
Devil’s Mistress

"I love you" "I love you despite what you are!" "I can’t stop thinking about you" "I love you despite what you do" "I love you even if you don’t love me back" "I can never stop my love for you, never!" ...... Many years ago, the kingdom of Vereel, known as the land of vampires, faced a devastating destruction after a fierce battle with the unbeatable demons of Hellothan, ruled by the fearsome King of Hell. Seeking help from allies and neighboring kingdoms, King Charles faced disappointment as they were too afraid to confront the devil and those who did assist suffered heavy losses, forcing them to retreat. In a state of despair, King Charles made the difficult decision to personally approach the King of Hell and propose a truce. However, the devil had a condition - he wanted back what he had taken, the precious "Breath of Life Elixir" that sustained his own kingdom, which could only be brewed once every 1000 years. Desperate to save his dying daughter, Princess Olivia, King Charles revealed that he had given the elixir to her. This revelation enraged the devil, nearly leading to the vampire king's demise. In a final attempt to negotiate, King Charles offered to bring Olivia to the devil as his property for 1000 years, after which she would be returned once a new elixir was brewed. Surprisingly, the devil seemed intrigued by the idea and they struck a deal. Little did the devil know the internal conflict he would face, and Olivia remained oblivious to the new world that awaited her. It's a tale of both danger and mystery unfolding before our eyes! BOOK COVER ISN’T MINE

Erika002 · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Do you want me to set him free?

As Elder Warlock stepped out of the portal in the desolate wasteland, his gaze cold and calculating, he surveyed the ancient ruins before him.

With a smirk, he pulled up his hood, concealing his features, and strides forward with purpose.

After what felt like an eternity, he came to a halt in front of a seemingly empty space. Raising his head, he bellowed with authority,

"Elder Warlock is here to see Lord Erebos!"

Moments passed in silence, until suddenly, the ground quaked beneath him, and the space before him began to unveil an ancient palace, it's grandeur rising from the depths of time.

Erebos had used a secret technique to conceal this palace from the eyes of the world.

Elder Warlock already knew about it's existence because not only is he here to save Alistair.

He had a hidden motive. That was to kill Alistair.

Elder Warlock boldly approached, brushing off the icy stares of the guards at the entrance. A towering figure loomed before him, a man of immense strength but with eyes devoid of life. Undeterred, Elder Warlock greeted him warmly,

"Ah, it's a pleasure to see you once more, Lord Titus."

However, Titus paid no mind to the greetings, his demeanor unyielding. "Come, Lord Erebos has been awaiting your arrival," he gruffly commanded.

Elder Warlock, unfazed by Titus's arrogance, maintained his composure and silently trailed behind him.

Through the dimly lit corridors, shrouded in an unsettling silence, Titus, towering with his elongated strides, hastened his pace. Elder Warlock, struggling to keep up, found it challenging to match his rapid footsteps.

Elder Warlock clenched his teeth and bravely confronted Titus, halting him in his tracks. "Lord Titus, I kindly request that you slow your pace," he asserted.

Titus sneered, his arrogance evident. "If you can't even keep up with my footsteps, how do you expect to rule Mystoria?"

A wave of anger washed over Elder Warlock, his face turning ashen. He seethed with fury at Titus's mockery.

Elder Warlock, his face clouded with anger, questioned Titus from behind, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Titus, wearing a smirk of superiority, belittled him, "It means you're too old to even dream of becoming the king of Mystoria."

As Elder Warlock prepared to make a move on Titus, a booming voice echoed from the room behind the closed door.

Unbeknownst to them, they had reached the entrance to the throne room. Erebos, with his keen senses, must have overheard their exchange of words.

"You both step forward," commanded the deep voice, resonating with an aura of boundless darkness. Titus, with a deliberate motion, pushed open the grand doors and entered the room. Elder Warlock followed closely behind, entering the realm of uncertainty and intrigue.

As the room came into view, it exuded an air of mystery and grandeur. The figure seated on the throne was none other than Erebos himself. When Elder Warlock, his head bowed in deference, instinctively raised his gaze, he was met with the horrifying sight of Lord Erebos's face.

Countless purple lines marred his visage, creating a grotesque and terrifying appearance. The true face of Erebos was revealed, leaving Elder Warlock on the verge of nausea.

His right hand bore long, menacing black claws that gleamed in the dim light. His hair, flowing and dark as night, framed his haunting countenance. His eyes, devoid of any whites, were pools of unrelenting darkness.

A shiver ran down Elder Warlock's spine as he behold Erebos, a terrifying presence that embodies fear itself. The room grows colder, and the atmosphere thickens with an eerie intensity.

So this was the true face of Erebos?

The true form of Erebos is a sight that instills fear in all who behold it.

His presence has remained shrouded in mystery, rarely revealing himself to others. Elder Warlock, having only heard his voice, now witnessed the terrifying visage of the one raised by the devil.

The stark contrast between the devil's alluring appearance and Erebos's horrifying countenance raised questions in Elder Warlock's heart.

He had a feeling that there was a secret yet to be uncovered, a hidden truth that held the key to understanding why Erebos looked like this.

Erebos's voice, filled with amusement, snapped Elder Warlock back to reality. "Lost in thought, were you?" Erebos taunted, his words echoing through the room. The chilling presence of Erebos reminded Elder Warlock of the task at hand.

Elder Warlock remained on his knees, his body tense with fear.

"Greetings, Lord Erebos," he stammered, his voice filled with trepidation.

Erebos smiled. His smile not reaching his eyes.

"What were your thoughts about?" Erebos asked.

Elder Warlock's heart raced, drenched in cold sweat.

How could he reveal his contemplation about the stark contrast between Erebos's terrifying appearance and his Azriel's flawless visage?

"My lord... it's nothing," Elder Warlock lied, his voice trembling with fear. He understood the dire consequences of lying to Erebos, but revealing his thoughts was simply too perilous.

He silently thanked his lucky stars that it wasn't Azriel, for he would have effortlessly delved into his mind and dealt with him accordingly.

Thankfully, Erebos didn't press for more details. "What brings you here?" he inquired, his bored expression evident.

Elder Warlock wasted no time in responding, eager to please.mediately opened his mouth to answer.

"Alistair's trapped in the Cursed Cage and seeks your aid for his freedom," Elder Warlock revealed.

As the words 'Cursed Cage' reached Erebos's ears, his once amused expression vanished. He understood the gravity of the situation, as the Cursed Cage was renowned as Azriel's infamous second hell.

"Interesting," he muttered, his curiosity piqued. "What did Alistair do to enrage the devil and end up in the cursed cage?"

Elder Warlock didn't respond directly but instead asked, "My lord, will you free him?"

Erebos's amusement returned as he gazed down at Elder Warlock.

"Do you want me to set him free?" he asked. The sudden question caught Elder Warlock off guard, freezing him in place.

Did he truly desire Alistair's freedom?

Hell no!

He secretly wished for Alistair's demise, envisioning himself as the new ruler of Mystoria.

"My...My lord, what do you mean by this question?" Elder Warlock stammered, still not daring to lift his head.

Suddenly, a powerful force swept through the room, causing Elder Warlock to crash into the wall behind him. Trembling, he quickly regained his footing, keeping his head bowed in submission.

"I'm sorry, yes...no, I don't want him to be set free," Elder Warlock finally confessed.

Erebos smiled in response, his amusement evident.

"How cunning," he remarked. Elder Warlock's heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words.

"Go back and let Alistair know that I'll pay him a visit in two days," Erebos declared, rising from his throne. Elder Warlock nodded fervently, ignoring the pain coursing through his body as he hastily exited the room.