
Detective black

FG_Frost · แอคชั่น
23 Chs

The Arbiter

Back at the precinct, the captured sorcerers were secured in holding cells, each under close watch by the tactical team. Adrian and Elena stood outside the cell containing the Arbiter, their expressions tense as they prepared for the interrogation.

The Arbiter sat calmly on the small cot, his hands folded in his lap. Despite his defeat, there was still a sense of authority about him, a quiet confidence that sent a shiver down Adrian's spine.

Adrian stepped forward, his gaze locked on the Arbiter. "You're going to tell us everything. Who is the true leader of Elementum Obscura? What are they planning?"

The Arbiter met Adrian's gaze evenly. "You think you've won, Detective Black. But you've only scratched the surface."

Adrian's jaw clenched. "We'll see about that. Start talking."

The Arbiter leaned back, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Very well. You want to know about our true leader? Our true purpose?"

Adrian nodded, his patience wearing thin. "Yes. And don't bother with the theatrics."

The Arbiter chuckled softly. "You'll find no theatrics here, Detective. Only truth."

He began to speak, his voice low and measured. "Elementum Obscura is not just a group of sorcerers seeking power. We are a collective, united under a common goal: to restore balance to the world."

Adrian's brow furrowed in confusion. "Balance? What are you talking about?"

The Arbiter's eyes gleamed with a fervent intensity. "For too long, the elemental forces have been misused and abused by humanity. We seek to correct that imbalance, to return the elements to their rightful place."

Elena exchanged a skeptical glance with Adrian. "And how do you plan to do that?"

The Arbiter smiled, a chilling gleam in his eyes. "Phase one was the acquisition of the tomes. Phase two is the activation of the ancient sites, places where the elemental energies are at their strongest."

Adrian's mind raced as he processed the information. "You're planning to unleash the elemental forces?"

The Arbiter nodded. "Not unleash, restore. The elements have been suppressed for too long. It's time they were free."

Adrian's gaze hardened. "And what about the consequences? The chaos and destruction that could result?"

The Arbiter's smile widened. "Change is never easy, Detective. But sometimes, it's necessary. And we are willing to do whatever it takes to bring about that change."

Adrian felt a chill run down his spine. The Arbiter's words were filled with conviction, a fanatical belief in their cause. He knew they were dealing with a dangerous adversary, one who would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

"What about the true leader?" Adrian pressed. "Who are they?"

The Arbiter's expression grew somber. "I do not know their identity. They operate in the shadows, guiding us from afar. But their vision guides us all."

Adrian exchanged a troubled glance with Elena. If the Arbiter didn't know the true leader's identity, then they were facing an even greater challenge than they had anticipated.

"We need to stop them," Elena said, her voice firm. "Before they can activate any more of these ancient sites."

Adrian nodded, his mind already racing through possible courses of action. They had a long road ahead of them, and the stakes had never been higher.

As they left the interrogation room, Adrian couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Elementum Obscura was more than just a group of sorcerers with grandiose ambitions. They were a threat to everything Adrian held dear, and he knew they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

But he also knew that he and Elena were not alone in this fight. They had the support of the precinct, the city, and each other. And as long as they stood together, they would find a way to stop Elementum Obscura and protect Lumis from the chaos that threatened to consume it.