
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
154 Chs

Chapter 89: Demon Kings

"Ugh…" Zenkichi groaned as he plopped into the sofa, his face into a soft comfy violet pillow as he let all his frustration from earlier events be washed away into nothingness.

"…Welcome home." Brunhilde said with a monotone voice, calmly putting down plates on the table.


Zenkichi turned his head and asked. "What's for dinner?"

"Obviously rice, miso soup, fish, salad and some roasted Wagyu." Brunhildhe replied, looking proud as she looked down at the meals she prepared.

Zenkichi blinked and sat up, looking surprised and confused. "You know how to cook?"

Brunhildhe's brow twitched, a bit irritated, she said, "Of course I do. I've lived for many millennia. Just because I'm a Valkyrie doesn't mean I've dedicated all my life towards the battlefield. In fact, before Ragnarok and a few skirmishes over the years with the Frost Giants, Asgard and the other God Realms have been at peace for hundreds of years at the very least."

"No, no. I mean, you know how to cook Japanese meals?"

Brunhildhe blinked. "Oh," and her entire demeanor changed, raising her head high with a smile. "Yes, I studied the culinary arts during the few times Earth in my home dimension. I found it fascinating to explore different cuisines, and I became quite proficient in Japanese traditional dishes. Though my Scandinavian dishes are still my specialty."

Zenkichi's eyes widened in surprise. "That's amazing! I had no idea. You really are full of surprises, Brunhilde."

Brunhilde giggled softly, slightly flustered. "Hehe. Please, you still haven't tried it yet."

"So, wait. You know every dishes in your Earth in the last few centuries?" Zenkichi asked as he stood up and made his way to the dinner table.

"Well, not all of it. I'm not trying to become the Culinary Valkyrie." Brunhilde rolled her eyes, taking a seat beside him. "Also, your mother is taking another nightshift. Something about a patient accidentally... tearing off his weiner."

"...Why would you tell me that when I'm about to eat?" Zenkichi contorted into a disgusted expression.

Brunhilde shrugged. "Just wanted to let you know."

The two looked at each other as they picked up their utensils and said,


"Hm. Mm? Hmhm." Zenkichi took a few bites from his meals and his eyes lit up, nodding in approval. "Wow, Brunhilde! This is amazing! The flavors are incredible."

Brunhilde beamed with pride. "I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since I've had the chance to showcase my cooking skills. It brings me joy to see you enjoying the meal."

As they continued eating, Brunhilde raised an eyebrow, glancing up at Zenkichi inquisitively.

"What? Is something on my face?" Zenkichi asked, noticing her look.

"... Did something happen?You look like you were told that the world is going to end soon."

"What kind of question is that?" Zenkichi chuckled nervously. "No, nothing like that." He paused for a moment and his shoulders slumped. "Okay, fine. Something like that did happened."

Brunhilde narrowed her eyes, concerned. "What happened?"

Zenkichi let out a sigh and told her what happened a few hours prior.

"There's going to be festival in hell that's going to decide the Demon Kings' ranks between your and your siblings?" Brunhilde raised her brows, speechless. "By the Gods, you're entering another competition? Actually, why would you even want to take part in it? Don't tell me you want to embrace your demon side?"

Zenkichi snorted. "No. Even after I got Godly powers and awakened my Demon bloodline, I still consider myself human. I've been living as a normal human my entire life, eh," he paused and ate for a moment. "until recently that is. But still, I see myself as human."

"So why?"

Zenkichi sighed and explained, "Because if I don't participate in this festival, numerous ambitious demons, especially the high class ones, would start to go after me and everyone one I know."

"What? Why would they..." Brunhilde's eyes widened. "They can strip your title as, uh, Demon King? Hold on a second here. Can you please explain this world's underworld hierarchy? If you and your siblings are Demon Kings, then what about your dad?"

"My... father, reigns as the Demon Emperor of Gehenna. To start, my father, Satan, isn't like the one from the bible. He was brought into existence at the same time as God, like how when there's light there's always darkness. He is powerful beyond imagination, ruling over Gehenna, the darkest realm of Hell. The Demon Kings, on the other hand, are his children, each inheriting a fraction of his power and authority over certain layers of Gehenna." Zenkichi reiterated some of the information he got from Lilith.

Brunhilde's eyes widened even further, now comprehending the gravity of the situation. "So, if you don't participate in this festival and prove your strength, the other demons will see it as a weakness and try to take advantage of you."

Zenkichi nodded grimly. "Exactly. And not just me, the same goes for my friends and loved ones. They would become targets as well."

Brunhilde clenched her fists, her expression shifting into one of determination. "Then we have no choice. We need to ensure your victory in this festival. I won't let anything happen to you, my Einherjar."

Zenkichi looked at Brunhilde, touched by her unwavering support. "Thank you, Brunhilde. I truly appreciate it."

She smiled softly, her eyes filled with determination. "Don't mention it. We're partners, and partners have each other's backs, no matter what."

As they finished their meal, Brunhilde couldn't help but asked, "Hey, do you know who or what your siblings are like?"

Zenkichi rubbed the back of his head. "Never met them in my life. But I do have some information about them. And the first you have to know is that, unlike me and the eight, my other siblings weren't born or conceived in some womb."

"What? Then..."

"They were born directly of Satan's power. They're essentially like what angels are to God in the Bible." Zenkichi explained and continued on,

"Firstly, my first seven siblings are essentially the Seven Deadly Sins. Lucifer, the strongest of the seven, is known as the King of Light and Prince of Pride. He is rumored to be just a little below Satan's level. However, behind close doors, he is regarded as a fool by many demons as he hopes to create a world of peace between humans and demons."

"Astaroth, the King of Rot and Prince of Sloth. Known to be extremely loyal towards Satan, he doesn't consider himself as prince of Gehenna or anything else but Satan's servant. There isn't much information about him except that he gained the Sloth seat because besides carrying orders from Satan, he doesn't do much. Heck, his Demon Country is completely in shambles and in the previous festival he ranked last because he didn't bother to show up!"

"Huh? Wait, does that mean that..."

Zenkichi wryly smiled. "We're always being targeted, and I'm only going to participate in the festival because it would lessen the amount of demons that would go after me."

"And although many demons are going after Astaroth for looking 'weak', most gave up going after him because the guy has powerful regeneration and ability to rot his surroundings; essentially withering anything that comes near him. That's just him not attacking him, it's said that in some ancient war he had "rotted" a small God Realm."

"Thirdly, Beelzebub." Zenkichi made a strange face as he explained. "The King of Flies and Prince of Envy, known as the Eccentric Demon King. He's extremely proficient in Magic, capable of destroying cities with a snap of his fingers. But he's mostly known to try and skip his administration work and do all sort of hobbies. It's because of his flippant, selfish and sometimes bratty personality that his wife left him. Currently, his second son is in earth with mission to take over Earth."

Brunhilde blinked and asked, "Uh, isn't that going to be a problem?"

"...Maybe? His son is really just an infant, it's why he's getting a foster parent to help in his mission." He shook his head, the corner of his lips trembled. This Beelzebub and his child sounded familiar.

There was no way... right?

"Fourth is Asmodeus, the King of Fire and Princess of Lust. She has extreme proficiency towards the Fire element that she can make fireballs that has the same level of heat as the Sun. She's known to be one of the most popular rulers in Gehenna, not only for being... hot, literally and figuratively, but also because she has one of the most flourishing Demon Countries in Gehenna."

"Fifth is Azazel, the King of Wisdom and Princess of Greed. She's unlike most of the others. She's like the scientist type, making innovative magic spells and technologies that no other creatures in the mortal or supernatural world could match... allegedly. Though she seems like the type that wouldn't give a damn to anything around her, she surprisingly rules her demon country quite remarkable."

"Sixth is Amaimon, the King of Earth and Prince of Wrath. There's nothing much to be said about him except that he's a brash, weird and reckless. Oh and a sore loser. He would destroy an entire city when he loses."

Brunhilde speechlessly stared at him and let out a sigh.

'These Demon Kings... they're not much different from tbe Gods of my homeworld.'

Though irritating, that just makes this upcoming festival easier to handle than she initially–

"Seventh is Samael, the King of Time and Prince of Gluttony. He stands below Lucifer in power but, it might be possible he equalled him."

"Wait, hold on."

Brunhilde held up her hand, dumbfounded with widened eyes. "The King of Time? Why are you mentioning him at last?!"

She knew how dangerous someone that could wield the power to control time. Beings like Kronos, the Norns, Kali, etcetera. They were Gods that stood at the top of their cosmologies and commaded both fear and respect from hundreds of other Gods!

"I'm... mentioning last because there's not much information about him really." Zenkichi slowly shrugged.

Lilith had only mentioned to him that Samael would only appear during the festival when they battle it out to determine their ranking. And when he appears, no one can seem to remember what he looked like or what kind of abilities he used.

But with his title as the King of Time, they were only certain he controlled time.

Zenkichi was the most vigilant towards people such as him.

Just how much control does he have towards time? Could he travelled back into the past or go into the future?

He'll just have to meet this guy.

"Then what about the eight? You mentioned that the seven were born from Lucifer's powers, then what about the eight?" Brunhilde asked, rubbing her temples.

Zenkichi looked hesitant for a moment, inwardly sighing about the Eight child of Satan.

He sighed and said, "He's name is Rin Okumura, a half human and half demon. He's like me essentially, but without Divinity. He's called a Nephilim. It's said that he's currently studying in the True Cross Academy..."

Zenkichi wonders, will that kid also participate in the festival?

'But at least the one good thing about this was that the system didn't issue some kind of quest for me to complete. Even if it did, I'm sure it'd only be slightly difficult. I've defeated Gods! What's the worst thing that could...'

[Ding! You have received one new quest!]

Quest: Sweet Home Gehenna!

Objective: Do the dirty with either Asmodeus or Azazel

Hidden Objective: ???

Reward: Devil Authority of Lust or Greed(Depending on the one you "do"), Bloodline Upgrade

Hidden Reward: ???

Failure: -5 Star Favorability of Asmodeus, -5 Star Favorability of Azazel, and be impotent for five years

Zenkichi stared at the system screen in utter disbelief and confusion.

[(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)]

[Don't jink it bruh.]

"Zenkichi? You alright–"



AN: And yes, as you can see. I'm changing a few things from Blue Exorcist and mixing in demons from other animes. You might be all expecting me going into the Demon Arc or something, well, you'll be wrong. I'll be doing that after the Fate Singularity Arc, which would coming around chapter 100.

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall



•Davide Cordivani






❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis



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