

With the Supreme Overlord gone missing, it's time for his descendants to take over his grand title. Who will make it to the tower's final floor?!

EvilSlime · วิดีโอเกม
1 Chs


Father always tells me this story, that long ago our place was null everywhere you look; you will see a never-ending shroud of pitch-black darkness. Then, from out of nowhere, a tremendous "heartbeat" like sound echoed through the empty space.




The following sounds much louder than the previous ones and abruptly ceases.

After a fraction of a time, a blinding light appeared from above; It then showered down the land forming a cylindrical-shaped object. The whole place was shaking as the ray of light furiously pierced the land. As the light started to dispel, a gigantic shadowy figure slowly revealed itself in the midst of the thick smoke.


Resonates as the light dies slowly.

With the bright light and smoke out of the way, a massive tower-like structure presented itself.




Countless bright creatures started to come out of its body and illuminate it. The enormous tower resembled a tentacle, stretching so high even the Aves (birds in the void) can't reach. It holds a giant egg at its peak. Father said that he came out of that egg as a Devikid. He said he still remembers how he was gently pushed outside. Slowly flowing down covered with this jelly-like substance. It is so warm inside but sturdy outside. That even if he falls from that height, he would have not hurt himself.

Curled up, he tried to stand, but his enormous horns pierced his protective cell and burst it in the process. The wind rushed into him as he continued to rise. Father was in awe. Before him were these colossal walls covered by thick clouds that seemed to be flowing indefinitely. Lands were also sticking out of these clouds as if they were floating.

A wide range of the area was being lit by the creatures flying around the structure behind him. While exploring, he saw rubbles everywhere.

But something piqued his interest.

"Hmm? What could that be?"

He walked towards what he saw from afar. As he got nearer, he stumbled upon this wide turf blanketing a large area with mounds that is evident on some parts of it. The turf was so soft he gave up on the temptation and laid down in an instant. He then sensed something sinister around him. It felt like an unknown being would pounce on him anytime.

"Such bloodlust!"

Father muffled. He was so frightened that he couldn't even lift a finger. Then, a wild roar echoed from afar.


Then, gusts of wind hit the entire area pinning him down. "Urgh!"

He exclaimed as he tried to resist the wind. He was able to cover his face with his hands. His jaw dropped when he saw this monstrous crimson-red-winged beast violently flapping its wings. The winged beast has horns like the ones he has. Massive masculine helical horns that seem to be declaring their superiority over anyone else. Feathers on its head extend to half of its body and its magnificently long feather tails. Its razor-sharp jagged beaks and oversized nails say how tragic it will be if one is to be considered as its prey.

He then realized that the thick clouds surrounding the area seemed to be dispersed by the strong winds. As he tried to examine the area, he saw a pack of four-legged-tailed beasts surrounding him. One of them stands out due to its bulky figure. Its hot red eyes firmly set to father's. His frightened look came rushing back. He realized that the thing he saw a while ago was the beast's tail. It was round and had spikes pointing in one direction like a fireball. It resembles a fruit in the void (later known as the void star fruit).

It was there as a trap. If father didn't stop, he would have been devoured right now. He wanted to run away but couldn't even muster the strength to stand up.

The tailed beast then glared at the sky and roared stridently, proclaiming that the one in front of him is the pack's prey.


It turned its head back to father and lunged at him. The beast jumped so powerfully that the ground where it stood was crushed.

Father rolled over and tried to quickly stand up hoping he could dodge the attack. As he rises, he sees the winged beast charging at him. Losing all hope, father stood adamantly with his arms open.

"Come at me!"

Father cried as the two beasts rushed to him. He then saw the tailed beast's claws already reaching their prey. He clenches his fists hard as he prepares himself from being cut down. Then, a strong wind blustered at him, throwing him down. He saw a glimpse of the other tailed beasts running away from the area.

"I am still in one piece?"

He wondered while looking at his hands.


Echoed from the skies. He raised his head and saw the tailed beast being dragged away by the winged one.

Suddenly, multiple lights emerged from above and started raining down all over the void. Forming countless light pillars across the horizon.

"All hail the Overlord!"

One Devikin shouted from afar.

"All hail the Overlord!"

"All hail the Overlord!"

The crowd started chanting. The Lord then raised his hand and spoke.

"But as you already know, the Supreme Overlord is currently missing for five whole years. And according to the Void's rule, the next Supreme Overlord should be chosen."

The mob stood still as the lord continued the announcement.

"The selection process will be simple. The Devikin who beats the highest level in the Tower of Trials after the end of the event will take over the title of Supreme Overlord!"

"The five eldritch, namely Lunari, Ochran, Glye, Maarish, and me Khoroth will be joining the fray. As the direct descendants of the --"

Lord Ochran grabbed Lord Khoroth and shouted.

"Stop this nonsense my Klever brother!"

He then turned to the mass and yelled.

"Let the selection process begin. HAHAHAHA!"

Hi there readers!

I wanted to share my entry in one of the events that Devikins game had. If you have not yet heard of it:

Devikins is a turn-based RPG mixed with character breeding, all of it fueled by crypto tokens, used in lieu of non-valued game currency. [Copied from their website devikins.com]

The event was Inter-Guild Lore Contest where players from the existing guilds [I'm not active anymore] sends there stories and compete with each other.

I was lucky to reach Top 3 during the final selection <3

And if you liked my creation, please consider supporting me.

I do have another story in the making that you can look out for.

Happy reading!

EvilSlimecreators' thoughts