but when faced with this five Villages they could only bow down. Due to being strongest there were many fight and war between the villages, some Villages participated in this war some were destroyed, some became stronger and more powerful.

This world had a force known as Chakra which was the source for the strength of this world. This energy known as Chakra could help them develop and grow powerful strength or use Elements to attack the opponents. The Five Hidden Villages all focused on their particular strength which was also their strength and weakness.

How did Lycan who was a Hitman know about this world you may ask? Well the Ai gave him the basic information about this world and after thinking for some time, he remembered a Anime called "Naruto" in his past life. Though he wasn't an otaku or anything an Assassin needs to know about the world and Anime was a base of entertainment which was being popular in his past world. The Anime such as Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, etc such shows which were popular in his world were need to get close to some people who shared this interest.

This process also helped him in getting out of depression. Though he could say he had knowledge regarding this world and other if the fictional world he read is as the one he read.

HE didn't know all the moments with the Main Character went around fighting people but he knew the basic information and the character data of important people and their powers, and their importance.

As Lycan was thinking about all the knowledge of this world, he suddenly felt a gravitational pull towards his head. Knowing his time for birth has arrived he ceased all the other activity and tried to push himself towards the pull.

When his head got out he heard few voices.

"I got his head out, go for the final push….. Yes you can do it. Push!"

With his cooperation he easily got out, when looking around the room he saw a blurry face of a tired but beautiful red haired woman in the bed, which was catching the hand of a Red haired Guy. Both were looking at him with love filled eyes. Before they could talk to him, he was taken to be cleaned. When he came back he could finally see their appearance properly. The Woman who should be his mother, she had Brown Eyes and Red Hair, she was looking at him with her jewel like eyes, and there was so much love in it he couldn't describe it. She could be said to be beautiful but she had a holy like aura surrounding the present her. He then looked at his father; he had Golden Eyes and Red Hair, just like his mother. His appearance was a normal looking guy with goody grin on his face. He was looking at him with eyes filled with happiness and hope.

When the person who carried him walked towards them she said "Maya look at your son, he is so beautiful. Oh my I might want to carry him forever is I keep holding him. Look at him yourself." Saying this she gave me to my mother.

"My Son you're finally here, my wish has finally been approved. Kuzan look at our son, I can see his being the greatest ninja already." Maya said is a happy but tired voice.

Kuzan looked at me and said "Of course whose son do you think he is. This guy here is our Uzumaki clan hope. The Elders are still outside waiting for him birth." There more he looked at me the more his eye were glowing.

Maya laughed at him and said "What do you think we should name him, all the name we though before don't seem like a good choice now I think about it. You being his father should be given the first opportunity."

Kuzan then looked at me in Maya arms and said "I think with the hope of our clan in him, I can give him the name of the being I think is the strongest. My Wolf Summon prophet or leader always takes the Lycanthrope after being the prime alpha. I want him to become Stronger and faster than even them so I will give him the name Lycan Uzumaki. While they are given this name when they are strongest, I have given him the name when he is born meaning he is stronger than them since his birth."He looked at me and said which I replied with laughter.

Kuzan then looked at me and said "Look he likes it, so Lycan it is.

Maya couldn't help but show a smiling face when she saw it.

Kuzan grabbed me and faced me towards the ceiling and said "From this day forth the Son of Kuzan Uzumaki and Maya Uzumaki shall be named Lycan Uzumaki. May he rule and lead our Uzumaki clan to their peak once more." I couldn't help but think of the moment where "Simba the Lion King" was in the same situation.

After 1 week.

He found out the position he was in, currently 3rd Great Ninja War was on progress. The Uzumaki Clan was a prominent Clan in Uzushiogakure (Village Hidden by Whirling Tides). They could be said as one of the strongest clan out there, and due to this reason many World's Village banded together and attacked the Uzushiogakure. It was fine for few months but due to constant attack, the Uzumaki were sure they will not be able to survive this battle, so they smuggled many children and families to other Villages for safety. When in this process Village Sage predicted that he Uzumaki Lycan Son of Kuzan and Maya Uzumaki shall be the key to the future of Uzumaki prosperity. This leaded to me who was still unborn at that time to be smuggled with all the Uzumaki knowledge in a secret underground base.

After knowing this Kuzan and Maya were already on Heaven. There were One Royal and Six Nobel's Family in the Uzumaki Clan, though they were descended of the Six great Nobel's Clan their ranking was now higher that most of the royal clan, due to his birth.

Seeing all the hope they put on him Lycan started to have a headache. He then said "Ben do you have other function other than giving me mission and my task."

[Host can upgrade me with enough Money(Currency) or Important materials if Host wishes for more features unlocked.]

"What can you do? And what this features?"

[IF host learns chakra transformation and gain knowledge's regarding it I can help host in various ways. I can instruct Host like Sharingan in the Memory host received. The more money host spends on me the better function there are.]

"For Example?"

[Host is required to spend money to unlock the question's answer. Host is asked to fight or train to grow stronger.]

"Has the {GOD} given me any power that can help me grow faster?"

[Host is given the power to regenerate at a super high speed. Host can heal from nearly any wound as long as body parts are intact. Host current body is of Uzumaki Clan which is said to have high Vitality, host body has already unlocked it, and as long as host don't die or loses his limbs, any and all injuries can be healed perfectly without any problem in few hours to few days depending on the injury condition.]

"You mean I can regenerate at super speed?"

[Yes, as long as host eats enough food or use Chakra as a price any and all wound can be healed without any problem.]

"So I am pretty much stuck for a few years huh! I guess I should create myself as a genius to develop faster."

With that Lycan started to form his plan on how to spend his future days.


The Uzumaki living in the Cave were depressed. The once glorious and great Uzumaki clan who could claim they were one of the strongest clan in the world was now in ruins.

The Uzumaki Clan was divided in different family and braches and had a very strict Hierarchy which consisted of a Single Royal Family and Six Nobles families, others were Cilivians and except those Royals and Nobles they share the same Rights.

The Uzumaki Civilian in this present Group was very little in number, considering this people were transported to this location to make sure the clan never perishes. The Uzumaki were one of the strongest Clan in the past now was in such a pitiful condition. The 3rd Great Shinobi War started 2 years ago, they supported Konohagakure as their support, but they were attacked by many Villages banded together 1 year after the war leaving them with not many choices but to flee. They hold the fort for few Weeks, waiting for reinforcement but with other Great Village looking and disturbing Konohagakure they were unable to save. They were smuggled out in this period from Teleportation Seals, to grow the Uzumaki clan in the hope of Uzumaki Lycan, growing stronger and leading them to prosperity.

Lycan also didn't disappoint them; he could crawl when he was 1 month old, normal baby of their clan even with their Uzumaki Bloodline which are considered monster still needed around 3 months to crawl. When Lycan was around 3 months he spoke his first word "Weak". When he was 8 months old he started to walk in his two legs.

This already showed his intelligence, When he was 1 Years old he started to talk and asked his parent to teach him. It only took him 2 more months to understand the language and talk like 3 years old. It should be remembered that a child start talking around 2 years old and learns to speak properly around 3 yrs old so it was a huge surprise for the Clan to see such a child, it was no longer a genius but a monster.

He was known as a Child Prodigy so the Clan Elder who was still alive started to give him basic knowledge about his future. He was taught to speak and write until the age of 2 years old until he was able to understand basic word in the words. Now a 2 years old child was able to speak and read it was quite a shock for many people. The clan leader then instructed the people around him to gather.

Looking around him he said "Lycan is currently 2 years old, this child is our hope and as much as I would not wish to do it like you guys he must sacrifice his childhood for the clan. Now I declare his official Shinobi training shall start. I know Kids of his age haven't started to even talk yet much less make friend and enjoy their childhood but he must sacrifice this for the clan. This may create anti-social behavior in the future but these problems shall be for the future, he will be trained by all of us here. He is our clan future and key to our success so remember his training is nothing like anything you done before, praise him but don't boost his ego, break him but not his will, and love him but not his heart. I hope everyone here understand the consequence of failure. Dismiss"

The elders around him knew what their responsibility even better, as the clan was now ended and the Lycan was their hope. There was no Greed in process, no Schemes they wanted their Clan to be Peak, and no one was short minded enough to not know that if their clan fall, no matter what they do, they shall fall with it.

They were betting on Lycan to grow stronger and once again create a Village that will make the clan once more the strongest and regain the position.

With that Lycan training began, he woke up morning at 5am putting up his training dress he goes out of his room. There a maid brings his breakfast, after having breakfast at Sharp 05:15 am he arrives at training ground, In their he is trained in Taijutsu for 2 hours, after a medical bath for half an hour until 8:00am he goes to the Training hall. There Grand Elder of the Clan he meditate for 2 Hours, in this state he is not to move and the punishment for even twitching a muscle is a sharp smack of a ruler, which will hurt like hell for whole day.

After having a meal at 10:00 am he is suppose to arrive at Training Ground where he trains and spars with other children for few hours and learns chakra training for few more hours under a teacher supervision. At late 8:00 Pm he return home where he stays and is given 2 Hours break, but at 10:00 Pm he needs to be at bed.

This was Lycan Training Schedules, which were forced on him by the clan. He didn't complain as he was getting the best possible training by the clan. This Continued for 4 years, where Lycan woke up and did the same thing over and over again. The only difference was Meditation and Chakra training was mixed, the opponent he fought was no longer children but adults, and the 20 Kg weight in his arm, legs and body while practicing Taijutsu.

He started wearing weight while practicing taijutsu was because of his high stamina which was very hard deplete in just 3 hours of taijutsu training so weight were added in this training as exception seeing it didn't harm his growth. A Child should not use weight before a certain age but due to Lycan strong body he was given permission to wear no more than 20 kg weight and only on Taijutsu training time.

Lycan also started to learn Chakra Control since 4 years old. He was taught chakra Manipulation but was not taught any justsu and the only reason the clan training he gaven was train in chakra manipulation more the better.

He who was currently 6 years old could already fight a Jounin for a few minutes, as long as the Jounin use pure Taijustsu before getting defeated, this further enforced the clan decision to train him was the right choice.

He was waiting, waiting for time he could truly grow strong, he needed more strength. The 3rd Great War was in its peak. The war has lasted for 8 years, and still ongoing but he didn't have much time he need to grow stronger faster the better.


Grand Elder Mark~

The Child is a monster, but that is what I am afraid of. Us creating a monster, according to the prophecy he shall lead our clan, but if this continue there can be a huge problem.

His power and talent is the best I have ever seen, even our Kage were not so much Genius as this boy, but I don't want him to fall in the wrong path.

Children of his age are looking at him with reverence and some with envy. Forget about Children even Adults are looking at him that way.

I don't want him to destroy himself, but "what should I do?"

This question was eating Grand Elder Mark from the inside.