
Deus dream

When reality and fantasy collide. Embark with me on a part of my life and my dreams. The story follows Roland Auun, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to another world. In this unknown world, Roland discovers that he possesses special abilities and a status screen that allows him to see his skills, level, and other information about himself. Throughout his journey, Roland faces various challenges and encounters fantastical creatures. He learns to fight and survive in this dangerous environment, using his acquired skills to dominate his adversaries. He feels a sense of excitement and power as he realizes that he has become a protagonist in a world of adventure and magic. However, despite his enthusiasm for the infinite possibilities that lie before him, Roland is haunted by his past life. He briefly thinks of his family, but he is determined to explore this new and fascinating universe. He questions his arrival in this world and the meaning of his presence here. _________________________________________________ Lot of love _________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations described in this book are purely imaginary: any resemblance to existing or having existed characters or events is purely coincidental. ___________________________________________________________ "I am tall and mighty, yet cannot be touched. I am the reflection of the soul, an open window. Who am I?"

Imnotdeus · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

New Life

The relentless rain had subsided to a drizzle, casting a melancholic atmosphere over the dark forest. Roland stood amidst the towering trees, his senses heightened and his guard up. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of wind sent a shiver down his spine. He knew he was in an unfamiliar place, and the mysterious possibilities it held both fascinated and unnerved him.

As he cautiously ventured through the forest, Roland's mind buzzed with questions. "Where am I? Is this truly another world?" he pondered. "If it is, are there other people here? Are there magical creatures? And most importantly, how do I get back home?"

The damp earth beneath his bare feet felt cool and unfamiliar, reminding him of his vulnerability in this unknown realm. He had no weapons to rely on, only his bare hands and the survival skills he had acquired over the years. "I hope my combat training and survival knowledge will be enough to keep me safe," he mused, his thoughts a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

Thoughts raced through Roland's mind as he treaded cautiously. "What if this is all a dream? Or maybe I've gone insane?" he questioned. "But everything feels so real... the sensations, the sounds, the sights. It's like I've truly been transported to another world."

The forest seemed alive with secrets, and Roland couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He moved silently, his senses attuned to every sound and movement. His survival instincts kicked in, honed by his experiences in the wilderness and his knowledge of basic self-defense. He knew he had to stay vigilant, ready to face any challenges that lay ahead.

As Roland ventured deeper into the forest, he yearned for a glimpse of the fantastical world he had read about in countless isekai stories. "Will I encounter mythical creatures like elves and dragons? Will I discover hidden powers within myself?" he wondered with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The possibilities seemed endless, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins.

Pausing beneath a canopy of ancient trees, Roland closed his eyes, imagining an ethereal screen materializing before him. He hoped to see his status and abilities displayed, as often portrayed in the isekai tales he loved. However, to his disappointment, no such interface appeared. "Guess there won't be any handy status screen to guide me. It's up to me to figure things out," he sighed, his disappointment mingled with determination.

Thoughts of his family briefly flickered through his mind, but the enigmatic realm demanded his complete attention. The allure of adventure tugged at his heart, even as a twinge of guilt lingered. "I hope they understand why I couldn't resist the call of the unknown," he murmured softly, his resolve to uncover the secrets of this world unwavering.

Suddenly, a faint sound broke the silence, snapping Roland back to reality. He instinctively sought cover, concealing himself within the dense foliage. Through the leaves, he glimpsed a wounded goblin, its grotesque figure hobbling through the undergrowth.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Roland's veins. The sight of the injured goblin triggered his fighting instincts. "If I can handle this creature, I'll prove to myself that I can survive in this world," he thought, his mind focused on the upcoming challenge.

With determination burning in his eyes, he prepared to confront the wounded creature, his mind set on self-preservation and the challenges that lay ahead.