
Devil's Sakura

Betrayal... That's what the 27 year old military officer, Takamura Daichi experienced when he was shot to the head by his own best friend and fellow soldier, Asakura Kuzuki. Expecting his death, Daichi was shocked when he was reincarnated into the body of a 15-year-old boy, Hanazono Haruto, 15 years to the future. With this newfound opportunity, Daichi now Haruto will stop at nothing to get his revenge on his killer, using whatever means necessary to make sure that the snake Kuzuki will die the most painful and humiliating death... No matter what the cost.

NekoAAA · สมจริง
13 Chs

10: A New Home

As it turns out, Asuna and Madoka were also in Class 1-A, thus becoming classmates as well with the both of them.

With three new friends on my very first day of school, the four of us headed together to our classroom and we each took our respective seats that were vacant for the taking.

I took the one at the back closest to the window at the corner while Himegi followed me like a puppy and took the one that was beside me.

Asuna and Madoka were not far off as the both of them were directly right in front of us.

Overall, the sitting arrangement was favorable for the four of us.

Now, let's see what I can say about Himegi's two friends…

After all, I need to know who my daughter was associating with. This included her relationship with her peers, her current status as a student, and if she's currently in a relationship.

As technically her father, I simply am concerned for her.

Otsuki Madoka is a pretty girl with long straight blue hair and a black hairband with a small cat face design attached to it. Her eyes are the same color as her hair and in addition to the standard uniform, she wore a caramel colored jacket over it.

Also, I get the vibes of a naughty prankster coming from her. And the way she speak is consistently loud and cheerful. It's like someone has forgot to tune down the volume on her voice box and really, the girl is going to be quite menace, I can definitely feel it.

Now going to the other girl, Akatsuki Asuna…

With a light maroon colored hair and amber colored eyes, Asuna can be described as quite the foreign beauty with those assets of hers. She also has a pair of black butterfly style hair tie tied in twin tails.

She too share the same pranking personality as Madoka, and with the duo of pranksters being friends with the dignified Himegi of all people, then it's no wonder that the poor girl is going to end up as the subject of constant teasing by these two.

But unlike Madoka, Asuna spoke a little more calmly and was more laid-back than her. Still, Asuna has a mischievous side of her own, and if I'm not going to be careful, then I may as well be her little Guinea pig in her future pranks and teasing.

I straightened my back and proceeded to assess inside this classroom.

Now I could see that my classmates could not help but stare at me with wide eyes.

Comes with the perk of giving the whole school a huge impression, right on the very first day.

Some decided to muster the courage and introduce themselves and I respectfully do the same. After all, we are classmates, so it's only right that a harmonious relationship must be established for a smooth sailing throughout the whole school year.

When the teacher came inside, we composed ourselves and all needless chattering ceased for the upcoming classroom procedures that shall be held today.


First day of school was thankfully uneventful and it ended before I even knew it.

While others opted to stay at school to chat for a bit, I can't exactly afford that kind of luxury just yet.

"Eh, leaving already, Haruchi? It's still too early, you know that?" Madoka asked while I stood up and picked up my bag from my chair.

"Come on, stay for a bit, Haruto! Himegi here is all going to be lonely and cold without your warm presence around, hehe." Asuna grinned while leaning against her desk.

Himegi was unaffected by Asuna's jab and joined in, "Dirty remarks aside, you seemed to be also quite in a hurry."

I smiled and told them the purpose, "My sister and I came from Nagasaki, and we just moved in here recently at the school's request and generosity since they'll be paying for our living arrangement. Unfortunately, there's some issues with the Moving company and we only transferred just around today. We still have some fixing and arranging to do in our new home."

"A new home, huh? I see, I see, hehehe." I could have sworn that I saw a nasty glint on Asuna's eye while she cackled like a madwoman.

Wonder what was that all about? Asuna sure is one eccentric little girl

"Wow, you and your sister sure are lucky!! Must be nice to be an Asabe scholarship student, huh?" Himegi clapped her hand joyously.

Indeed, being a scholar here at Asabe worked extreme wonders for someone of average financial status like Erina and I. In addition to free tuition fees, we were also given a free living quarters of our own choosing right here at this city, just like every commoners who managed to pass the entrance exam.

It's not like the school's finances are going to take a major blow at this. Commoners who passed the exam are extremely rare, and only one out of fifty managed to even get the passing grade, which is a whooping 90 average in every subject matter in the exam.

Majority of the students prefer going back to their cozy luxurious homes. As a result, the academy abstained from building a dormitory since it's a waste of resources and space. The students who came from far away places were of the wealthy kind, so they are more than capable enough of securing their own living arrangements in the city.

And the exam was no joke if I may add. I was genuinely impressed when Erina, the once lazy, all-play girl, managed to passed it. As her elder brother, I was genuinely happy for her.

I suppose even under this strange circumstance of reincarnation, I still came to treat Erina as family and not as a stranger like I initially thought.

Perhaps I'm a lot softer than I imagine. Or maybe I'm just feeling sorry for the original Haruto for taking over his body and so, I decided to live this life partially in his honor.

And here I thought that years of military service filled with warfare and hardships would mold me into an emotionless being with no regard for others around him.

Anyways, I disregard all such deep thoughts for now and smiled apologetically at them.

"I apologize. Maybe we can hang out next time. For now, our new home takes priority."

"Welp, there's no helping it. See you later, Haruto!!" Asuna waved her hand goodbye.

"Let's play some other time, Haruchi!!"

"Take care, Haruto-san!!"

I nodded my head in gratitude at their farewells as I made my way to the school entrance, where I'll be meeting up with Erina.

But little did I know, a flash of maniacal grin was seen from Asuna, and I could not help but had a chill run down on my spine.


When my sister and I were granted scholarship by Asabe and told us that we will be getting a new home for free, I thought that they are just going to provide us with a simple room in one of the apartment complexes of the city, or perhaps a dormitory.

Never did it occurred to us that we will be getting a new house of all things.

"Asabe sure does not hold back their expenses huh, onii-chan?" Erina was dumfounded when we arrived at our lovely adobe.

"Yes." I agreed with her, feeling the same sentiment. "At first, I thought that the moving company told us the wrong address, but nope, they said so otherwise. Would you look at that… it's a literal 2 story house built with a yard and its inside the relaxing atmosphere of this quaint residential area."

"Hahaha, am I dreaming, onii-chan? I must be dreaming. There's no way that we are getting a house for free this freaking easily." My sister was going crazy, no doubt.

I don't blame her though.

Back at Nagasaki, we live at one of the simple apartment complexes, so having a house of our own is a new experience for her.

Not that we live in poverty, no mistake. Our way of life is simple and Erika, being the single mother she is, worked her ass off every single day just to provide us two with good food to eat and quality education.

But given Erika's job as an average office worker, we don't have the luxury to afford out own house just yet. Still, she told us that she has been saving sometime for that dream of ours to turn into a reality.

Really, single mothers are definitely the best…

Not in a dirty way, mind you.

"Not easy, Erina." I corrected her, "We did passed that ridiculously difficult entrance exam of theirs. Like they say, Hard work always pay off. Although I'm also on the same boat as you are, given that the reward is a house and lot accompanying our scholarship."

Erina was still hyperventilating and really, I'm now concerned for her well-being if she is overreacting this much.

"A house, onii-chan, a house!!" Erina pointed like a little kid who just saw something very excited for the first time.

"I'm quite aware, Erina. I have a perfectly functioning pair of eyes, thank you very much, and this house is now ours, yes." I gave her an assuring smile. "Now stop being a dumbass, head in there, and help me move our stuff."

"Yes!!! This is the best day of our lives. I'm sure mom will be thrilled to live here as well!!!" Erina snapped back to reality and her excitement soared high like a rocket. Without a moment to waste, she instantly entered our new house.

"Yes, I'm sure she will be." I smiled as I followed suit inside.


It took us at least four hours tops before the place was satisfactory for us to live in.

Of course, there are still some things that needed to be arranged and unpacked, but that can wait for tomorrow and we can now slowly do that at our own pace, given that those are non-essentials.

Our new house in all things considered is a typical Japanese household with two floors. It's a spacious home that can accommodate perhaps a family of four or five.

There are three bedrooms here inside, one each for myself and Erina, and the other shall be the guest room or the room for Erika when she's going to live here with us in the future.

On the first floor was where the living room, the dining area, and the kitchen complete with utensils and cooking materials.

But the most remarkable feature of this house was the bathroom no doubt. It features a long bathtub and a state of the art shower room for a nice and long relaxing bath.

Overall, this house is an incredible improvement from our apartment back at Nagasaki. Erina and I definitely could get use to this comfortable lifestyle.

While still deep in my thoughts, the doorbell was sounded. I'm currently at the comfort of the sofa reading a textbook while Erina was at the kitchen cooking for our dinner.

And yes, believe it or not, my cheeky, unassuming brat of a little sister is capable of handling herself rather well in the kitchen.

Like they say, don't judge a book by its cover.

"I'll get it!!" I answered and went to the door.

Opening the door, my eyes widened as I was greeted by none other than…

"Hehe, salutations, oh good neighbor!!!"

Maroon colored hair made itself known as Akatsuki Asuna grinned widely with a hotpot on her hands.