
Destiny: Way to You

Mang Dynasty is a risen dynasty after the new king sits on the throne. However, problems keep arising left and right, shaking the entire dynasty. Back to his homeland after 5 years, Mang We Jing, a war prince, thinks peace finally coming but unknown things keep bothering him which makes him dig up all the secrets to protect his country. Meanwhile, the ugly woman Mu Xinyi secretly holds many identities raising more suspicion. Unknown what destiny holds, they keep running into each other. Amid tangled secrets and mess, will the dynasty be able to hold its place? Or new ruler will announce himself?

Anthem_0x · ย้อนยุค
28 Chs

Lian Long's Dream

"Teacher, why I should never reveal my face?" The tiny voice asked.

His teacher laughed at him, who was still a bud at that time.

"Lian...do you know what will happen if people know the assassin's face?"

"Of course, they will be hunted, teacher."

"Hmm, that's correct." The teacher stopped his brush and look at him with a smile, "Then, what happened to the assassin if they hide their face?"

Lian Long is confused by the question that does not seem related to his previous question.

"...They will get a better chance to live longer…?" He answered.

"That's correct, and that's how it is for you, Lian."

"But teacher, I'm not an assassin, I'm a martial artist."

The teacher was a bit startled at the answer but soon after, he laughed and praised him, "You're smart, Lian."

"Um…" He blushed at the praise.

" Lian, you're still young, but you're more talented than others who are 3 or 5 years older than you. If they know who is behind the mask, they will hunt you because of jealousy."

"Jealous? I'm still a kid and don't have any power, why would they be jealous of me, teacher?"

The teacher started feeling amused by the child's smart talk. He went and sit in front of him, 'Usually, other children just nodded at the adult's words. He's truly a clever kid.'

Gently, He patted his apprentice's head with full of affection, "Martial artist is different, Lian. Because we can do anything when we're strong. People would come crowding to be our supporters to spread their influence over the world."

"Naturally, the others got easily jealous of martial artists stronger than them or anyone that can be their threat in the future. They might harm you while you are still growing."

"I see…" In the darkroom where only the moon becomes the source of light, again, Lian blushes. His teacher's care moves his small heart – he adores his teacher because most people avoid him and look at him weirdly, and even ridicule him for being different from other kids his age. However, his teacher never showed that expression.

Moreover, he missed his family embrace which he had to separate from as soon as he reached 5 years old because of his talent, 'I had long regarded teacher as my family…'


"Yes, teacher."

"As your martial arts teacher, there are three things I want you to hold onto."

"What is it, teacher?"

"First, never forget your friend who never betrays you, your sword. Second, remember, being a great martial artist not only means one should be the strongest, However, a great martial artist always stays true to their own path. Lastly, as a martial artist, you should never forget your pride because it will reflect yourself."

Old long woke up from the short dream.

His mouth mumbled, "...stay true to their path…a martial artist without pride no longer can be called a martial artist." He looked at his sword, his one and only loyal friend.

He remembered how happy the small him was when his teacher bestowed that sword upon him when he was acknowledged as a martial artist by him.

Thus, he asked himself, "…Am I still a martial artist who has my pride and stay on my path, Tian Lan, my friend?" He asked his sky-blue sword that shines even in the darkness. As if the sword understands its owner, it shines getting dull.

Lian Long smiled bitterly, "Is that a no, Tian Lan?" He stood up while holding his sword, pointing toward the sky.

The years went by, but not even one time did he forget it – the memories flowed again in his head that night.

"I thought I had given up on finding the culprit, I even let the accused of killing my own family."

"…but it seems I cannot fully accept that…even the teacher came to tell me to stay true on my path…Tian Lan, let's soar in the sky once again and pay them back."

Bzzz. Tian Lan shine brighter than ever.


At the same time,

Mu Xinyi opens her eyes, and she still laying on her bed. Her servant had long left the room for her to rest.

A black man came in jumping from the rooftop.

"What is it?" she asked.

"We received an urgent request."

Mu Xinyi looked at the black man.

"A request to save the south border."

"Hmm, accept it, sent several men there," she closed back her eyes to continue her sleep.

"We already sent some to take a look and take action."


'Did the small country from the south finally decide to conquer our southern part? They got a knack even though they should realize that they can never win.'

"…I think master should go too."

Mu Xinyi frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Master, it was reported that the Hun Gin penetrated the south border, the border already collapsed."

"Hun Gin…? Well, now that's weird." She sat instantly when she heard that.

She started at her subordinate again, "Inform Lutong. He will lead the group."

"Master, are you not joining? I heard the Hun Gin might be thousands."

"Of course, I'm joining too. Who knows if those bastards we're looking for related to this…besides, if the south collapse it's not a simple matter."

"Well, just inform Lutong so, he will understand. It's too dangerous for me to lead the group openly. Nobody should know who the actual leader is." She stared at him sharply.

Gulped. "Y-yes, master."

She clenched her fist, 'No matter how I think about this, it's suspicious…Hun Gin stayed in the north, why did they attack the south? Maybe someone planning something big…and perhaps it's related to them…'

"Go, gather the force, I'll go to the restaurant within an hour."

"O-one hour?"

Mu Xinyi rolled her eyes, "What? You got any problem with that?"

"N-no, master." He bowed and left right away.

'Ah, master…how can I gather all our force within an hour? We got lots of them staying everywhere there want! Haa…let's go back to the restaurant first and asked the people there to gather the members too.' Lupang, one of the chiefs of Three Star fastens his step.

Mu Xinyi pulled out a piece of paper from her drawer. She took the brush and dipped it into the black ink, 'I'll be back after a few days,' she left the note for her two servants.