
Devil’s Mistress

"I love you" "I love you despite what you are!" "I can’t stop thinking about you" "I love you despite what you do" "I love you even if you don’t love me back" "I can never stop my love for you, never!" ...... Many years ago, the kingdom of Vereel, known as the land of vampires, faced a devastating destruction after a fierce battle with the unbeatable demons of Hellothan, ruled by the fearsome King of Hell. Seeking help from allies and neighboring kingdoms, King Charles faced disappointment as they were too afraid to confront the devil and those who did assist suffered heavy losses, forcing them to retreat. In a state of despair, King Charles made the difficult decision to personally approach the King of Hell and propose a truce. However, the devil had a condition - he wanted back what he had taken, the precious "Breath of Life Elixir" that sustained his own kingdom, which could only be brewed once every 1000 years. Desperate to save his dying daughter, Princess Olivia, King Charles revealed that he had given the elixir to her. This revelation enraged the devil, nearly leading to the vampire king's demise. In a final attempt to negotiate, King Charles offered to bring Olivia to the devil as his property for 1000 years, after which she would be returned once a new elixir was brewed. Surprisingly, the devil seemed intrigued by the idea and they struck a deal. Little did the devil know the internal conflict he would face, and Olivia remained oblivious to the new world that awaited her. It's a tale of both danger and mystery unfolding before our eyes! BOOK COVER ISN’T MINE

Erika002 · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Do you hate me?

Azriel boldly entered Olivia's room, he pushed the door open with a little excitement. His eyes widen for a bit when he saw the sight before him - Olivia, sitting gracefully by the window, completely absorbed in her artistry.

The room was filled with an air of mystery and intrigue. The canvas in front of her was adorned with vibrant strokes of color, each brushstroke revealing a story untold. The painting depicts a mystical forest, shrouded in a veil of enchantment.

Ancient trees reach towards the heavens, their branches whispering secrets of forgotten realms. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through the canopy, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the moss-covered ground. In the midst of this enchanted scene, a figure emerges, cloaked in a flowing gown, radiating an aura of power and grace.

As Azriel walked forward, Olivia turned around just then and saw him enter the room. She immediately stood up, a gesture of respect, but remained silent.

Azriel's gaze shifted from Olivia to her painting, and he remarked, "You really have a deep love for painting, don't you, princess?"

"I do" she replied still not looking at him.

Azriel's eyes narrowed at her sudden behavior. Yes they didn't get along but she opened up to him most times.

"What is it?" He asked carefully as he approached her slowly. She subconsciously took a step back and Azriel paused.

He stood watching her for about three minutes. Soon, he chuckled darkly.

"You hate me?"

His question made her lift her eyes to look at his red ones. She couldn't help wondering.

Did she hate him?

Azriel raised his perfectly shaped brow at her. She looked away immediately he did that.

"I never said that" she replied softly.

"That means you love me?"

"...." what the?

Azriel let out a heart warming laugh. The sounds radiating in the huge bedroom.

Olivia's face flushed.

'This Jinx'

Azriel's laugh stopped and his gaze turned serious. "You still dare give me names?"

Olivia almost face palmed herself. How did she forget that this Jinx could hear her thoughts.

Frustration washed over her again.

"Look Azriel, I really don't appreciate you prying into my privacy and hearing my thoughts" she complained with a huff and sat back down.

Azriel was taken aback by the way she suddenly called his name. It sounded really sexy and it wasn't an exaggeration to say he was actually turned on.

He chuckled to himself, realizing his ability to hear thoughts was unintentional. Sensing her glare, he quickly clarified,

"I don't purposefully hear thoughts, they just come naturally to me."

It was clear that she had a knack for giving glares.

"Well then stop it with your magic, do anything but don't listen to my thoughts"

"Well, then, I'll try not to use my 'magic' and respect your privacy. Anything else I can do to distract you?" he suggested playfully, as she grunted and turned back to her painting.

With a smile, Azriel found her attitude adorable. He casually removed his cloak and settled himself comfortably on her bed, making himself at home.

Olivia sensing that he hadn't left and hearing the movement from behind her, Olivia's mouth fell open and her eyes widened like saucers as she turned to see him still there.

But her reaction wasn't just surprise at his presence; it was also a reaction to how incredibly good-looking he was, sitting there and watching her.

Her heart pounded nervously as their eyes locked, and he greeted her with a seductive smile. The atmosphere in the room grew heavier, causing her to swallow uneasily. Trying to break the tension, she quickly looked away and asked, "Why are you still here?"

"Why? You don't want me to be here?"

Olivia's face twisted from annoyance, Azriel did love getting on her nerves.

'Bastard, you really love getting on my nerves, it's ok I'll not hold you accountable'

In an instant, Olivia felt weightless, and before she knew it, she was sprawled on the mattress. She let out a yelp of fear, startled by the suddenness of being thrown onto the bed. It happened so quickly, as if it vanished in the blink of an eye.

Azriel's imposing presence loomed over her, his massive frame pinning her down. Her eyes remained tightly shut, a testament to her fear after being thrown onto the bed. Azriel couldn't help but smirk, finding amusement in her fearsome expression.

Azriel's voice dropped to a dangerously low tone, sending shivers down Olivia's spine. His words dripped with a menacing edge as he whispered, "You can't hide your true thoughts from me remember? you have some guts to call me a Bastard"

Olivia's heart raced as Azriel's words sent a surge of fear through her. She berated herself for forgetting that he could hear her thoughts.

His voice, filled with a mix of authority and menace, echoed once more. "It seems punishment is in order for your bad thoughts, my dear Princess."

His thumb traced her plum pink lip, his gaze filled with desire. Despite his deal with King Charles never to touch his daughter, he couldn't resist the temptation. However, he would never force himself on her.

Azriel buried his face in the nook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent, attempting to quell the intense heat within him. Olivia still had her eyes closed from fear and something unknown.

Azriel's voice, hoarse and deep, resonated from where his face was pressed against Olivia's neck. "I wish I had the freedom to touch you and indulge in my wicked desires," he confessed, his words causing Olivia to tremble with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

Soon, he climbed off the bed and took his cloak. As he prepared to leave, Olivia couldn't hold back her curiosity and called out his name.

"Azriel," she whispered, her voice filled with both longing and confusion.

"Where are you going?"

His reply was swift and enigmatic. "To my harem," he stated, leaving Olivia with more questions than answers as he disappeared without waiting for her response.