
Destiny Love For Male Omega

Izekiel got into danger when he was trapped by someone from the past who told a young Alpha from clan number one, if Izekiel liked the young Alpha man. The young Alpha was Christopher William of the William Clan, the young Alpha was angry and shouted loudly at Izekiel a Beta who dared to like the Alpha. Izekiel's days became harder with that, he was also bullied by the young Alpha's fans, every day Izekiel would come home with bruises on his body because of the bullies he received at school. Izekiel always looked at the warmth of his family from afar, they were chatting without Izekiel, Izekiel's heart ached, Izekiel also did not want to be born as an omega male, but did he have to blame the god.

Agatharexa · LGBT+
6 Chs

Caring but prestige

Caring but prestige

Bab 4

Diana was already waiting for Izekiel with great excitement in front of the school. She sat at the bus stop waiting for her young master.

"Shouldn't I take you home?" Roy offered, Salsa and Viviane nodded.

"No need, Diana will be waiting for me." Said Izekiel who was now wearing Roy's jacket.

"Your lover?" Asked Salsa

"No, she's a friend and mother to me." Izekiel said cheerfully, making Salsa, Viviane and Roy touched, even though Izekiel was hurting but Izekiel could still smile.

"Don't be like that, I'm used to getting this, so-" like a misspoken Izekiel stopped saying.

"What do you mean used to it, you mean back in first school, you got bullied too?" Salsa snapped, for some reason it hurt to know that her new best friend was often bullied.

"Ah never mind, it's Diana, you guys hurry home, and meet tomorrow again, daaahh." Said Izekiel who then ran away leaving a question mark for his three friends.

Diana smiled when she knew who was approaching her, but her smile faded when she saw Izekiel's bruised face. Izekiel could still smile while Diana, this was not the first time Izekiel returned home with bruises. In the past, Izekiel often came home in such a state and ended up getting whipped by his mother, Luna Albert.

"Izekiel what happened, it's the first day of school, did you meet the kids again?" Diana asked worriedly.

"No Diana, this is from a senior who accidentally spilled hot soup in his hand earlier, but I really didn't mean it, because I didn't look behind me while standing." Izekiel said. Diana hugged Izekiel and then took him home.

They didn't talk much on the way,

"Diana, it's not like before, now I have a friend," said Izekiel cheerfully, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah? Who are they?" Diana asked, trying to join in the fun.

"There's Roy, from Beta, he's very polite, he says he's the son of the advisor of the Sirius Clan. Then there's Salsa and Viviane, they're beautiful omegas from Clan William." Izekiel said.

"Wow, from the two strongest Clans, then there is a beautiful omega from the Albert Clan among them." Diana said with a sweet smile, making Izekiel smile too.

They were running because it was about to be dusk, they didn't want to meet the wild Alpha.

"Hurry! The loser has to cook well!" Izekiel shouted

"Watch out!" Diana scolded.

"It's good to be home!" The shout stopped the laughter between Diana and Izekiel. Izekiel and Diana were pensive,

"Oh what is this! You're fighting huh! You useless omega!" The scolding again, made Izekiel lower his head, he was really afraid to see his mother's angry face. Although his mother's face had always been fierce when dealing with Izekiel, it was different when his mother was dealing with his two brothers, that face would smile beautifully and gently.

"Come here! I have to teach you properly, huh! Never mind omega! All you know is fighting shit!" Her mother said.

"Mommy, please forgive me!" Izekiel shouted in between his lashes, Diana cried seeing that.

Not long after, Cleo stared at his brother while Nathan stared for a while and then nonchalantly went up to his room.

"Mommy! You think I'm willing to be called Mommy by you! Call me Mrs. Albert!" Luna Albert shouted.

Hearing his mother's reply, Nathan stopped and clenched his fists, he then ran to his room.

As Cleo approached and took over the whipping, Luna turned around and instantly smiled.

"My son is home, aren't you hungry? Want Mommy to make some food? Where's your sister?" Luna Albert asked gently while smoothing Cleo's hair,

Izekiel was still sobbing but he tried to stop it or Cleo would not hesitate to hit him if Izekiel cried. Cleo stared flatly at Izekiel, who was stared at hurriedly averted his gaze.

"Yes I'm hungry, go Mom, let him be my business." Cleo said, Luna obeyed, before leaving she looked sarcastically at Izekiel.

Diana ran over to Izekiel, even though Cleo was still there. If it was only with the two young Alphas, Diana would be brave and she wouldn't even hesitate to be Izekiel's protector when he was hit or whipped by Cleo and Nathan.

As Cleo walked away from the two different types of people, Diana stared at Cleo's departure.

"Come on in Ize, let's treat your wounds, tomorrow you'll be excused, there's no way you're going to school like this." Said Diana who then carried Izekiel to the room.


Dinner, Cleo, Nathan and his mother, Luna Albert were sitting in the living room.

"I want to eat that bone soup omega made!" Nathan said to one of the maids, he actually wanted to see Izekiel's condition, but he felt proud. Cleo just listened. Meanwhile, their mother looked at Nathan and stroked his hair.

"Let Mommy tell that damn omega." His mother was about to get up, but Nathan held her back.

"Let the maid do it, Mommy sit here and massage my head, it's dizzy Mom." Nathan said spoiled which was rewarded with a smile by Luna Albert.

The maid who was ordered went to Izekiel's room which was close to the maid's room, Izekiel did not have a luxurious room in the Albert mansion instead he slept with Diana in the maid's room.

Knock knock knock,

Diana got up and opened it,

"Diana, Young Master Nathan would like Young Master Omega's bone soup." Despite being disrespected by his family, the maids there still had pity and respect for Jezekiel.

The request was absolute, Diana could not refuse, or else Izekiel would get another tantrum. Izekiel who was lying face down heard it, he slowly got up and headed to the door of the room,

"It's okay Diana, I can do it." That smile made Diana and the maid feel sorry for him.

Izekiel limped towards the kitchen, having to pass through the living room first, he didn't realize that Cleo, Nathan and his mother saw him.

"Hurry up, we're hungry!"