
Devil's Luck

LifeSucks · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 6~ Land, ho!

Arthur's P.O.V

These past few months felt like the longest months in my life. It felt like it just kept going and going up to a point where I just felt painfully slow.

Ironically, it was at these times where I truly felt like I was alive. Ever since I was out of that cave, I felt like something has changed within me. It was as if I lost something important, but gained something even more grandeur. Power beyond what I thought was impossible. I have only barely tested these abilities and yet it scares me. Such power must have required something greater than just being a vessel, right? But, what is it that I really lost?

"Hm, you seem to be in deep thought, Arthur" I heard a calm voice in my head. I shook my head and sighed.

"It's just...Vel, am I still human?"I asked mentally as I glanced at the vast ocean. Vel was silent for a second and then let out a small chuckle.

"Does it really matter? You got what you want. Did you not?" Her voice was composed and had a hint of playfullness. I shrugged and let out a sigh of apathy.

"Well, I guess you are right. I doesn't matter anymore." I turned my attension to my hand and willed a small portion on my 'shadow' into existence. Small pieces of 'shadow' started radiate out of my palm as is it was from inside my body. At this point, the appearance of it was comparable to black smoke as it moved gracefully between my fingers. One thing that I have discovered is that I can change the phase matter of my 'shadow'. If I will it to have the appearance and consistency of water, it will do so. However, trying to mimic solid objects was rather troublesome. At first ,it was quite difficult to maintain the form of even basic shapes. But now, I could easily form them. Just small objects tho.

As I was experimenting with my shadow, I heard a thump just above me. It sounded like something dropped from the sky. I immediately turned to see what it was and it was a bird. A seagull to be specific. It tilted it's head as it looked at me with curiosity.

Hmm? This could be a great target practice. Again I willed a small portion of my power onto my hand. 'Shadow' started to accumulate as I turned it into an arrow-head like object. I then aimed at the bird that is completely oblivious to what is happening. With a deep breath I closed my eyes and concentrated.



Wait. I don't know how to shoot it. I stood there like a statue thinking about how stupid I must look like with my hand raised up in the air.

"Just relax. Your shadow obeys your every command. If you want it, the shadows delivers." Vel's voice rang in my head. I shifted my attension back at the bird. I want to hit it. I want to kill it. I pulled back my hand and with a short pause, I extended it back towards the bird. My shadow fired from my hand and released a recoil as well as a strong burst of wind that I was not expecting. It felt like I was shooting a gun. A really big gun. After recovering I looked up again. The bird was gone. The only part that was left was it's feet, still clutching the railing, and a few feathers that were slowly falling from the air. "Well done~ That was impressive Arthur. It seems like you have found an interesting way of using your power. " Vel said in a happy tone. "Thanks Vel." I replied. I wish there were more targets to practice tho.

"Sir Arthur!" Jack came rushing to me from the cabin. "Were almost at Thames!" He said as he continued to the back of the boat to inform Kaz.

After drifting in the ocean and sailing it for the past year, I am almost there. Finally, Im home.

The last three days on the boat felt longer than I imagined. Was it probably because of excitement? Nevertheless, I enjoyed these last few days on the boat because of Jack and Kaz who provided me company.



Finally, we entered the river of thames. The old familiar scene of the busy harbor made me reminisce memories before everything became complicated. "Magnificent! You humans have really come a long way! Quickly, quickly! Let's explore, Art!" Vel's voice rang inside my head. Art? It seems like Vel has given me a nickname on her own.

"I can't just leave. I have to send my regards to my rescuers." I said mentally. She grunted with annoyance "Fine! But make it quick!".

We settled the boat on a ramp connected to the river side l. As I tied a rope at a pole to prevent the boat from drifting away, Jack, Kaz and Christopher gathered barrels, which were filled to the brim with fish, to the front of the boat. Craig, who is the logician for the crew, counted the barrels and designated where they would be delivered. After organizing, the barrels were then placed on the river side.

Once I carried the last barrel, a confident voice called for me. "Young man!"

"Yes captain." I answered as I looked up at the deck of the boat.

"Come follow me." I followed the captain into an alley way full of rundown houses. I am very familiar with this type of living. All the houses were rundown and filth covered the streets.

After walking in a while, he faced me and handed a envelop. "Take this. Think of it as payment for helping in my boat." he extended his hand and smiled warmly. I got flustered "N-No it's fine. Giving me a ride home was more than enough. Besides, this would mean that your cut of the profit will be reduced right? It's fine."

"Just take it Art! He is insisting on giving it why not take it?" Vel's voice rang out.

"Vel.. Shut up for a second."

"Hmhp" she replied as she retreated back.

He was unwavering and forced the envelope on my hand. "Just take it young man." he stated firmly. Still, I insisted on refusing. He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Fine. Then at least take this." he reached for his back and retrieved a small bag. It looks old and has obviously used. I gave in and took it. He smiled with satisfaction.

"Thank yo-"

"HEYYY~ Mr. Kerigan! Has the ocean been kind?" I was interrupted by a voice of a man probably in his early twenties. I turned around and saw 3 men dressed in black. I will never forget those black suits. The same uniform used by Mr. Hulton's men. Great timing I was wondering where to start. Looks like I am lucky.

I started to walk towards them, "Hey, I have-" the captain placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Mr. Kerigan, I believe that you know why we are here, yes?"One of them stated. The captain looked pale and uneasy.

"Of course"The caprain replied. He started walking closer to the 3 men when he glanced back at me. "Go back to the harbor with the others and wait for me there."

I too felt uneasy and hesitated to go but he assured me that everything is fine. As I was close to the end Of the alley I heard a noise that sounded like a crash followed by a grunt due to pain.

"Ah. That came from the old man." Vel said nonchalantly. Without hesitation, I rushed back into the alley.

There I found the captain lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The 3 men were gathered around him with weapons in hand. Two of which had hand guns and one had a knife.

The scene of the captain lying on the ground wheezing for air made me extremely furious. Probably the most furious I had been since being trapped inside that cave.

"Aha <3 I just love it when you're like this Art!" Vel said, however, I was too angered to even pay attension to what she is saying.

Due to my anger, I was only able to let out a single word. "Why."

The one holding a knife smiled at me with blood on his hand. "It would be best If you just turned around and forget what you saw." He placed one of his feet on captain's head who intern grunted in pain.

"This man has owed us a bit of money. He was supposed to pay everytime he's in town, but now, it's a bit below the quota." "A bit below?" I thought mentally. I took a look inside the bag that he gave me and sure enough, there was the envelope. If he didn't gave me that money, then he would have enough money to pay those guys. Goddammit captain, what were you thinking.

"Hah. I see, I see. You want to play hero huh? Fine have it your way. Kill him too." both men who had hand guns aimed at me and fired. I, on the other hand, used a move that basically turned myself into a shadow similar to what I did to escape the cave. In an instant, I was behind the man who was holding a knife. Smoke-like shadow was emitting from my body. I call this move 'shadow step'. I immediately grabbed his right hand which was holding the knife and twisted his elbow.

"W-What the fu- *Crack* ARGHH!!" While he shouted in pain, I grabbed the knife from his hand and immediately slit one of the other guy's neck.

"AHKK!!" Blood started spraying out as he tried to cover his wound and gasp for air. As for the other one, I was too slow to react and by the time I faced him, his gun is already pointed at my face. A sudden chill ran down my spine. Is this how I die the second time?

"KI-KILL HIM!" the other shouted with his broken hand dangling in the air. Of course, he took the shot and it hit me right straight in the eye. While there was indeed a force that knocked me back, there was no pain at all. Instead of blood, what leaked out from the wound was black smoke-like shadow that instantly reformed back into my body. The two men were both dumbfounded from what they saw.

"D-Demon! Get away from me!" one exclaimed as I looked at him. He fired about 5 more rounds. 4 of which hit me in the chest, leg and stomach. As I got closer, I formed a spike like object that covered my hand from my shadow. He just stood there shaking without uttering a word. I then slowly pierced his chest and he collapsed to the ground.

"HIIII!! Monster!!" The last guy ran away while clutching his broken arm. I willed a small portion of my shadow and aimed at him. Just like on the boat, firing it produced a recoil and a strong burst of wind. The 'bullet' hit him directly on the back. The force of 'bullet' was able to open up a hole in his back and come out the other side.

Hmm. Seems like I have understood a bit of this power. Only a bit tho.

"Impressive! You were able to utilize your power in combat for the first time! Since you have learned a bit, I will be helping you learn a few tricks net time." Vel said in a happy tone.

"Ah thanks Vel." I replied with a smile.




Ah shit. I forgot I needed to ask questions to them. Well I can't do that anymore since they're dead. I'll just check on the captain.

"Hmm, he seems to be still alive. Just seems to be unconcious." Vel said coldly. I carried him into the docks with the rest of the crew. They, of course, were understandably worried.

"Hey Art. Go back to those three men you just killed. I'm gonna show you what to do to get more powerful" Vel said in a cool voice.

I am a little confused. However, if it means I will be stronger, then I'll do what ever it takes.

Hello new chapter because I had free time! (somehow)

hope you enjoy

LifeSuckscreators' thoughts