
Hidden Quest

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You've completed the quest: Eradicate The Problem. Acquired: 2,000 EXP, Skill Book: Fortitude Halo, 50 Silver."

Swoosh! A golden glow appeared and boosted Nocturne to Level 9.

[Skill Book: Fortitude Halo (Paladin)]

[Fortitude Halo]

[Instant Cast]

[You and your allies receive increased armor ( 1 x Skill Level + Stamina x 0.2) x (1 + Skill Level x 0.1)]

[You and your allies received increased magic resistance ( 1 x Skill Level + Spirit x 0.2) x (1 + Skill Level x 0.1)]

[Requirement: Level 5]

Nocturne activated the second halo and an extra lhalo appeared beneath his feat. Fortitude Halo's glow intertwined with Vitality Halo's glow when it appeared. Nocturne could already picture the colorful effect beneath his feet in the future once he got enough halo skills, he would be like a walking disco ball.

On the second day, Nocturne got into the game and accepted all the quests in the village. He then went to clear the fishing spots before collecting the necessary items and killing the required monsters to clear the quests.

In the afternoon, Nocturne continued his quests after lunch.

When he walked past the forest near the lake, his nose picked up a burnt smell. It smelled like someone forgot about the stove while cooking.

It was then that a grumpy player appeared before Nocturne.

"Damn it! How dare he look down on my stuff! Shouldn't he be dead by now because of starvation?!"

Curious, Nocturne walked towards the direction of that player. He then saw an old man in mino1, grilling fish by the river.

With the thought of triggering a quest, Nocturne walked over and talked to the old man.

"Hey pops, grilling fish I see?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"But pops, it's burnt."

"I saw it, I'm not blind," said the old man. He then tossed the burnt fish away.

Nocturne was speechless.

"Sigh. I'm getting old, I can't even grill fish properly, I'll starve to death soon."

"Hey, pops, if you are hungry, I have something for you. I made them myself, why don't you give them a taste?"

Nocturne then showed the old man all the dishes he cooked.

"What kind of garbage is this? Fried Small Fish, Stewed Eel and Tofu, Braised Bristle Whisker Catfish? This Grilled Sagefish is a little better but… Why are they all fish?"

Despite mocking Nocturne's choice of food, he dug in happily starting with the Braised Bristle Whisker Catfish and Grilled Sagefish.

"I learned Fishing and Culinary together. I actually had a few more Grilled Moonscale Fish but I gave them to my friends during the Alpha Wolf raid."

"Hmm. Your Braised Bristle Whisker Catfish might not be decent in terms of ingredients but the taste is actually quite nice. The fish is soft enough. Yeah, this is the taste. Gasp! It's spicy! Hoho, the Grilled Sagefish is spicier! Do you have anything to drink?"

The old man was not a fan of spiciness. Nevertheless, he did not stop eating even though he was gasping.

"Yeah, I have some rum with me." Nocturne took out the bottle of rum for the old man.

The old man uncorked the bottle for a quick smell.

"Hmmm, nice rum you have there."

He then took out two small chairs and a table from his back. With a quick movement, two cups appeared on the table. When he poured the bottle of rum into the cup, a layer of cold mist appeared on top of it. He put all the dishes and glass on the table and invited Nocturne to dine with him.

Nocturne skipped the courteous talk and sat down for the meal. He took a sip of the rum.

It was sweet, tasty and even felt cold. 

The cup the old man used must be something special, it seemed to be cooling the rum.

"Come on, where's the fun in drinking alone? Here, a toast!"





"We are out of rum."

"It's okay. I still have two bottles with me."

Nocturne then took two more bottles of rum and more dishes to refill the table.




After the meal, the old man and Nocturne sat on the chair comfortably, the man was even picking his teeth.

"The dishes you made are good but a little spicy. But, it tasted exotic when eaten with the ice cold rum, it gave me quite the kick. Oh right, did you mention Moonscale Fish just now?"

"Yeah. I had a few with me before this but since it's rare and I cooked it for my friends for the Alpha Wolf raid yesterday, I don't have it anymore. I hadn't even tasted it yet." Nocturne felt sad.

"Oh, so you are the ones who took down the Alpha Wolf? Young warriors I see!"

"Haha, you are too kind."

"Actually, I came here because of the Moonscale Fish. I might not be a good cook but I'm actually a decent fisherman! I can already be considered a Master and I'm looking for rare fish in order to reach Grandmaster."

"A fishing master, sorry I didn't recognize you early."

"It's fine. There's no need for fake courtesy here. I'll cut to the chase: since you said you've caught Moonscale Fish before, I want to ask for a favor. Tell me how you caught it, if I can fish it with my own hands, I'll give you something good."


"Accepted quest: Fishing for Moonscale Fish!"

Fishing for Moonscale Fish! (Quest difficulty: Level C)

Quest description: You've accepted the unnamed old man's request. Help him to get a Moonscale Fish.

Completion: Moonscale Fish 0/1

"But Moonscale Fish only appears at night, if you want to get them, you'll have to wait for it to get dark and it's dangerous in the night…"

"It's going to be fine. I might not be extremely powerful but I'm more than capable of protecting you at night."

"Okay, thanks! It's starting to get dark, let's go. It will be just right when we get to the fishing spot."

"Okay, let's go."

At night, the old man had a lantern-like tool in his hand while following Nocturne to the fishing spot.

All the monsters they ran into along the way were easily taken out by the old man.

"There it is!" Nocturne pointed at the water. He took his fishing rod and cast the line.

The old man put down his lantern and did something to it. The lantern then emanated a soft glow and shed light over the water in front of Nocturne. He then cast his own line at the fishing spot.

"Pops, your lantern is quite interesting."

"Of course, it's a high quality item! I bought it so I can fish at night! Say, are there really Moonscale Fish here, how can you tell?"

"No fish can escape my eyes, I can locate the best fishing spot there is!"

"Hoho, you can even do that? Not bad, kid."

"It's nothing much really… Oh, your line, it's biting."

"I noticed. Hold, hold… Up!"

Splash! A big fish was fished up by the old man.

"How is it? A Moonscale Fish?"

"Yeah, it's a Moonscale Fish! Quite the eyes you have there, kid! Your line is biting as well!"

"Mhmm, I've been testing the spot for a while. The fish are really smart… Up!"

Nocturne also got himself a Moonscale Fish.

"Acquired: Moonscale Fish."

"Let's go, there's no more Moonscale Fish here, let's go to the next fishing spot."

"Okay, let's go."

With the old man's light and protection, Nocturne fished for the whole night around the lake and he got a harvest when it ended.