
Homeland Chapter 11: The Falling Landscape

"The Wind Star people vowed to destroy all the Thunder Star people, the Wind Star fleet chased after the Thunder Star fleeing fleet, both sides chased each other in the universe, and it was extremely difficult for the two super civilizations to capture either side, so the chase continued for a thousand years, the footprints of both sides stepped almost all over the universe, dozens of generations spent their lives in the chase, so much so that everyone Almost forgot the reason for the pursuit, as if the Wind Star people were born to chase the fate of the Thunder Star people.

"In the process of fleeing, the Thunderstar civilization showed its predatory nature. Everywhere they went, they destroyed local civilizations, whether they were in the primitive stage or developing, and then swept up all the resources, and in 1000 years, they brought havoc to dozens of civilizations. Comparatively speaking, it is much more difficult for us Windstar people to get supplies, we don't want to destroy low level civilizations, so we only get supplies on some unmanned planets, moreover, there are not many planets with crystal ore in the universe, but crystal ore is an essential resource for our whole fleet.

"There are no eternal things on this universe, about 50 years ago, we encountered a terrible ray storm in the central region of the galaxy, in fact, this universe is too deep, there are too many things we can't understand."

The old voice sighed, and hearing the name of the Milky Way, the listeners came back to the middle of reality, realizing that they were actually listening to the story of what happened in a distant galaxy, and now, the story finally came to the Milky Way, our former home.

"After that ray storm, we found that a strange disease began to spread, everyone became weak and feeble, strong people faded day by day, newborn babies died quickly, our healers could not stop the progress of the disease, even with the help of mechanical civilization's drugs did not work. We had to suspend our pursuit of the Thunderstars and concentrate on solving our own problems, who knew that it was not a pause, it was the end. This disease is simply untreatable, probably from the beginning of the ray storm, the fate of all people has been doomed. Gradually, a large number of people began to die, and we found after the last two space jumps that we no longer had enough intentional energy to power the warships, so the Windstar fleet became a bunch of ghost ships.

"Finally, before I died, I came across you, the Gods of the Universe have not abandoned the Windstar people, with you, the legacy of the Windstar people can continue, please put an end to the Thunderstar for us, no, put an end to the legend of the invading army. This universe cannot have a new tragedy of the Windstar people, but I have to warn you that not a single Thunderstar can be left alive, the universe will never be at peace until this race is extinct. I present to you the Prophet Crystal Ball of the Windstar Ideology Civilization, our last legacy. Make good use of her, and you will soon master the glorious Windstar civilization. Please accept it, and for the sake of the Windstars who can leave their last traces in the universe.

The command console of the Sand Star Defense Headquarters suddenly flashed with light, and a crystal ball suddenly appeared, leaving everyone on the spot dumbfounded, the idea civilization actually crossed space so easily, and transported such a small object at will, which was indeed an advantage that the mechanical civilization could not compare with.

"It is alive," said Krishnan, suddenly amazed.

"She contains the souls or intentional energy of 48 prophets of the Wind Star people, and also contains almost all the knowledge of the intentional civilization, so she will be an endless treasure for you. In my opinion, within 100 years, you will not be able to grasp the knowledge contained. Until then, do not start a war against the Thunder Star people, develop the Ideon civilization to a super stage, do not let the Wind Star people chase you to become your new nightmare, and remember my advice, when your warships can travel through the Ideon space, it is the time for your revenge.

"I can see that 1000 years from now, you become the most powerful civilization in the universe and your light will cover the edge of space, this is the prophecy of the Windstar prophet Tozai in the end times.

"Finally, let me draw on the power of the gods, the civilization of the Windstar people will fall with the light of the supernova."

From the center of the Windstar fleet suddenly burst a glow, and in an instant, the energy of the entire universe was focused on this point, all the stars were dimmed, instantly flooding the entire Windstar fleet, and the remaining nearly 50,000 warships disappeared without a trace, not even a piece of debris remained. What a terrifying power, the Windstar Ideas Civilization really has great strength.

It took a long time for people to recover from the shock, looking at the empty universe, it was hard to believe that a powerful civilization had once existed for real, with only the shiny crystal ball to prove that everything had happened here.

"We must destroy them, not only for the sake of hatred, but also for the sake of the tragedy of Windstar and Earth never to be repeated. ."