
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Chapter 96:Thread Cutter: Nightshade Labyrinth

The giant serpent's three heads, mainly the middle one and the one on the left side, stared at each other for a while before bursting into laughter. "Good one, mortal, that is a good one," the middle head spoke between laughs. Only the head on the right side didn't laugh; instead, it had a look of contemplation on its face, nodding a few times as it thought. Eventually, the two other heads noticed that their brother was not laughing with them, so they stared at him for a while before asking with their psychic link:

"What is it that you have found, Badu?" The middle head asked the head at the right, which turned out to be named Badu. Badu was silent for a short while before answering, "I am fine, younger brother Laro; it's just that this issue seems to be a lot more complex than these mortals say. Remember how I had just said someone seemed to have tampered with time?"

The head on the left side nodded. "But what does that have to do with this, brother?" It asked, and Laro (the middle head) also chimed in, "Yes, brother, how are these two matters related?"

"Hua, my younger brother, everything in this world is not as it seems, and the destroyer woven from a double thread only brings doom. So let us listen to the humans some more, alright?" Badu (the head on the right side) spoke. Since the conversation was a psychic one, it didn't even take a lot of time before it ended, and Finn and Lenard didn't notice anything was amiss.

"Tell us more," Badu spoke.

Lenard knew that if he wanted to guarantee that they would help, he had to be smart about his words. The gatekeeper had covered Finn's mount with a runic barrier, preventing her from flying any further, so they were stuck a thousand yards above the sea with a titanic three-headed serpent in front of them; they had absolutely nowhere to run.

Lenard explained everything he saw in Timothy's memories but twisted some details and left out Timothy saying that he was the one that experienced it. He added that the whole scene felt real; when he found himself back in his library, he thought that someone must have tampered with time because every event that happened after that felt like déjà vu. He also lied and said that before the end, he asked the destroyer why, and he responded that without Hentesa, no one would stop him from going after the gatekeeper of the Gates of Bermun to free his master. Finn was surprised at the lies Lenard conjured up on the spot but did not show any reaction on his face. This reminded him of their younger days when they would get in trouble with Team Leader Roxanne, and Lenard would lie them out of their predicament. He kind of missed those days when they were just kids with little responsibility, but now they had responsibilities that seemed way above their pay grade.

The gatekeeper listened earnestly and had a quick inner monologue before looking back at Finn and Lenard. "I am Badu, the elder brother of these two, and these two are Laro and Hua, my little brothers. We hear you, human, but we fail to understand what it is that you need our help with?" Badu asked after introducing themselves properly to the two humans.

"Nice to make your acquaintance; I am Lenard Publius, and that there is Finn Zaloz. I have reason to believe that if time has been tampered with, then that means that there is a being out there that does not want to see either of us die. So, I suggest that we work together and stop the wedding from happening; I believe that is the only way to change our impending destiny." Lenard spoke.

'Zaloz and Publius, the two.... I see,' Badu thought.

"I doubt it will change destiny; at most, it will stall it. But as long as he still breathes, he will surely come back to cut the threads. But we will help you; I believe you want us to attack Hentesa? We will do it but not in this form. We don't want to risk angering Hentesa himself. Go, we will be right behind you."

Lenard nodded appreciatively at Badu's willingness to help. "Thank you, Badu, Laro, Hua. We will await you to grace us with your destructive presence." Badu had already withdrawn the barrier around Finn's mount, so they left in quiet hurry, heading back to Hentesa. After they disappeared into the distance, the giant serpent transformed into three smaller, ethereal serpentine forms.

As they descended towards the sea, the serpents gracefully navigated the air, their scales shimmering in the sunlight. Badu was the largest one among the three with blood-red scales, Laro was the smallest with black and gold scales, and Hua was the longest one with white scales. The three serpents had one thing in common; their whole bodies were adorned with shimmering silver runes.

Badu broke the silence. "We will attack the kingdom of Hentesa from all three sides, but remember not to overdo it. Let the casualties be minimum. Let's go." Badu commanded as they plunged into the water, taking off with great speed that made the waters part as they swam through the currents.

Guided by Badu, the three serpentine forms approached the floating kingdom of Hentesa with caution. The floating landmass was surrounded by powerful magical barriers, requiring a sustained and calculated assault to disrupt its defenses.

Streams of magic, flowing from the mouths of Badu, Laro, and Hua, targeted the amphitheaters in all four districts. The attacks were designed to be prolonged, continuously testing the resilience of the magical barriers that protected Hentesa's kingdom.

As the serpents circled the floating landmass, their magical assault persisted. The barriers held firm against the ethereal onslaught, but cracks began to form under the relentless pressure. The once-celebratory amphitheaters now echoed with chaos as the magical disturbances intensified. The denizens of hentesa fell into chaos , everyone running for their lives but where could they run to?

Finn and Lenard, observing the scene from a distance, realized the necessity of the prolonged assault. Badu's voice echoed through the psychic link, "Continue the disruption. The barriers are weakening."

With renewed determination, the serpents maintained their magical assault. The shimmering silver runes on their scales glowed brighter as they intensified the attacks. The magical barriers, initially resilient, started to falter.

The chaos within Hentesa's forces escalated as the magical barriers crumbled further under the serpents' persistent assault.

As the serpents continued their assault, Finn and Lenard watched the scene unfold from the comfort of Lenard'slibrary. The duo, keenly observed ready to explain everything to king Amadeus and bring an end to the manipulated destiny that hung over the floating kingdom .

As the magical assault persisted on Hentesa, the atmosphere within the floating kingdom grew tense. Carriages thst were supposed to be headed to the wedding ceremony approached the scene, carrying the kings of Hentesa, Nesa'i, and the sacred preacher Roman. King Baichun, from Nesa'i, stepped out first, followed by King Amadeus of Hentesa, and finally, the sacred preacher Roman.

They glanced up at the ongoing attack, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. King Baichun , turned to King Amadeus with a furrowed brow. "Amadeus, what in the realms is happening?"

King Amadeus, his gaze fixed on the chaotic scene above, replied sharply, "It's an attack, Baichun. Can't you see that?"

Baichun, still processing the situation, retorted, "An attack? But who would dare to assault us so brazenly? On the day of my son's wedding at that!"

Amadeus, deep in thought, couldn't immediately answer Baichun's question. The realization of an audacious assault on his kingdom left him contemplating the motives behind such boldness.

Meanwhile, the sacred preacher Roman, sensing the urgency of the situation, took a decisive leap into the sky. As he ascended, he directed his attention toward the red-scaled serpent, Badu. With a swift motion, Roman cast a sound barrier, creating a protective shield around himself.

The sound barrier enveloped Roman, ensuring that his conversation with the attackers would remain private. Shielded from eavesdropping, Roman posed a question to the serpentine assailants, his words unheard by those on the ground.

The kings of Hentesa and Nesa'i observed the unfolding events, their concerns deepening as the audacity of the attackers became more apparent. The fate of the floating kingdom now hung in the balance, and the confrontation between the defenders and the mysterious assailants continued to escalate.....


Entering that creepy tunnel sent shivers down my spine. Stephen's echolocation thing, meant to help us, just messed with my head. The tunnels were like a freaky funhouse, playing tricks on my senses with every step.

Those gross wormy things on the walls moved in sync, giving me the creeps. Their shiny eyes followed me, making me paranoid. And the voices in my head? Not just the hollow Shaman's chants – I was hearing messed-up things, like whispers of horrors long forgotten.

Going deeper messed me up. My own fears and screw-ups flashed before my eyes, like a messed-up movie of regrets.

Then we hit this chamber with weird symbols. Relief turned to horror when I saw Dad, covered in bones and blood. Cirdec, with this sick grin, was gouging out Dad's eye like it was some sick game.

I wanted to scream, get out, but the chamber held me like a straight jacket.

Whispers got louder, taunting me with my worst fears. The place felt evil, like it wanted to mess with my head. We weren't just stuck in a weird tunnel – it was like our minds were trapped in a nightmare.

Realizing i had to face not just crazy tunnels but my messed-up thoughts, it hit hard. These tunnels were cooking up a horror show, and we had to find a way out before it messed us up for good.

My hands shook as I reached for Stephen's, hoping for some comfort in this confusing nightmare. But the touch I felt wasn't reassuring at all. Cold, bony, and lifeless – Stephen's hand felt like touching a corpse. When I looked up, expecting to see his worried face, I was met with something chilling – a corpse with twisted skeletal features forming a creepy smile.

"Something's not right, June. We should go back," the corpse said, its voice echoing eerily, sending shivers down my spine. Panic took over, and before I could scream, a cold hand covered my mouth, silencing any attempt to express my fear.

Hands emerged from the shadows, grabbing me from all sides, leaving me helpless. In this surreal nightmare, grotesque figures appeared, each scarier than the last.

Moraine's ominous presence revealed a horrifying scene. Her throat had been gruesomely slit open, and disgusting worms squirmed out of the gaping slit. Catalina stood behind Moraine, holding a dagger dripping with fresh blood, sporting a sinister smile.

"Hey, sweety, missed me?" Catalina's voice oozed malice, revealing black, slimy teeth in a twisted grin. My eyes widened in sheer horror as this nightmarish scene played out, blurring the line between reality and fantasy into a grotesque nightmare with seemingly no way out.

" maybe we shouldn't have come here ." Was the last thing I thought as Catalina was about to end me.