
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Chapter 97 : Thread cutter Secrets in the Wind: Echoes of escalabus rev

As the dust settled, a concealed opening emerged, revealing a narrow tunnel ahead. The passage was just spacious enough for two individuals to walk side by side, beckoning us into the unknown depths beyond. The ominous tunnel welcomed us with a chilling embrace, as if time itself had looped back to our initial descent. A strange sense of foreboding hit me like a wave looking at June I could see that even she too seemed a little distracted but I decided to push those thoughts to the back of my mind and broke the silence " shall we?" I asked looking at her and she nodded without saying a word I'm return . June and I found ourselves entering the foreboding labyrinth but to my surprise Stephen was quiet infact it was as if he was no longer occupying my head but I could not careless since I had a more important task at hand. 

Entering into the depths, the tunnel felt different—unsettling, like the walls were pulsing with hidden secrets. The glow danced on the worm-like creatures, turning them into silent specters that floated mysteriously, leaving an eerie aura.

The sonar scanning, our guide, faltered in this seemed to falter in this labyrinth. The million entities on the walls took on an otherworldly quality, casting elusive shadows. Whispers, ancient and cryptic, grew more insistent, murmuring tales of long-forgotten realms. I could not believe this , I thought concilia was not that mysterious of a world but now ...

As we delved deeper, the air became charged with unseen truths, and the tunnel transformed into a living mystery. Every step felt like a dive into a realm where reality and illusion danced together. June and I exchanged uneasy glances, sensing something beyond our understanding.

The whispers intensified, creating a haunting melody that echoed through the corridor. The altered reality turned our journey into a mystic odyssey, where each whispered secret pulled us further into the enigma of the unknown. The tunnel, once familiar, now held the essence of ancient secrets, making our progression a delicate dance between reality and the unknown. But still the mission could not change we were hear for Moraine and Catalina but it was getting harder and harder trying to find them , the tunnels were plenty and we reached a point where I proposed we split and try to search all of these tunnels until we found them . June took off and left me standing before a tunnel and I gradually entered it , the tunnel I chose appeared infinite, a maze of ever-shifting shadows and ghostly murmurs. Navigating through the distortion, the surroundings contorted, transforming into a dreamscape of surreal proportions. The luminescent glow of the worm-like creatures etched bizarre patterns on the uneven walls, heightening the eerie ambiance.

Lost in that eerie tunnel, my echolocation thing went crazy, like it had a mind of its own. The creatures on the walls pulsed and danced in eerie sync with the whispers, making the air feel thick with some strange force.

The sonar scanning, meant to guide me , turned into part of the weird illusion. I stumbled forward, feeling like I have been here before, caught in some strange loop. Every step pushed me deeper into the confusing mess of the everlasting tunnel.

The whispers kept changing, playing mind games with truths and messed-up memories. Shadows did this strange dance, messing with our heads. The tunnel that used to make sense turned into a mind trip, where every twist promised more confusion.

I plowed ahead, clueless about this messed-up tunnel we were stuck in. The whispers, shadows, and weird pulsating things teamed up, blurring the line between what was real and what wasn't. The tunnel itself turned into a giant question mark, a place where mysteries waited to mess with us at every step. How was I supposed to find Moraine and Catalina in such a strange environment . I now realized why this place was called the Reaper's Nest , every step I took felt like I was walking towards my doom. But how did Catalina and Moraine find themselves in such an eerie tunnel system one that not even June knew about it how did Catalina- no how did sebrina know about such a place and what was she hoping to achieve by coming here ? I can't even contact her via our mind link and it has been months since I last spoke to her and it was not pretty . As I tracked in the everlasting tunnel the more I kept think about sebrina that eventually even the hispers had stopped and all I could hear was wind ? Wind in an underground tunnel ? That would not be possible unless it's an exit , so I picked up my pace and started running towards the direction of the wind . 

Navigating the tunnel, I finally entered a cavern where the wind whispered faint echoes. It felt different – an ancient energy lingered in the air. Luminescent crystals created eerie shadows on the walls. The wind led me to a chasm at the cavern's center, pulsing with an otherworldly force.

Venturing deeper, I discovered what seemed like remnants of an ancient civilization – statues and inscriptions hinting at hidden history. The constant wind guided my path, unveiling more mysteries"escalabus riv." The echoes said. The cavern seemed house creatures adapted to this unique environment, silently observing my every move. Unseen eyes observed my every move and I could feel and hear the small movements around me

As I ventured deep into the chasm the echoes in the wind got louder "Home of the watcher -escalabus rev. A doctor, A Plague, our children turned to abominations that will forever haunt this place. You need to pay!" - The words echoed through the wind, angry wails carrying the weight of tormented spirits.

Feeling spooked by those weird cries and spooky messages, I thought it was best to get out of that cavern. The creepy echoes of the wind kept haunting me as I retraced my steps through the twisty tunnels. Approaching the entrance, a big gust of wind surrounded me.

Suddenly, everything went pitch black, and that heavy feeling disappeared.....


In the sky right below the weakening barrier that covered hentesa , sacred preacher Romano stood on a platform made from light his eyes were fixed on the red scaled serpent infront of him , Badu. 

" serpent would you mind telling me why you attack my lord's kingdom?" Romano asked not realizing that he was talking to one of the gatekeeper's head

Badu stopped attacking and stared at him for a while before continuing his attack on the barrier , he wanted to give Romano and the rest that they were mindless magical beast that were supposedly sent by someone to attack hentesa. But Romano was a very sharp individual he looked at Badu and asked again this time with a smile on his face " serpent I will ask you again why are you attacking my lord's kingdom? I know that you can hear me , your eyes sell you out , the movements of your eyes suggests that you can hear and understand me so I ask again why are you here ? Which kingdom sent you? Or is it the empire ? Have you magical beast finally decided to come out of that little shell you had enclosed yourself in? " Romano asked his smile still evident , Badu immediately changed his plan on the spot and revealed a beastily smile 

" The monkey King sends his regards." He spoke changing his voice to make it unrecognizable to Romano 

Romano, a bit surprised by Badu's words, smirks sinisterly. "Well, sorry to say, but you three won't be enough," he responds. Badu, seeming intrigued, challenges him with a simple "Really?" A sense of hidden danger dawns on Romano, feeling an unforeseen power within the serpents.

Without delay, Romano starts chanting and performing intricate hand seals, unleashing ancient magic. Simultaneously, Badu's form begins to glow, absorbing substantial breath, and the cavernous atmosphere quivers with the impending release of power.

As the tension rises, Badu opens his massive mouth, ready to unleash a devastating blast that would obliterate the barrier and anything in its path. The air thickens with magical energy as the showdown between Romano and the serpent reaches its climactic peak.

Finn and Lenard glanced at each other before blinking away from where they were and appearing right before king Amadeus, the royal Guards were about to make a move but king Amadeus quickly recognized Lenard and ordered the guards to stand down 

"Lenard, unfortunately, you've appeared at a bad time," King Amadeus explained. Lenard interjected, "That's why I'm here. Come with me." In an instant, Lenard, Finn, and King Amadeus blinked away from the carriages, leaving King Baichun and the rest of the royal guards surprised. However, one guard, his face concealed by a mask, subtly moved through the shadows. Shadows flickered in his eyes like a candle flame in a windy night. As he retreated into the darkness, he left behind an exact copy of himself, an unnoticed enigma amidst the shadows.