
Destroying My Own World

After Mykel Alester returned from the world of his novel he destroyed, he returned to his real world with questions in his head. He thought that he would have a normal life again after he moved on even though he was an Omnipotent God in his novel world, but to his surprise, all the characters in his novel followed him to his real world. Knowing it was possible and how his world became similar to his novel's because of them, he decided to take back his Omnipotent powers. Little did he know that it awoke the creator of his world, the being that ruled over the universe who had been observing silently. Not only that, the Gods of the mythologies and powerful characters from his novel that were his followers had turned against him and changed sides. To his surprise, he lost the war and became powerless because he realized that he was no match for the being who created the universe. "The Lord has given his words," An angel said as he slowly looked down at Mykel. "By the Lord's grace, you're given a chance to repent for you who have brought chaos to Earth," he continued and stared Mykel in the eye. Mykel scoffed and asked with a trembling voice, "Repent? It wasn't me who brought the chaos in the first place." "You're welcome to stay here for eternity," The Angel said with a smirk and kept staring Mykel in the eye. "The Lord showed you mercy, not only you, but those who don't belong to this world that the Lord created," he continued and looked at Jeanne and the others. "Mercy?" Mykel asked with his eyebrows raised. "Of course, I'll accept the offer," Mykel said with a bit of a smirk on his face. ... "He lied," The angel said. "We know, and the Lord knows as well," Another angel replied. "But whatever he's going to do down there, he will face the consequences of his actions. It's not our job to judge, we only follow orders," he continued. ... With all the knowledge that he had and the "Game" that he created in his novel, he decided to climb up with his companions of the characters in his novel. His only purpose was one, and that was to destroy the world and prepare to challenge his creator. (This is a sequel to my novel "Destroying My Own Movel" and I suggest you read that first)

Iqfauli · แฟนตาซี
430 Chs

Chapter 17: Stepping foot on Earth.

A being that was half the height of the great pyramid walked down from the tip of the great pyramid. His skin was as black as charcoal with gold accessories all over his body with a bird mask and a crown on top of it. His presence was enough to bring everyone down to their knees and lowered their heads to the ground after he pointed his staff at the sky and the sun immediately shined brightly.

It was enough for the Egyptians to tell who he was by the look of his appearance and the power he possessed. The King of all deities and the father of all creation, Ra had stepped foot on Earth.

"Those who believe in me shall arise!" Ra said and his voice trembled on the ground and the sky.

Everyone was trembling in fear and tears started to wet the sand and screamed in fear. They didn't understand what he was saying because he was speaking the ancient Egypt language, a dead language that nobody could understand through verbal communication.

Ra tilted his head and glanced at every spot to find his loyal followers, and then five people suddenly raised their heads and slowly stood up. Ra looked at the five of them, two women and three meant were standing tall, and looked up at Ra with admiration.

"So this is how the world has turned. The five of you who are gifted, come up here and enter the door. I shall give you a reward for your loyalty," Ra said as he pointed at the door that was floating on top of the great pyramid.

The five of them nodded their heads because somehow they understood what Ra was saying. They all walked past Ra and it felt like their souls were being sucked out, but they managed to survive because of their faith in Ra. They then climbed up the great pyramid and entered the door.

"The rest of you shall perish," Ra said as he clenched his fist on his staff.

The sun beamed the area around the great pyramid, and thousands of people who were bowing down got turned into ashes. They all died in a blink of an eye with nothing remaining. Everything was captured by the camera before it got turned into ashes.

The whole world saw it, and they were terrified by the power of a being called God. They were petrified and couldn't imagine how it felt if they were the ones who stood there in front of Ra. They started to think if there was a door like that in the country they lived in.

"Mister President, should we keep this a secret from the public? It's not too late to hide this from the people to avoid chaos and fear," Russel asked as he looked at Richard.

"Keep it a secret? You want the Native American Gods to show their wrath if we hide it from the people who believe in them?" Richard asked back. "This isn't something that a mortal like us can decide. We shouldn't anger the Gods, and let the people know about their existence," Richard answered as he walked back to his desk.

Richard sat down and started taking a deep breath then he exhaled deeply as he rubbed his face. He was still in shock and his hands were trembling in fear because he was wondering how long it would take for Gods to take over the world if they wanted to.

"Awakeners, Demons, Gods. What about us? What are we to them? A sheep? A fodder?" Richard asked as he looked at the ceiling.

Russel didn't know what to say, but then suddenly the satellite phone rang in his pocket. It was the major who called him, he then picked up the phone.

"Yes?" Russel asked.

"Mister Secretary, the door is opening," The major said in a trembling voice.

"What?! The door is opening?!" Russel shouted and it startled Richard.

"Yes, and someone is coming out of the door," The major answered as he looked at Mykel standing in front of the door with Elena, Jeanne, and Aurea.

"It looks like Mister Mykel is trying to confront whatever that's going to come out of the door," he continued.

Mykel heard a neighing from inside the bright white smoke that blocked his vision to see what was on the other side of the door. He slowly walked back because he felt like being pushed by an invisible wall, and he wasn't the only one who felt that way.

A silver-hared horse came out of the door and it was half the size of the door, and there was a man riding on its back. A muscular man with glowing white eyes as he held a ball that resembled Earth in his right hand, and a spear in his left hand.

"You're not welcome here," The man said as he looked at Mykel and the others.

Mykel didn't know what the man was saying, and it didn't feel like he was being threatened by the being. Suddenly, a notification appeared in front of him and it surprised him when he saw what was written on it.

[You have attained a new skill!]

[You have attained [Ancient Tongue] skill!]

[Ancient Tongue: Allows the User to speak and understand the ancient language. The User can communicate with ancient beings and Gods with this skill]

"We have heard about you, a man in all black with yellow eyes like an eagle that would devour everything. You're a man with desire as deep as the sea, and a will as strong as the mountain," The man said as he kept staring at Mykel.

"Who are you?" Mykel asked.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Mykel speak a Native American language.

"My people called me the Great Spirit, the one who created this land," The Great Spirit answered.

"The creator of this land? Are you talking about everything in this world?" Mykel asked because he was curious about the truth about Earth and the universe.

"Only this land, not what beyond the sea," The Great Spirit answered. "I sent a water beetle down from the arch, and she saw nothing but a vast sea. She then grabbed mud from the deep of the sea and created this land with my will," The Great Spirit explained.

"So you're telling me that the land and the people beyond the sea aren't yours?" Mykel asked.

"Indeed, they were created by other beings. We all came almost at the same time, and we worked together to create this beautiful place that they called Earth," The Great Spirit answered. "Your curiosity will do nothing good to you, a man with the eyes of an eagle. This knowledge isn't for a mere mortal like you," The Great Spirit said.

Mykel finally understood a tiny bit of truth about Earth, but not the universe.

"You have given me valuable information, and as repayment for telling me about the truth, I will bring your people here," Mykel said as he looked the Great Spirit in the eye.

"I see no goodness in you, but I shall accept your offer. Bring me, my people, who have been gifted with powers," The Great Spirit said. "Now leave. We are not welcoming you here," The Great Spirit warned as the horse started neighing and looked like it was about to stomp Mykel to the ground.

Mykel smirked and then walked away as the Great Spirit watched him walk away with Jeanne, Elena, Aurea, and the soldiers who had been watching silently. They all then went back to where the chopper was, and they were curious about what kind of conversation Mykel and the Great Spirit had that made him smile in excitement.

"Mister Mykel, you can speak a Native American language? Why don't you say anything about it?" The major asked.

"I don't, I just got the ability to speak with them after we encountered the Great Spirit," Mykel answered. "And I know that the President is on the call right now, right? Tell him that I will give what the Great Spirit wants," Mykel looked at the satellite phone in the Major's hand.

"And what does the Great Spirit want?" The major asked.

"His people," Mykel answered as he got into the chopper. "The Native American people, the ones who have awakened," Mykel continued.

They all went back to Chicago since their mission was still to take back Washington DC. On their way back, Jeanne looked at Mykel and noticed that Mykel opened his hand, and a thin smoke appeared from his palm, but it was blown away immediately before anyone else could see it.

"You saw it?" Mykel asked without looking at Jeanne.

"I did. Was that the..." Jeanne said.

"Yes, my power is coming back, but they're all incomplete," Mykel answered.