
Destiny Harem REBIRTH

A young 19 year old male by the name of Shiro Moji has just graduated high school and now enters the life of a College Student at Matsugaya University. It starts off smoothly until he realizes he wants to expand on his sexual and romantic life like some of the other guys. "So the women upstairs told me that you're the sorry sap who wants to experience a more sexual and romantic lifestyle. Well I can grant you that and much more." A chance encounter with an extraterrestrial woman soon changes his life. Shiro, along with the help of his Love Guide, Lustie, sets on a mission to expand on his love life however he can no matter what he has to do to do it. Who will be add to his harem? What does he have to do to grow his harem? Find out in Destiny Harem REBIRTH! "Looks like you're gonna be my best client yet..~" Lustie giggled. ----------- In this new REBIRTH there will be more characters and a better written development. Shiro will have a change to his character as well.

AisuruREBIRTH · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

New University (1)

My phone alarm went off, waking me up from a good dream. I sat up and looked at my phone on my nightstand then pressed the stop button. I yawned and stretched then got out of bed. I walked to my dresser and pulled out some clothes I wanted to wear for the day. I walked to my speaker and turned it on then played a song from my playlist on the speaker. I went to go take a shower.

My name is Shiro Moji. I graduated from Texas Welzam Highschool and took a year break from education to focus on getting enough money to move out here to Destiny Island. I was recently accepted to a university named Matsugaya University and today is my first day there.

I finished getting ready and walked to my nightstand then grabbed my phone and keys. I walked out of my room then headed downstairs. I made sure my dog had enough food and water to sustain for the day. He barked and looked at me happily. I smiled and gave him his daily rubs then headed out to my car that was in the garage. I let the garage door open then got in my car, starting it then drove off. I pressed a button on my keys that let the garage door back down.

Once I made it to the university, I parked my car in the parking lot then got out and looked around. There were students walking to the university. Since it was the first day, orientation was going to start fairly soon. I made my way to the main building then walked inside after climbing a set of stairs. I looked around and was in awe of how large the inside of the building was.

To be accepted at Matsugaya University, your grades had to have been the best of the best and the GPA had to have been nearly perfect. It was either that or you were offered a scholarship to the university. My GPA was a 4.0 with straight A's so I was an automatic pick for this university. It wasn't easy getting to this point, but I made it work.

As I walked around I accidentally bumped into someone and lightly grunted. I looked at the person I bumped into then fixed my glasses. She was a beautiful woman with brunette hair that extended down to her shoulders. She had beautiful blue eyes as well that I somehow found myself getting lost in. She also had a slim build with a medium sized chest. Her outfit consisted of a white button up shirt, a black skirt, long black socks and black shoes.

I cleared my throat and stepped backwards a bit. "H-Hey sorry about bumping into you. I honestly didn't see you there."

The woman looked at me then smiled. "It's okay." She said with a little laugh.

I looked at her, seeing her beautiful smile on her face. "Oh...okay. Well uhm...My name is Shiro Moji. I'm actually new here."

"You're new here as well? Well that's a relief, I was wondering if I would ever find someone else who's new here. My name is Gloria Aoi. It's nice to meet you Shiro." She said and held her hand out to me.

I looked at her hand then gently shook her hand. I let a bit of a smile stretch across my face then let go of her hand. She let go of mine as well. "So uh...do you want to find the auditorium? It's a bit confusing without a map."

"Yeah, I believe some of the upperclassmen should know where it is." She said and looked around.

I looked around as well then noticed one guy and walked over to him. "Excuse me." I started.

The guy looked over at me and his two friends looked at me as well. The guy I approached had brown hair, hazel eyes and wore a black beanie on his head. He had on his white jacket that was slightly unzipped to expose his bare chest. He wore black ripped jeans and black Jordans.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I...I just wanted to know if you knew where the auditorium was.." I said.

"Get a load of this loser." One of his friends said. He had black hair with green highlights in his hair and brown eyes. He wore a black t-shirt, blue jean jacket, and black sweats.

I looked at his friend and just backed away. "Okay..I guess they aren't gonna tell me anything."

Gloria looked at me and watched me walk back towards her. "Any luck?"

"No...just some jerks. How about you?" I asked.

"Well one of the upperclassmen told me the auditorium should be in the theater area which would be in the E Wing of the University." Gloria said.

I nodded and we walked to the E Wing and looked for the signs that displayed the wings. "So what highschool did you graduate from?" I asked, trying to break the ice as we talked.

"I graduated from Washington Highschool. I moved to Destiny Island because my dad got a huge deal here. He owns this million dollar car dealership. This was the best university in the area and somehow the only university in this city for some reason." Gloria shrugged.

"Yeah I know there was one in Yellow River and another in New Sanctuary. The universities are pretty scattered across the place huh." I chuckled.

Gloria smiled and looked at me. "How about you?"

"I graduated from Texas Welzam Highschool. It's not too well known in Texas unfortunately." I said.

"Oh? Why'd you move here?" Gloria asked.

I looked at her then looked down. "Well, I moved here because of family reasons."

"Really?" She asked. "Did something happen?"

"I guess you can say something did happen, but it's all better now." I looked at her and smiled. "I've basically got my own house and car with a decent paying job so it all checks out."

"Well that's good." Gloria said with a smile on her face.

We soon made it to the auditorium and found our seats. We talked for a bit more until it was time for the orientation to begin. The other students walked in and took their seats as well. The dean walked up to the podium and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Welcome Freshmen of Matsugaya University! It is a joy to see the new faces of this university and I am pleased that you all chose our university! Here at Matsugaya we strive to make you all into the best person you can possibly be! We will help you achieve your goals whatever they may be! We hope you all become great friends and we all hope you graduate with a degree you're proud of!" The dean said.

The students clapped and some cheered. The orientation went on with the basic rules and what we needed to graduate and what not. We went through a few PowerPoints and the history of the University. After all was said and done we were released to our homeroom classes.

Gloria and I split up as we didn't have the same homeroom class. I walked to my homeroom and walked into the classroom. I looked around and noticed the class was pretty empty. The one person who was in the classroom at the time was the professor. The professor was a beautiful woman with long peach colored hair that reached to her butt. She had beautiful orange eyes and carried a gentle smile on her face. She had a slender body and a set of above average sized chest, D Cups at most. She wore a button up shirt, black skirt with a belt around her waist, dark colored stockings and black heels.

She noticed me and walked over to me. "Well well, aren't you the early bird. My name is Summer Wright." She smiled and held her hand out to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Wright. My name is Shiro Moji." I said and shook her hand.

After the introductions, I went to go take my seat and noticed the other students walking in. They all sat down in the seats, some sitting next to the friends they made before and after orientation. After everyone took their seats Summer got things going with a brief introduction about herself.

"Hello Class! My name is Summer Wright, and I'll be your homeroom teacher for this year. I'm 25 years old, and I do love to relax a lot so most of the time you'll be seeing me at my desk. I like to have fun during my lectures and want my students to learn as much as possible in the most fun and efficient way possible." Summer said and smiled. She noticed a student raise their hand and she pointed at them. "Yes?"

The student stood up and placed her hands on the desk. She had long black and blue hair that reached to her shoulder blades. Her eyes were a turquoise color and she wore red lipstick. She wore a black shirt with ripped jeans and black boots. She had a choker around her neck with a dog tag attacked to it. "What subject is this?"

"This is Economics Class." Summer answered then heard some people groan in dissatisfaction. She let out a bit of a laugh. "I promise you all I'll make this as fun as possible because I know learning about this can get boring."

I watched the woman sit down and she looked at me. I felt uneased and looked back at Summer. She probably was as bad as I made her seem in my head, but her tired looking eyes threw me off a bit. Her black eyeliner, the soulless looking eyes, she had to have been emo. It's not that I don't like emo people, I've never encountered an authentic emo person before.

"Anyway, I'll get the day started with a roll call so let's get to it." Summer said.

Just like that the first lecture of the day started with a simple introduction to the class and learning more about Summer then followed with the syllabus. After an hour passed, the bell rang then we all gathered our things and left the class. My next class wasn't until another hour hours so I decided to explore the campus while I could.

As I travelled about, I managed to find my way to the courtyard. This was where everyone was with their new friends. As I walked around the courtyard, I found a woman that looked familiar to me. She had dirty blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail. She wore a pink shirt with a white jacket with fur on the hood, blue jeans and cute white boots.

"Isn't that...Whitney..?" I said to myself. I walked over to the table she sat at. I gathered my thoughts and sat at the table she sat at. She looked up at me and her eyes widened a bit. "Hey, you wouldn't be Whitney by any chance.."

"Sh-Shiro?! You're here too?! I thought you would've still been in Texas!" Whitney said in shock.

Hearing those words made me smile. She does remember me unlike most of my old friends from Texas. "Well I did think about staying, but decided to move out here to get away from what I was going through."

"Oh yeah, your parents." Whitney said then brushed her hair behind her ear. "But it's great that you're here now! I honestly missed you. Did you change your number? I tried texting and calling but it never went through."

"Oh yeah, I got an entirely new phone. I should've let you know, I wasn't intentionally ignoring you. I could never do that to you." I smiled at her.

"I know. Gosh I'm so happy that you're here! Why are you wearing those glasses? I thought you said you'd stop wearing those ugly things." Whitney said then took my glasses off.

"Well, I'm wearing them because I don't have my contacts on." I said and took my glasses back. "Plus, I like these. Mrs. Dawn gave these to me for Christmas."

"Yeah, but the again Mom doesn't have good taste in glasses." Whitney laughed a bit.

"I think these are nice." I chuckled a bit.

From that point forward, Whitney and I caught up on some things that's been going on since we graduated. We talked to each other until it was time for us to go to our next class.

To be Continued....