
Devil's Sakura

Betrayal... That's what the 27 year old military officer, Takamura Daichi experienced when he was shot to the head by his own best friend and fellow soldier, Asakura Kuzuki. Expecting his death, Daichi was shocked when he was reincarnated into the body of a 15-year-old boy, Hanazono Haruto, 15 years to the future. With this newfound opportunity, Daichi now Haruto will stop at nothing to get his revenge on his killer, using whatever means necessary to make sure that the snake Kuzuki will die the most painful and humiliating death... No matter what the cost.

NekoAAA · สมจริง
13 Chs

6: Fateful Meeting

Destined Rendezvous.

I suppose that's one way to put it in retrospect.

A father struck to death by his former comrade, then by death's favor, only to be reincarnated so he may meet his daughter in the future.

So yes, this indeed was a Destined Rendezvous, a meeting of fate by two people who share the same blood.

Even when I agree with Himegi, let's not get too hasty and overexcited by such a prospect. It is our first meeting, and there will be many more opportunities in the future.

I chuckled lightly in response and answered, "Perhaps, perhaps not. Who knows? Maybe all of this is just merely one big coincidence. But I digress. The Sakura Tree is quite a spectacle to witness, and I just happened to be drawn by the sight of it. It just so happens that you are underneath it."

My daughter found my answer acceptable as she reacted positively to it, "Hmm, I suppose. Destined Rendezvous or not, the school staff has been practically raving off your admission in this Academy, and when I heard of someone who was that incredible…."

She suddenly went closer, and my personal space instantly invaded.

Himegi now gave an impression of an excited dog wagging its tail happily at its master.

"I know that I have to meet you in person. To think that someone who came from a car accident and had amnesia. Instead of feeling down, you studied religiously for one year to aim high right here in this Academy!! You sure are amazing, Haruto-san!!"

Around a month ago, when I learned of my outstanding exam results, many reporters suddenly came without warning to our house and wanted to interview me.

The media caught wind of my story and decided they hit the jackpot with that one.

I'm sure those rascals were thrilled instead of concerned when they learned about my tragic accident and how I overcame the odds and got a perfect score in the entrance examination. I saw the hunger in their eyes at the potential scoop they were going to cover about me.

You got to love an underdog story. How ridiculously cliché.

Thankfully, my mother took the brunt of the force and acted as my proxy in answering their questions, saying that I was still recovering and was not in good condition to talk with a considerable number of people on our doorstep.

God bless Hanazono Erika's soul. I'll definitely repay her kindness someday.

But still, I was not fully exempted and was still exposed nonetheless. The reporters requested a picture of me, and I was on the front cover of the newspaper and a featured story in various social media outlets the next day.

My Facebook and Twitter account was spammed with many comments and messages that day, and I received a lot of praise from various individuals, the majority of whom I had never even met before.

And also a lot of doubt and hate as well.

Some say it was a fluke, while others think I cheated my way. Heck, one even posted some conspiracy theory where I was the son of a well-connected politician, and all that story of my tragedy and effort was a fraud.

Really, and here I thought that the people of this time and age were supposed to be more open-minded and logical with their way of thinking, leaning more toward the morally good side of things.

But there are still some idiots who only want to spread contempt, misconceptions, and fake news.

Or "Trolls," to be more specific.

And like they say, don't feed the Trolls; they'll go hungry and wither from the lack of attention they desperately crave.

Not worth the reply if you ask me.

The world of social media sure is entirely something that I can only say as a former 25-year-old man of the early 2000s.

Erina got the same mini-celebrity treatment as I am, seeing that she also passed Asabe's entrance examination. Thankfully, it was on a smaller scale, and the attention was more focused on me.

Still, she got her fair share of lovers and haters, and while I gave the "Trolls" the silent treatment, Erina was more vocal and did not give in to their bullshit.

While I discouraged her from answering every troll, Erina confidently told me that she was an expert on that sort of thing, even calling herself a "Keyboard Warrior" who possessed the power of Memes, Truth, Justice, and God on her side.

Whatever that means. I'm still kind of new to the slangs of the internet, and most of my time was spent studying for the entrance examination.

Back to my conversation with Himegi, I nodded in understanding and said, "Ah, and here I thought I would start here fresh without people knowing about me, but I supposed I expected too much. Not that it's a bad thing, though. I never thought that I get to witness someone who wants to meet me that much."

"And here I am, Haruto-san." Himegi's smile was all too bright. "I'm sure others are also thrilled to meet you as well. You were practically the talk of the town last month, especially among the students on the school's social media website."

"Really? Then I better not disappoint them then." I may sound arrogant, but I'm that confident, especially with my academics.

Himegi giggled at my statement and turned her sight on the puppy in her arms once more.

"Well, I should take my leave then, Haruto-san. As much as I love to chat with you, I believe I should take him to the clinic."

"Alright. See you later then, Himegi-san."

"Farewell, for now, Haruto-san."

We both waved our hands as I witnessed Himegi leaving the scenery.

Talking with my daughter… felt rather lovely. If she gets to be my classmate, Mother Luck is definitely on my side, and I will have even more opportunities to get closer to her.

Being her father… I know that it's going to be impossible now. I no longer am Takamura Daichi; he was already long gone from this world. Being Hanazono Haruto, I must best use my current situation, so being her friend is the second best thing I can accomplish in this second life of mine. That way, I can monitor her progress closely and, at least, make up for the years I was not there for her.

"Heehhh, what's with that stupid grin on your face, onii-chan?"

Right, and my sister, of all people, had to ruin the blissful mood that I was in.

"And I thought I told you to go on without me, oh disobedient little sister of mine." I casually remarked while now assuming a stoic look on my face.

"Nope, you were acting suspicious. To think that you would be having a secret meeting with a girl on the very first day." Erina commented amusingly. "And right under the Sakura Tree no less. Hehe, how romantic!! Did amnesia turn you into a player, onii-chan!? Oh, mom is going to be so devastated!!"

I flicked her forehead in response, and she pouted angrily at me.

"Mou!!! That's foul play, you idiot!!"

"The only idiot here is you, Erina. It's all just a big coincidence, and I help with her injured puppy, that's all. Although, I did become friends with her as a result, even if that was not initially my intention."

A lie, but she does not need to know that. I don't want to give this brat any more ideas in teasing me.

"Is that so? Well, she's quite a beauty. I, too, want to be friends with her then!!"

A smile formed on my lips once more and I can't help but agree with her. Having more friends to rely on is never a bad thing, I suppose, and Erina right here proves that she could be a good friend based on my assessment of her for the past year.

She's a genuinely good girl that I can tell.

"Very well. I'll introduce you to her some other time."

"Yeah, and oh crap… we are going to be late, onii-chan!! Let's head to the gymnasium!!"

Erina and I then left the premises of the Sakura Tree for the entrance ceremony of the Academy.

I'm back and daily updates are now expected XD

NekoAAAcreators' thoughts