
Devil’s Mistress

"I love you" "I love you despite what you are!" "I can’t stop thinking about you" "I love you despite what you do" "I love you even if you don’t love me back" "I can never stop my love for you, never!" ...... Many years ago, the kingdom of Vereel, known as the land of vampires, faced a devastating destruction after a fierce battle with the unbeatable demons of Hellothan, ruled by the fearsome King of Hell. Seeking help from allies and neighboring kingdoms, King Charles faced disappointment as they were too afraid to confront the devil and those who did assist suffered heavy losses, forcing them to retreat. In a state of despair, King Charles made the difficult decision to personally approach the King of Hell and propose a truce. However, the devil had a condition - he wanted back what he had taken, the precious "Breath of Life Elixir" that sustained his own kingdom, which could only be brewed once every 1000 years. Desperate to save his dying daughter, Princess Olivia, King Charles revealed that he had given the elixir to her. This revelation enraged the devil, nearly leading to the vampire king's demise. In a final attempt to negotiate, King Charles offered to bring Olivia to the devil as his property for 1000 years, after which she would be returned once a new elixir was brewed. Surprisingly, the devil seemed intrigued by the idea and they struck a deal. Little did the devil know the internal conflict he would face, and Olivia remained oblivious to the new world that awaited her. It's a tale of both danger and mystery unfolding before our eyes! BOOK COVER ISN’T MINE

Erika002 · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Spectral Peak Village

As Olivia continued her intense training in the garden, her body grows weary and her breaths become labored. Collapsing to the ground, she gazes up at the sky, her vision blurred by exhaustion. With a determined voice, she whispers,

"No matter how tough it gets, I won't give up. I'll become stronger and show them what I'm made of!"

As Olivia lay on the ground, catching her breath, the maids rush to her side. They lend her a helping hand, lifting her up and guiding her inside to get changed.


Lady Vivienne sits with Lady Seraphina in her opulent chamber, the air heavy with anticipation. Gazing into each other's eyes, Lady Vivienne leans in closer, her voice dripping with malice.

"Lady Serafina, my dearest companion, don't you think this upcoming competition presents us with the perfect opportunity to teach Olivia a much-needed lesson?" she whispers, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

Lady Serafina's eyes gleam with intrigue as she contemplates the possibilities.

"Indeed, Vivienne" she replied, her voice laced with a mixture of anger and mischief. Her face contorts with anger, her eyes burning with a fiery intensity.

"Olivia has dared to disrespect us," she seethes, her voice dripping with venom.

"She must learn her place in this Kingdom, for we are the most respected Mistresses. Our power and influence demand respect, and she shall offer us the respite we deserve."

With a wicked grin, Lady Vivienne nods in agreement.

"Indeed, Lady Serafina, it is time for Olivia to understand the consequences of crossing us. We shall unleash our fury upon her, showing her the true meaning of fear."

The two women huddle closer, their minds spinning with wicked ideas. Lady Vivienne suggests,

"Perhaps we could tamper with Olivia's weapon, weakening it just enough to hinder her performance. Or, better yet, we could spread false rumors about her abilities, tarnishing her reputation before she even steps foot in the arena."

Lady Serafina's eyes gleam with delight as she adds, "And what if we enlist the help of a fearsome creature, one that will stalk Olivia in the shadows, striking fear into her heart at every turn? It would be a sight to behold!"

As their plot thickens, the room fills with an electric energy, fueled by their shared desire to see Olivia suffer.

Passersby would be taken aback, thinking that the person being plotted against must have done something truly terrible. Little do they know, it's just poor Olivia who dared to decline their invitation to the mistress meeting. Lady Vivienne and Lady Serafina's wicked minds were really viscous.

Lady Seraphina rises gracefully from her seat, her eyes filled with determination. She strides towards her corridor, her sanctuary, where she can gather her thoughts.

With a piercing gaze, she turns to Lady Vivini and utters,

"If only Olivia had chosen obedience and respected our authority. A vampire ruling over us? Unthinkable! We shall remove her from our path"

Lady Serafina was Azriel's most favored Mistress. She believed she could do anything without him retaliating.

Lady Vivienne smiled, her smile so cunning that it never reached her eyes.

"Your grace is right, a vampire can never rule us"

Lady Vivienne gracefully approaches Lady Serafina, her eyes filled with determination. She bows slightly, uttering,

"Lady Serafina, I must take my leave at this moment. I have dance classes that await me, and I must prepare myself accordingly in the comforts of my chambers."

Lady Serafina nods in agreement, dismissing her with a warm smile.

As LadyVivienne exits the room, she pauses, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes. Turning back, she gazes at the closed door, a devious plan forming in her mind.

With an evil laugh resonating through her chamber, she declares,

"I shall manipulate Lady Seraphina to kill Olivia and claim the coveted position as the devil's favorite,"

A sly smile on her face. Her devious intentions set in motion a web of intrigue and deception. Trying to Kill two birds with one stone.


Azriel and his men, their forms flickering like ethereal shadows, materialized in the mystical village of Spectral Peak.

The village, nestled at the border of Celestial Realm and Hellothan, was shrouded in an otherworldly aura.

As they stepped onto the cobblestone streets, a sense of foreboding hung in the air.

As Azriel walked through the streets, the people of Spectral Peak show a mix of respect and fear. They bow and avoid making direct eye contact with him, acknowledging his power and the danger he represents.

The villagers, aware of the darkness that loomed, watched with apprehension as He and his men surveyed their surroundings.

Word had reached Azriel earlier of a sign, a trace of Erebos.

Leonidas came forward and bowed, "My lord, It was said that they saw him here at spectral peak. He came looking for old Witch Alice" he reported.

Azriel's eyes narrowed and he responded, "We must proceed with caution,"

"Erebus's presence here signifies a greater danger lurking in the shadows."

Leonidas nodded, his gaze scanning the village. One of his men who was good in Archery, stood by his side, his eyes scanning the rooftops for any signs of movement.

Azura one their trusted guide, whispered tales of ancient legends and the secrets that lay hidden within the village's ancient walls.

They ventured deeper into Spectral Peak, their steps echoing through the narrow alleys. The air grew colder, and the whispers of the wind carried haunting melodies.

Suddenly, a rustle in the darkness caught their attention. Azriel stopped in his track, with his signal, his men drew their swords.

In Spectral Peak, rumors had it that there were demonic beasts whose irrationality had vanished, guarding the village.

Sensing the murderous intent emanating from Azriel, the beasts emerged, one after another, ready to confront him.

Seeing the beasts, confirmed the rumors.

These creatures were monstrous in size, with twisted, gnarled bodies covered in coarse, leathery skin. Their eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light, and their jagged teeth protruded menacingly from their snarling mouths.

Each step they took shook the ground, and their guttural roars echoed through the night. These fearsome beasts struck fear into the hearts of anyone who laid eyes upon them.

Azriel smirked. "This is going to be interesting"